Touchdown dances, chest painters and rally caps – if you’re not a sports fan, it’s hard to understand why a perfectly upstanding citizen would wear a gigantic foam hand or engage in the politically incorrect Tomahawk chop. But if you are a diehard sports addict, you’ve probably been one since you were a kid. We watched in awe when Nolan Ryan pitched a 101 mph fast ball at the age of forty, when Air Jordan effortlessly dunked from the free throw line and when Joe Montana set the record for most yards passing during Super Bowl XIX. When you’ve been present to watch sports history, you can’t turn your back on the game now. Nevertheless, with so much happening at once, below are a few tools that can help you juggle multiple games:

1. Lockerblogger: Lockerblogger offers users a chance to create fan profiles and track the sports they’re most interested in. Through blogs, video uploads, short messages and in-site chat, the service offers users a chance to connect with sports stars and fans.

2. Yardbarker:Similar to Lockerblogger, Yardbarker lets fans keep up-to-date with the latest rumors, training news and injuries. With strict league policies arising around Twitter-usage, these services are a great way to get insider news.
3. ESPN ScoreCenter: This iPhone App offers the official stats and scores on more than 500 sports leagues including the NFL, NHL, NBA and MLB. Users can also follow Soccernet for soccer scores and news.
4. MLB at Bat iPhone App: A number of services offer users a chance to listen to regular season games and watch clips. For $10, MLB at Bat offers live video of postseason games streamed via the iPhone. The free app offers scores and stats.
5. NBA Game Time iPhone App: Similar to MLB at Bat, NBA Game Time has both a free version with basic scores and info and a premium iPhone application with radio broadcasts, video recaps and push notifications to keep tabs on your favorite teams.
6. Fanfeedr: ReadWriteWeb first covered Fanfeedr in mid-August. The site offers a real-time feed of sports-related traditional news reports, blog posts and Twitter updates. The company also offers an iPhone app where users can check scores, talk trash with rival fans and follow along with game analysis.
7. Watercooler: Having just raised $5.5 million dollars to expand it’s sports-related social games, Watercooler connects more than 40 million fans via Facebook, MySpace and Bebo. Best known for its Facebook Fantasy Football application, the company creates sports applications for individual teams as well as sports-related networks.
Photo Credit: John Lew