Results for "Analysis"

We found 3635 results for your search.
  • Social
    Who Wants an iPad? The Young, the Social & the Pop-Culture Addicts

    Social media data company Rapleafrecently investigated the profiles of users who "fanned" the iPad on Facebook in order to get a better sense of the type of users who are interested in Apple's upcoming slate device. After analyzing the top three Facebook pages and their respective fanbases, Rapleaf discovered that...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 6 March 2010

    This week we added one of the most exciting events of the year to the calendar: the ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit 2010. Sure, we're a little biased, but we think the conference is the place this year to learn about mobile development trends. We hope to see you in Mountain View...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Location, Location, Location, and More…

    Our top story this week was location - location-based networks, services, advertising and even "feelings". Read on for our coverage and analysis. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010, including Real-Time Web, Mobile Web and Internet of Things.Note: We've refreshed the format for our longest...

  • Web
    7 Precious Snowflakes That Almost Melted Away (Our Favorite Low Profile Stories This Week)

    Every one of our blog posts around here is like a delicate, magical snowflake that we nurture lovingly (if quickly) before we push it out the door into the harsh lonely world of the web. Many of them are well received (otherwise we couldn't do this for a living) but...

  • Web
    The Future of Firefox Personas: Dynamically Changing and Filled with Ambient Info

    Firefox Personas, the designer skins that let web surfers dress up their browser, are now being rebranded "Personas Plus" and are being moved over to Mozilla's add-on gallery to join the other plugins. With the move, Mozilla has also announced that development work on this popular personalization program is continuing...

  • Web
    How Many Enterprise Workers Will Work in the Mobile Cloud? Try 130 Million

    Juniper Research has come out with more analysis that shows just how big the mobile enterprise market will be for cloud computing.According to Juniper, the advent of collaboration tools will mean that 130 million enterprise workers will use the mobile cloud by 2014.The steep climb will be in part due...

  • Web
    McKinsey: Get Ready For Sensor-Driven Business Models

    Consulting firm McKinsey has just released a report on the Internet of Things, one of ReadWriteWeb's top 5 trends of last year. The report, available for free if you sign up as a member of McKinsey Quarterly, focuses on the "new sensor-driven business models" that Internet of Things brings.McKinsey sees...

  • Work
    The Next Step For Full Collaboration in the Enterprise: Socialcast Goes Hybrid

    Socialcast is launching a brand new activity stream, an Outlook plugin, an on-premise offering and a private cloud environment. The offerings represents a new effort by enterprise vendors to reach deeper into the enterprise and integrate more fully with email systems.It also represents the reality that many large companies want...

  • Web
    Censorship in China: How ReadWriteWeb China Was Closed Down For a Month

    In the West, the concept of the 'read/write Web' is a relatively easy one to get behind. Everybody can contribute content to the Web ('write'), as well as read it - it's a very democratic notion.However in countries where democracy doesn't prevail, the read/write Web is often subject to censorship...

  • Social
    Facebook Drives 3X Traffic to Broadcast Than Google News

    We've spent some time recently looking at how Facebook has become a bigger driver of traffic to online news than news portals like MyYahoo or Google News, and our initial suspicions were confirmed with some data by the folks at HitWise. In continuing to look at this trend, Heather Hopkins,...

  • Social
    Study: Only 2% of U.S. Adults Rely Exclusively on Internet for Getting News

    According to a new report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 61% of Americans now get some of their news online, though local TV stations are still the most popular means of finding out about the news. Local print newspapers still reach 50% of Americans and 17% read...

  • Mobile
    Glow: Location-Based “Feelings” for iPhone

    Ever wonder how the people in your neighborhood are feeling? How about those that work downtown? Are people really happier on a Friday than a Monday? A new mobile application called Glow will tell you. Designed for the iPhone, this app lets you share your feelings using a simple star-based...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Google vs. China, And More…

    The big news of the week was Google's efforts to remove censorship from its search results in China - read on for our coverage and analysis of this news. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010, including Real-Time Web, Mobile Web and Internet of Things.Note:...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 27 February 2010

    There's plenty of new stuff on this week's calendar but nothing comes close to Global Ignite Week. And with more than 50 events all around the world, it's likely that there's an Ignite close to you. Remember, they're almost guaranteed to make you smarter. Like the the Ignite motto says:...

  • Work
    SaaS Report: Is Over or Under Valued?

    It's rare when you will see a post in this blog about Saas and its place in the financial markets. But a report by former ReadWriteWeb-er Bernard Lunn shines an interesting perspective on the SaaS market. The report is noteworthy as it comes on the heels of the annual earnings...

  • Web
    Lady Gaga as the Killer App: Moving Identity into the Cloud

    Protocols, protocols, everywhere, and not a drop to drink. OAuth, OpenID, UX, Shibboleth, SAML, XRI, FOAF, Facebook Connect, that is a small sampling of some of the technologies that have been invented to move Internet Identity forward forward for the web. Today, at the Open ID User Experience Summit, a...

  • Social
    Finally: Facebook Silences App Notification Spam

    Facebook is about to become a quieter, less annoying place for users. The company just announced that it has deprecated "application notifications" and will require apps to use other, less intrusive methods of sending news to users. It's a big step in the ongoing anti-MySpace-ification of Facebook. Though to be...

  • Web
    Historic Conversation in NYC: Ai Weiwei, Jack Dorsey & Richard MacManus

    On March 15, at the prestigious Paley Center in New York City, a conversation will take place between Chinese digital activist and artist Ai Weiwei, Twitter co-founder and chairman Jack Dorsey, and yours truly, Richard MacManus, ReadWriteWeb founder and editor in chief. The moderator will be Orville Schell, the director...

  • Web
    Microsoft to Government CIOs: Choice is Here

    At the 8th annual U.S. Public Sector CIO summit in Redmond, Microsoft shared its progress in offering cloud software services to the attendees. The company has been making progress along multiple fronts, showing the power of focus and persistence.Microsoft has been investing in its products to meet the security requirements...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: The Week in Web Technology

    The big news of the week came out of the annual Mobile World Congress, from companies such as Adobe, Facebook, Google and Skype - read on for our extensive coverage and analysis. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010, including Real-Time Web, Mobile Web and...

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