Results for "Analysis"

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  • Work
    3 Third-Party Applications That Provide Robustness to Lotus Notes

    We spent a lot of time at Lotusphere talking with vendors about how they are moving forward with IBM, and their views about IBM's collaboration strategy.In particular, we looked at companies that are integrating with IBM collaboration software products: Alfresco Software, Tungle and FewClix.These companies are examples of how the...

  • Social
    Why is Google Afraid of Facebook? Because Social Networking Could Soon Pass Search

    It's often said these days that Google and Facebook are major rivals, but how could that be if one is in search and the other, social networking? Traffic analyst firm Hitwise provided one very clear clue tonight when it published new numbers for web user activity in Australia. For perhaps...

  • Web
    Hacking Into Your Account is as Easy as 123456

    The big Hollywood pictures always make breaking into computers look like a fabulously hip and complicated process. It involves excitement and ingenuity and often times, because it's just so difficult and exciting, a bit of sweat on the brow. But in reality, it's as easy as "123456". And if that...

  • Social
    The 3 Facebook Settings Every User Should Check Now

    In December, Facebook made a series of bold and controversial changes regarding the nature of its users' privacy on the social networking site. The company once known for protecting privacy to the point of exclusivity (it began its days as a network for college kids only - no one else...

  • Social
    Websense Launches First Ever Security Suite for Facebook

    Websense has just launched a new security suite for the Web, a product called Defensio 2.0. The main selling point of this software is its ability to protect users from malicious content posted to their Facebook profiles. Using a combination of technologies - which include a URL category blocker, a...

  • Web
    Top Tools For Tracking Topics on the Web

    Tracking topics on the Web can be a painful process, due to the amount of noise and difficulty of filtering it. So to help you out, we've selected and categorized the leading topic-tracking tools. This is based on the discussion that arose from our earlier post about topic feeds, which...

  • Web
    Want to Know Where Your Neighbors Are Spending Their Money? Bundle Will Tell You

    Do you want to know where your neighbors are spending their money? Or do you want to know if your spending pattern is in line with that of others in your age and income group in your neighborhood? Bundle, a new online service, can give you the answer to these...

  • Social
    Twitter’s Growth Slows Dramatically

    After news about the landing of US Airways 1549 in the Hudson first broke on Twitter in January 2009, the microblogging service quickly captured the imagination of a new group of potential users. Throughout the first months of 2009, Twitter grew at a rapid pace, peaking at a growth rate...

  • Web
    Google Looks Beyond Review Sites: Now Aggregates Posts from Local Blogs on Place Pages

    When you search for a local business on Google Maps, Google displays general information like address and opening hours about this business. Since December 2009, Google Place Pages also present a sentiment analysis based on comments on sites like CitySearch, Zagat, OpenTable and TripAdvisor. Now, Google has started to display...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Facebook Privacy, RFID in iPhone, Nexus Review, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we analyze and challenge Facebook's sweeping new privacy policies, explore what would happen if RFID chips are integrated into the next generation iPhone, present our hands-on review of Google's new smartphone the...

  • Web
    After Operation Aurora, German Government Says Don’t Use Internet Explorer

    According to Internet security company McAfee, a security vulnerability in Microsoft's Internet Explorer allowed hackers in China to attack Google, Adobe and a large number of other companies, including Yahoo and Northrop Grumman. Microsoft has acknowledged this vulnerability and is currently working on a patch. Every machine running Internet Explorer...

  • Web
    iPhone App Piracy Reaches $450 Million? Doubtful

    According to an independent analysis performed by investment-watching blog 24/7 Wall St., Apple's iTunes App Store has lost $450 million due to iPhone app piracy since it opened for business back in July of 2008. Although that number sounds high, they note it is small in comparison to the overall...

  • Mobile
    Do the Size of Mobile App Stores Still Matter?

    According to Mplayit CEO Michael Powers, the size of a mobile platform's app store is now mostly irrelevant. Facebook-based mobile app store Mplayit took a close look at the most popular apps for Android, BlackBerry and the iPhone and found that the most popular apps on all three platforms tend...

  • Mobile
    Nexus One, Week 1: Outsold by iPhone 3Gs 80-to-1

    Just one week after Google launched the Nexus One, its entry into the smartphone field, the numbers are in and it doesn't look to be keeping up with the competition. We reviewed the iPhone-competitor the other day and see it as a formidable challenger, but sales numbers from its first...

  • Web
    Social Media Secrets and Resources Revealed

    Presentation company Slideshare recently released its list of "5 Social Media Secrets for 2010". While these secrets certainly sound like great suggestions, we thought we'd connect them to some concrete tactics and resources that you can use to improve your social media strategy. 1. Pay Attention to the Metrics:Slideshare illustrates...

  • Social
    Why Facebook is Wrong: Privacy Is Still Important

    Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg told a live audience this weekend that the world has changed, that it's become more public and less private, and that the controversial new default and permanent settings reflect how the site would work if he were to create it today. Not everyone agrees with his...

  • Web
    Should You Reserve Ad Budget for Sponsored Tweets?

    Social media is likely to be factored into your ad budget for the new year, but the problem is deciding which format best suits you. Highly controversial, tech influencers like Chris Pirillo and Robert Scoble are being paid to tweet periodic product endorsements. The question is: Are sponsored tweets worth...

  • Work
    Gauging Mass Opinion: Don’t Label it Social Media

    In the first generation of the social Web, the marketing groups and public relations teams would develop reports to provide metrics for a particular campaign. They were pretty much the sole users of "social media," technologies.That's a problem as far as WiseWindow is concerned. Social media is a poor label...

  • Web
    Facebook’s Former CTO Launches Stealth Startup & We’ve Got Invites

    Quora, the super stealthy startup that was started by Facebook's first CTO Adam D'Angelo and that is now in private beta, is beginning to crack its doors open for press, and the ReadWriteWeb crew is impressed and already mildly addicted.It's a user-generated Q&A with real-time elements. It's useful and fascinating,...

  • Web
    Welcome to the Age of Robot Reporters

    One hour ago, three emergency vehicles responded to a report of an unconscious person at the world headquarters of Nike Inc. in Portland, Oregon. How do I know? An automated form-pumping robot from startup company Nozzl Media told me.Nozzl Media today unveiled a demonstration of its first product, a widget...

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