Results for "Analysis"

We found 3636 results for your search.
  • Web
    Pachube Adds Real-Time Notifications – More Power to The Internet of Things

    Earlier this year we profiled Pachube, (pronounced "PATCH-bay"), a service which stores and shares real-time sensor data from objects, devices, buildings and environments. The uses for Pachube are only beginning to be discovered in 2009, but for example it could in future power automation of lighting and alarm systems in...

  • Web
    TechStars Investor Day Hits a Home Run

    With bleary eyes and bellies full of coffee, a roomful of investors, journalists and young entrepreneurs gathered this morning for the Bay Area TechStars Investor day. The Boulder and Boston-based startup incubator pulled out all the stops as 13 companies took to the stage to plead their case for funding....

  • Web
    Ten Useful Examples of the Real-Time Web in Action

    The Real-Time Web - it's more than just immediate delivery of Twitter messages to an always-on mobile device, disrupting the concentration that civilization is based on and bringing a rush to crazed social media addicts obsessed with the hottest new buzzwords. No, there are scores of companies building and selling...

  • Web
    Sponsor Post: Courtroom Tweeting

    Editor's note: we offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write 'Sponsor Posts' and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to...

  • Web
    What Early Birds Want to Know About the Real-Time Web

    The real-time web is a broad and rich phenomenon emerging online. A wide variety of companies are building and using it in really diverse ways. YourVersion offers a real-time discovery engine for finding streams of content about topics you're interested in. Aardvark is using friends of friends networks, profile data...

  • Social
    More Proof: Facebook for the Rich, MySpace for the Poor

    Oh how the mighty have fallen. The one time king of social networks, MySpace, now has the honor of being the site where the less affluent members of the online population stake their claims by way of bedazzled profiles overrun with auto-playing videos and songs. Meanwhile, the upscale, financially solvent...

  • Web
    Tweet a “Thank You” to the Companies That Make ReadWriteWeb Possible

    Our mission at ReadWriteWeb is to explore the latest Web technology products and trends. We're fortunate to have a great group of sponsors who support this goal. So, once a week, we write a post about them; about who they are, what they do, and what they've been up to...

  • Web
    Top 50 Real-Time Web Companies

    As part of our lead-up to The ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit, which is just over two weeks away, in this post we're listing 50 leading companies of the Real-Time Web. Like any list, it is bound to be missing some worthy companies - so we invite you to list more...

  • Web
    Google Opens Voting for 10^100 Projects to Help the World

    Last year on its tenth birthday, Google announced its Project 10^100, a call for unique ideas to help as many people as possible.In the 12 months between then and now, the company has fielded around 150,000 submissions in 25 languages; the ideas were reviewed by around 3,000 employees around the...

  • Web
    The Best of DEMOfall 09: 5 Companies to Watch

    Now that the DEMOfall 09 conference has wrapped, we can look back to see which companies have the most potential out of the 70+ exhibitors. Despite what the DEMOgod awards crowned as king, we can't say we agree with the judges' every pick. For example, award winner DateCheck from Intelius,...

  • Web
    80Legs: A Web Crawler as a Service

    80Legs is a web crawling and online content analysis service which first impressed us back in April at the Web 2.0 Expo. At that time, the company was launching into a private beta, but today at the DEMOfall 09 conference, they're going live. In the time that has passed since...

  • Web
    Annotate the Web: Google Launches Sidewiki

    Over the years, numerous companies have offeredservices that allowed users to annotate web pages. Now, with a new project called Sidewiki, Google is going to join the fray as well. Sidewiki, which will be distributed with a special version of the Google Toolbar for Firefox and Internet Explorer, allows users...

  • Web
    Machine Vision on the Horizon: Vitamin D Launches Object Recognition for Video

    A 2-year-old Silicon Valley startup is working on technology to solve the problems of machine vision. Their new product, launching today at DEMO, will lay the foundation for true video search, wherein software will learn, recognize, and understand patterns and take subsequent actions rather than relying on machine-readable tags and...

  • Web
    Liaise: Possibly The Coolest Email Add-On Ever (Video)

    Liaise is an email add-on launching today that analyzes the free-text contents of your emails as you write them for task-related information, including assignee, deadline and priority. It then helps you manage all your tasks in an interface beside your email inbox, pulling up all the emails associated with a...

  • Web
    Netflix Prize: $1M is a Steal for Predictive Tech

    After years of struggling to beat Netflix's Cinematch recommendation algorithm by a baseline of 10%, two groups have emerged. While both teams produced qualifying systems, BellKor's Pragmatic Chaos submitted their entry 24 minutes earlier than 2nd prize team The Ensemble. Earlier this year ReadWriteWeb covered the Netflix Prize and asked...

  • Social
    Facebook Data Mining: Truth in Association?

    With a product as ubiquitous as Facebook, the public has raised a number of privacy-related concerns including optional settings, privacy policies and data mining. In the past, ReadWriteWeb covered Facebook's plans to sell user data for market research purposes. However, today's article in the Boston Globe suggests that user information...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: The ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we announce our first event: The ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit on October 15th in Mountain View, California. It's a 1-day event that will bring together some of the smartest minds doing real-time...

  • Social
    Facebook Eats Away at Email Usage on Today’s Web

    According to recent analysis by the Online Publishers Association (OPA), more people than ever are spending their time online visiting content sites which provide news, information, and entertainment. Despite the emergence of social networks, and in particular the rapid growth of Facebook, it's content sites which engage web surfers' attention...

  • Mobile
    Got a Question? Ask Aardvark on the iPhone

    Aardvark is a very nifty service that allows you to ask other users any question. These questions can be about local restaurants or JavaScript - Aardvark will simply find the best person to answer your question and give you an answer within minutes. Aardvark launched at SXSW last year and...

  • Web
    VC Series A Web Tech Deals in August

    Today is the anniversary of the Lehman Brothers collapse, which triggered the financial meltdown. That was when ReadWriteWeb started tracking Series A deals in Web technology. Thanks to our partner ChubbyBrain, we can now do this reliably and easily. Executive summary for August: down from July, with seed deals very...

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