Results for "Analysis"

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  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Nexus One, Facebook, Ai Weiwei, And More…

    Our top story this week was about bad news for the big guys: Google, Facebook, Digg's top users. As you catch up on the news, be sure to watch the conversation about China, tech and democracy that took place between activist/artist Ai Weiwei, Twitter's Jack Dorsey and ReadWriteWeb's Richard MacManus....

  • Web
    Rulers of the Cloud: Google Becomes the Cloud, Search is a Feature

    The shortest way to describe this is that Google is no longer a verb. It's becoming a noun. Not just the few clicks to find information, but the information itself and the experience surrounding it.Today, we get to add Google's chapter to "Will One Company Dominate the Cloud" introspective series...

  • Social
    The Million Follower Fallacy: Audience Size Doesn’t Prove Influence on Twitter

    A group of researchers have proven something we already expected to be the case: your Twitter follower count is somewhat of a meaningless metric when it comes to determining influence. To reach this conclusion, the researchers examined the Twitter accounts of over 54 million active users, out of some 80...

  • Web
    8 Ways to Better Understand the Internet of Things

    The world's second Internet of Things Conference is scheduled to take place at the end of November in Tokyo. The deadline for papers was just extended to June 1 - which gave us an idea. Conference planners have put together a list of suggested topics for papers. We took that...

  • Web
    The Death of the Pageview

    The Web has hit a point where tracking pageviews is useless for startups.There was a time when all you needed to succeed on the Internet were lots and lots of eyeballs, and the best way of measuring those eyeballs was by tracking pageviews (measuring exactly which pages on a website...

  • Social
    How US Government Spies Use Facebook (Updated)

    The US Department of Justice this week released slides from a presentation deck titled Obtaining and Using Evidence from Social Networking Sites. The document was released in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).The DoJ presentation describes Facebook as much more co-operative with...

  • Web
    Historic Conversation With Ai Weiwei Streamed Live

    ReadWriteWeb is pleased to be hosting a live-stream for tonight's Ai Weiwei event at the Paley Center in New York City. You can watch it live on our site, where we will be discussing social media and digital activism. Ai Weiwei will be joined by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, our...

  • Web
    The Meaning & Future of Blippy, the Credit Card Data Social Network

    Would you broadcast information about your credit card transactions publicly on the Internet? That might sound frighteningly irresponsible, but serial entrepreneur Phil Kaplan says his new social network Blippy does that and represents the way of the future. I thought he was crazy - until I sat down and talked...

  • Web
    Never Mind the Valley: Here’s Boulder, Part 2

    Nestled in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and fueled by leaders and social hubs such as Micah Baldwin, Tech Stars mentor, #followfriday creator and now chief community caretaker at of Digital X, and Robert Reich, the founder of Boulder/Denver Tech Meet-up, Boulder's startup community is pumping, even in...

  • Social
    Facebook Firehose May Be Released at Developer Conference F8

    Facebook plans to announce the availability of a firehose of user data at its F8 developers conference in April, we believe based on research. Such an offering could be similar to the firehose that Twitter has shared with large partners and select small developers building the famous Twitter ecosystem of...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 13 March 2010

    It's SXSW weekend so you may be pretty burnt out on conferences - or just sick and tired of hearing about them - but if you're in New York City this week, don't miss what's sure to be a profound and fascinating conversation between Chinese digital activist and artist Ai...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Bike Trails, Location Madness, SXSW, And More…

    Our top stories this week were about cutting the strings that tie us to our desks. And also about stalking celebrities at SXSW. Read on for our coverage and analysis. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010, including Real-Time Web, Mobile Web and Internet of...

  • Web
    Superfeedr Now Adds Location to Feeds Automatically

    Real-tme feed publishing startup Superfeedr has quietly turned on automatic location data in the feeds it republishes from around the web, we confirmed with the company today. Founder Julien Genestoux explained the feature using Twitter as his example, but the same content extraction and analysis is being done on all...

  • Social
    While Facebook & Twitter Sit on Sidelines, MySpace Jumps Into Bulk User Data Sales

    MySpace has taken a bold step and allowed a large quantity of bulk user data to be put up for sale on startup data marketplace InfoChimps. Data offered includes user playlists, mood updates, mobile updates, photos, vents, reviews, blog posts, names and zipcodes. Friend lists are not included. Remember, Facebook...

  • Web
    First Look at TechStars Historical Results Data

    TechStars is an early stage venture fund based in Boulder, Colorado. ReadWriteWeb was given an early peek at historical results data on TechStars companies, which the organization is about to release. The data shows acquisition and failure rates, as well as how many of the TechStar companies have gone on...

  • Mobile
    Is the iPhone Still More Personal than Professional?

    According to recent data analysis from mobile analytics firm Localytics, iPhone application usage peaks in the evenings and on weekends and is much lower during the hours of a typical business day. From this, the firm concludes that the iPhone is still primarily a personal gadget as opposed to one...

  • Web
    Cloud Religion: Do’s, Do Not’s, and a Glimpse of Nirvana

    As the cloud is getting more players and interfaces, best and worst practices are emerging. As the market grows and more companies try to plug in, the cloud may benefit from guiding principles. Similar to new technology movements in the past, a natural process is underway to define "what is...

  • Web
    Paul Allen Backed Semantic Service Evri Has Been Acquired (Updated)

    Think the semantic web is all hype with no bite? Paul Allen backed semantic startup Evri will announce tomorrow that it has been acquired, we've learned from a reliable source. The service specializes in extracting the names of people, places and things from raw streams of text in order to...

  • Web
    The Future as Platform: Mark Hendrickson’s Vision for Plancast

    Mark Hedrickson is 24 years old. He grew up in Menlo Park, California, down the street from Stanford, raised by a high-tech marketer Dad and a Mom in banking. Then he went to college and studied Nietzsche. He has now set out to build The Future - specifically your future,...

  • Web
    Google Opens Public Data Explorer Lab

    Google looks to be following up the addition of its Google Chart Tools with a neat addition to Google Labs - the Public Data Explorer. The purpose of the new tool, Google says on the new lab's page, is to make "large datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate". Google,...

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