Results for "Analysis"

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  • Web
    8 Mobile Technologies to Watch in 2010

    At the beginning of this year, analyst firm Gartner released a report that highlights eight up-and-coming mobile technologies which they predict will impact the mobile industry over the course of the next two years. According to Nick Jones, vice president and analyst at the firm, the technologies they've identified will...

  • Web
    Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Personalization

    This week ReadWriteWeb is running a series of posts analyzing the five biggest Web trends of 2009. Our first post was about Structured Data, our second about The Real-Time Web. The third part of our series is on Personalization. Personalization has long been a buzzword on the Internet. With the...

  • Social
    Fun: FirstFollower Identifies Any Twitter User’s First Follower

    Who was the first person to follow you on Twitter? According to the app, mine was someone I never followed back until today! Chances are you're already following your first follower, but you probably don't remember who they are and it's interesting to find out.Built by Russian developer Victor...

  • Web
    10 Years After Napster, Musicians Are Still Getting Screwed

    Ten years ago, Napster revolutionized commercial music by - we're all grownups, let's call a spade a spade - democratizing piracy.Without doubt, consumers in 1999 needed better access to music. They needed the opportunity to preview full tracks, to pick and choose songs from an album and to have instant...

  • Work
    The Cloud Consultant Spares No One

    A hypothetical discussion between a cloud consultant and his client that is just too good not to post. Just be forewarned - this is NSFW.Editor's note: This story is part of a series we call Redux, where we'll re-publish some of our best posts of 2009. As we look back...

  • Web
    Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: The Real-Time Web

    This week ReadWriteWeb is running a series of posts analyzing the five biggest, most cutting-edge Web trends to come out of 2009. We're posting one trend analysis per day. Then at the end of the week we'll publish a major update to our standard presentation about web technology trends. Our...

  • Web
    Become a Test Pilot: Mozilla Wants Your Help To Make Firefox Better

    If you want to help Mozilla to make Firefox better but you are not a developer, here is your chance. Earlier this year, Mozilla announced the launch of Test Pilot, the organization's new distributed usability lab. Test pilots will be enlisted in various usability tests and will be some of...

  • Web
    Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Structured Data

    This week ReadWriteWeb will run a series of posts detailing what we think are the five biggest, most cutting-edge Web trends to come out of 2009. We'll be posting one trend analysis per day. Then at the end of the week we'll publish a major update to our standard presentation...

  • Web
    Will The Semantic Web Have a Gender?

    As machines learn to understand what the web means, what perspective will they understand it from? Who is teaching them? "Objective" descriptions of the world and the relationships in it can cause real problems, particularly for people with little power in those relationships. How will the emerging Semantic Web understand...

  • Web
    Why and How Embargoes Work in Tech Blogging

    An embargo is something that tech companies use to set a time when their product will launch and the press can publish their reviews of it. Embargoes aren't as simple as they sound and they aren't uncontroversial, either.We believe they can be a good idea, though. Below we discuss why...

  • Web
    Where’s my Jet Pack? Apple Tablet and Future Interfaces

    Ever since Jeff Han demoed his Multi-Touch Workstation at the 2006 TED Conference, the world has been waiting for a high resolution sensory work experience. As a generation of hunched night creatures with intimate knowledge of our chiropractors, we've suffered and conformed to our traditional interfaces for too long. Touch...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Interview With Tim Berners-Lee, Part 1: Linked Data

    During my trip to Boston earlier this year, I had the opportunity to visit MIT. At the end of a long day of meetings with various MIT tech masterminds, I made my way to the funny shaped building (see photo right-below) where the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and its...

  • Web
    2010 Predictions

    Every year the ReadWriteWeb team tries its hand at predicting the future. Looking back at our 2009 predictions, we got some wrong (I predicted that Facebook would sign up to OpenSocial) but others turned out to be on the money. I correctly guessed that the usual suspects would remain unacquired...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup Special: Best Products & BigCo of 2009

    In this special edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our weekly newsletter, we summarize our end-of-year series profiling the best web products of 2009. We also carried out a Reader Poll this week, asking our readers to select their favorite products of the year. We present the results of that poll...

  • Web
    What It’s Like To Write For Demand Media: Low Pay But Lots of Freedom

    Editor: This is a guest post by Andria Krewson, a freelance journalist who has written for Demand Media. Given our recent focus on Demand Media and so-called content farms, we thought it would be interesting to get the perspective of a Demand Media writer.I made $37.50 at Demand Studios in...

  • Mobile
    Morgan Stanley: Mobile Internet Market Will Be Twice The Size of Desktop Internet

    Morgan Stanley has released a couple of bulky documents about the mobile Internet: 'The Mobile Internet Report,' a 424-page report which explores eight major themes; and 'The Mobile Internet Report Key Themes,' a 659-slide presentation that drills down on thoughts covered in the report. We've embedded both documents below.Perhaps the...

  • Social
    Facebook’s Privacy Move Violates Contract With Users

    Your name, profile picture, gender, current city, networks, Friends List, and all the pages you subscribe to are now publicly available information on Facebook. This means everyone on the web can see it; it is searchable.This represents just the latest instance of Facebook violating the contract it holds with its...

  • Web
    Content Farms: Why Media, Blogs & Google Should Be Worried

    I've been writing a lot about so-called 'content farms' in recent months - companies like Demand Media and which create thousands of pieces of content per day and are making a big impact on the Web. Both of those two companies are now firmly inside the top 20 Web...

  • Web
    Top 10 Real-Time Technologies of 2009

    The real-time web was hot this year and it's likely to become a standard expectation on sites all around the world next year. We've tracked this trend extensively with a face-to-face summit of industry leaders and an 84-page research report on The Real-Time Web and Its Future.Who were the big...

  • Web
    Top 10 Internet of Things Products of 2009

    2009 has been a turning point for the Internet of Things, when real world objects (such as lights, cars and packages) get connected to the Internet. This trend has added a significant amount of new data to the Web, so for that reason alone it is an important development. Having...

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