Results for "Analysis"

We found 3636 results for your search.
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    10 Twitter List Widgets You Can Grab & Embed Right Now

    The good folks at Twitter recently rolled out list-making capabilities for all users, finally catching up to functions that many desktop and web apps have featured for a while. In addition to allowing users to create their own curations, Twitter has also added a basic widget-maker for adding tweets from...

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    10 Twitter Lists You Should Follow

    Twitter Lists have rolled out to a majority of users on the site now and the uptake has been remarkable. Things will get truly interesting when lists can by turned into columns in 3rd party clients like Tweetdeck and Seesmic (one small client says it's shipped list support already and...

  • Social
    Facebook and World Peace: Really?

    If Facebook were a country, it would be the 3rd most populous country on earth behind China and India - but now Facebook thinks it can play Switzerland and lead a push for world peace. I'm not so sure that's a good idea.Facebook and the Persuasive (no, not pervasive, persuasive)...

  • Work
    IBM: You Can’t Squeeze Knowledge From a Pixel

    IBM is developing analytics platforms to help companies better understand how multiple pieces of information fit together to create rich forms of business intelligence.We sat down today at the IBM Information on Demand Conference with Jeff Jonas, one of IBM's chief scientists to get a picture of the types of...

  • Web
    Any Given Sunday: 7 Sports Tools You Can’t Live Without

    Touchdown dances, chest painters and rally caps - if you're not a sports fan, it's hard to understand why a perfectly upstanding citizen would wear a gigantic foam hand or engage in the politically incorrect Tomahawk chop. But if you are a diehard sports addict, you've probably been one since...

  • Web
    Don’t Worry – Facebook is Not Going to Expose Your Private Messages to Search

    Microsoft announced this week that it has made a deal to include public updates from Facebook in its search engine Bing. Some Facebook users expressed concern that their private activities might be exposed to search. The real story is a little more complex. To put it simply: Facebook is not...

  • Web
    Devs Hack iPhone API for True Augmented Reality

    An international team of computer scientists has created software that lets anyone perform on-the-fly analysis of live streaming video on the iPhone. Used alongside existing methods of displaying data on top of the camera's view, this new functionality signals a fundamental change in the kinds of Augmented Reality (AR) that...

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    Thoora Launches Real-Time News Aggregator

    News aggregation startup Thoora is celebrating its public release just one day after ReadWriteWeb's Real-Time Summit. In June, we wrote about the fact that CNN was hours behind Twitter in reporting news from Tehran. As real-time services continue to trump traditional media outlets, companies like Thoora have jumped on the...

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    Real-Time Activism: What the Heck is an E-Alert?

    If you've ever worked with an advocacy group, you understand how important it is to stretch your scarce resources. In the face of dwindling government grants, a looming recession, and the fear of losing your volunteers, the real-time web can be a boon in getting legislation passed. Today's ReadWriteWeb Real-Time...

  • Social
    LinkedIn Hits 50 Million Users; Still a Roach Motel (Updated)

    Updated at 11:30 PST with comment from LinkedIn. One million new people signed up for LinkedIn accounts already this month, taking the professional social network past the 50 million user mark. LinkedIn has some of the most valuable user data in all of social networking, not just because its members...

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    The Top 3 Brands by Social Media Presence: Google, Apple and Microsoft

    Interbrand recently released its 2009 list of the best 100 global brands. Social media monitoring and analytics firm Sysomos took a closer look at this data today. While Interbrand bases its list on criteria such as financial data, international scope and economic value added, Sysomos decided to re-evaluate the top...

  • Social
    From the Maker of TweetPsych: Dr. TweetDreams Will See You Now

    Social media scientist Dan Zarrella, creator of pop-psych Twitter app TweetPsych, has put together a new tool for analyzing tweets about dreams.Dr. TweetDreams pulls together elements new and old, including symbolic meanings from a 100-year-old dream dictionary and any and all tweets containing the phrase "had a dream." "I finally...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Countdown to The ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we continue the build-up to our first event: The ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit on October 15th in Mountain View, California. You can register here for the low price of $270. Also this...

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    Spammers Newest Tactic: YouTube Video Spam

    Researchers at Kaspersky Lab have recorded a mass mailing of spam emails containing a link to a video advertisement on YouTube. Although in the past, spammers have attempted to lure people into clicking links by claiming the link would display a YouTube video, this is the first case in which...

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    2 Reasons Why Twitter May Not Be Worth So Much to Google and Microsoft After All

    Google and Microsoft are both in talks with Twitter to buy access to the company's full fire hose of messages and shared links, according to a report this morning from Kara Swisher at AllThingsD. Could these be blockbuster deals that bring the search giants into the world of the real-time...

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    Invisible RSS Technology in Visual Feed Readers: RSS for the Rest of Us

    Could a more eye-catching approach to syndication make RSS more accesible to mainstream users outside the geekosphere? Two new websites have just launched that rely on such a strategy gaining traction.Spectives and Readfresh are the sites in question, and both offer thumbnail images and a limited amount of text. Readfresh...

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    These Are the Sponsors of the Real-Time Web Summit

    The ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit is fast approaching! We hope you'll register to join us at this exciting day-long event filled with participatory conversations among the leading innovators in real-time technology, media and financial services.If you can't make it to Mountain View, California in eight days, get ready to watch...

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    Uncovering Connections on Twitter Could Become Big Business

    If there's a hard-to-reach person you want to meet, one of the best ways to do so is through their friends. That's true in the offline world and the increasingly social nature of the internet may make discovery of the social circles of key influencers a powerful business practice online....

  • Web
    Facebook Now Tracking Gross National Happiness; Continues Hoarding Data

    Facebook announced this afternoon that it is tracking what it calls its version of Gross National Happiness, based on an analysis of the positive and negative words people use when updating their Facebook status. It's very interesting to see how people feel about various world events that Facebook has cross...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Google Wave, Real-Time Web Trends, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we continue the build-up to our first event: The ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit on October 15th in Mountain View, California. You can register here for the low price of $195. Also this...

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