Social Media monitoring service Radian6 just announced that it now offers support for Google Buzz. Given that Google Buzz already has more than 9 million users after less than one week on the market, it only makes sense for the large social media monitoring and analytics services to offer their clients the ability to monitor and react to conversations on this new platform. Radian6 currently covers about 4.5 million Google profiles and is expanding its index rapidly.

While Buzz doesn’t offer a firehose feed of its content yet, Radian6 is using the Pubsubhubbub-enabled public Google Profile feeds to discover updates.
ReadWriteWeb’s full coverage and analysis of Google Buzz:
Public Buzz Messages Only
To filter out noise, the company has decided to only index public messages that users post directly to Buzz. Radian6 won’t index re-posted items for Twitter or blogs, which makes sense, given that the company is already monitoring these items on Twitter and through RSS anyway. Interestingly, the company has decided to classify Buzz updates as blog posts. According to Radian6’s founder and CTO Chris Newton, Buzz updates closely resemble blog posts, as they support ” long-form commentary and threaded comments.”
Buzz doesn’t restrict users to Twitter’s 140-character limit, so this looks like a sensible solution, though it seems rather early to assume that Buzz’s users will want to use the service to post long-form content.
Earlier today, social media metrics platform Viralheat also announced support for Google Buzz. Just like Radian6, Viralheat will monitor conversations on Buzz. Social media monitoring and analytics firm Sysomos also just told us that it is working on integrating Buzz as well.
Another company that just announced support for Buzz is Sendible, which allows companies to run social media, SMS and email campaigns and track the online response to these updates.