Results for "Analysis"

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  • Mobile
    Apple’s Tightening Grip: This Could Be Android’s Big Chance

    The long-closed nature of Apple's iPhone OS ecosystem is coming to a head with the addition of major new restrictions on developers. If there ever was a time when the Android world had a chance to out-innovate Apple, this could be it.Each day this week, developers have pointed out another...

  • Web
    Fun Blogs: Where We Post For the Love of It

    Link blogs, light blogs, blogs on the side; found treasures and half-formed thoughts - it turns out that many members of the ReadWriteWeb team are also publishing on Posterous, Tumblr and other casual blogging platforms. These are the places you can learn about the people behind the news and analysis...

  • Web
    Internet of Things: Opportunities For Entrepreneurs

    Last month the MIT/Stanford Venture Lab ran an event at the Stanford Business School, called The Internet of Things: Sensors Everywhere. The video of the event was recently put up on YouTube. We've embedded the entire hour-long video below, along with a 2-minute video snippet which we think budding entrepreneurs...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Gmail OAuth, Twitter Homepage, iPads Galore, And More…

    Our top story this week was about Gmail becoming an app platform. Oh right, and some other thing called the iPad. Read on for our coverage and analysis. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010, including Real-Time Web, Mobile Web and Internet of Things.Note: We've...

  • Web
    Are You the Next Zynga? The Rocket Science at RightScale Helps Deliver a Safe Liftoff

    Zynga is a leading example of how to wield cloud infrastructure to achieve scale. The company uses RightScale to help match demand of its incredibly successful game franchise with appropriate resources. Zynga seems to be a master of understanding how to model customer demand and underlying resources. As even virtual...

  • Mobile
    Exclusive Preview: AppStarAwards Finalists – Unreleased Apps for iPhone, iPad

    The App Star Awards is a contest that highlights brilliant and innovative upcoming applications for the iPhone (and now the iPad, too). Created by AppsFire, the service for sharing iPhone applications, the event draws submissions from all over the world. This year's group, for example, included 80 unreleased applications from...

  • Web
    YouTube Migrates Videos to New Design

    Today, YouTube migrated its user videos over to a new design. The design was available before now, and has been in development for months, but today was the day all the videos got their Sunday go-to-meeting clothes on. In a January post, Julian Frumar, a YouTube user experience designer, commented...

  • Web
    Coalition of Tech Companies Wants to Give You Digital Due Process

    Google, together with Microsoft, AT&T, AOL, Intel, the ACLU, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and a number of other organizations launched a new effort to modernize the Electronic Communications Act (ECPA) today. ECPA, which was enacted in 1986, sets standards for low enforcement access to electronic communications and other data. According...

  • Work
    FourSquare for the Enterprise: Give it 2 Years, Max

    In the past few weeks we've seen more references to FourSquare as a potential enterprise tool. The discussion represents an emerging law of Enterprise 2.0 Inevitably, a consumer trend in the social technology space will start to seep into the business world. Hutch Carpenter of Spigit says it is a...

  • Web
    Boom! Tweets & Maps Swarm to Pinpoint a Mysterious Explosion

    What would you do if you heard a giant boom and you didn't know where it came from? If you're like thousands of people in Portland, Oregon, you might hit Twitter and Google Maps to participate in the city-wide exploration of a slightly frightening mystery. Last night at about 8...

  • Web
    Earth Hour: Is it Time to Virtualize the Electrical Grid?

    Another Earth Hour has passed by this weekend. Electrical systems across the globe were shut down to observe, for an hour, that energy is precious. In this moment, we also acknowledge that as humanity, we have the power to do better for ourselves. One great thing about Earth Hour is...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Digg’s App, Who Retweets,Twitter Hacker, And More…

    Our top story this week was "Digg's iPhone App Might Be Better Than the Website." The review? The app is a little buggy, lacks features, but is still quite good. Read on for our coverage and analysis. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010, including...

  • Web
    Facebook Confirms & Reconsiders Forthcoming Location Feature

    Facebook confirmed today that it is working on a location-based product but said that it has re-evaluated its plans to focus more on places like restaurants. As part of a larger blog post about clarifying language around privacy controls, Facebook deputy general counsel Michael Richter said today that the company...

  • Web
    Sweden is the World’s Most Networked Country – U.S. Drops to Fifth Place

    In 2005, the U.S. still ranked as the most networked country in the world according to the World Economic Forum's Global Information Technology Report. This report, which provides an extensive analysis of the economies and network infrastructures of 133 countries, has now demoted the U.S. to fifth place, and ranks...

  • Web
    Huge Growth Projected for Web Tech, Software, Systems Job Market

    Looking for a job? You're probably about to find one. By the year 2018 there will be 1.4 million job openings for so-called "computer specialists" - that's everyone from developers to database administrators - according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.The non-hardware-related job market is expected to grow faster...

  • Mobile
    Test Shows: iPhone Touchscreen Still the Best

    If the future is all about touchscreen interfaces, then performance of the screen in registering where it's been touched is pretty important. International design firm Moto ran a robotic finger test on 6 leading touchscreen smart phones to see how well they registered a robot's loving touch.Some of the phones...

  • Web
    Automated Sports Reporters Coming This Summer

    Make room on the bleachers, the robot reporter wants to sit down and watch the game. Sports statistics company StatSheet says it will have technology ready this Summer to turn statistics for hundreds of small college basketball games into richly reported blow-by-blow coverage of how the contests unfold. People have...

  • Entertainment
    Augmented Reality for Marketers and Developers: Our Newest Research Report

    We're pleased to announce ReadWriteWeb's latest premium report, Augmented Reality for Marketers and Developers: Analysis of the Leaders, the Challenges and the Future. This report will help you develop a sophisticated understanding of Augmented Reality (AR), the mobile and web technology that places data on top of a user's view...

  • Web
    Marten Mickos Goes For Two In New Role As CEO At Eucalyptus

    Marten Mickos move to become CEO of Eucalyptus Systems puts more shine on open-source cloud efforts. In particular, it drives discussion around open-source efforts such as Reservoir, Nimbus and Open Nebula.But most of all, the attention of the market is now on Eucalyptus, the cloud fabric technology created in the...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Nexus One, Facebook, Ai Weiwei, And More…

    Our top story this week was about bad news for the big guys: Google, Facebook, Digg's top users. As you catch up on the news, be sure to watch the conversation about China, tech and democracy that took place between activist/artist Ai Weiwei, Twitter's Jack Dorsey and ReadWriteWeb's Richard MacManus....

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