Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Web
    Apple, Google, Privacy, Productivity: Tech News In a Nutshell

    Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism released a study today examining the media's ambivalent approach to addressing technology finding that, among other things, the positive effects of technology on productivity just barely edge out privacy concerns as the most common theme in technology coverage. According to Pew, the...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Digg Takes a Dive, Free Twitter Analytics, Single Founder Startups, And More…

    Digg, and its sharp decrease in traffic, was our top story this last week. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: A big new wireless spectrum for the Internet of Things opened; there's a new augmented reality childrens fantasy novel; and as part of our...

  • Social
    Zuckerberg Launches Education Foundation, Donates $100 Million to Newark Schools

    It's hard to deny that the U.S. education system faces a multitude of challenges: lack of funding, overcrowded classrooms, high drop-out rates, falling test scores (not to mention the pressures of testing altogether). The phrase and legislation "No Child Left Behind" leave a bitter taste in many people's mouths as...

  • Social
    Confirmed: Twitter to Launch Real-Time Analytics Dashboard, for Free

    Twitter will make a real-time analytics dashboard available for free to a limited set of beta testers beginning in Q4 of this year, Twitter's business development executive Ross Hoffman told attendees at the Sports Marketing 2.0 Summit in San Francisco yesterday.Web analytics company WebTrends reported on the statement and offered...

  • Web
    Generations X and Y Lead the Way in Today’s Digital World

    Forrester Research just released its annual survey of American technology adoption, this time focusing on the generational divide. The findings, which arose from a survey of over 37,000 participants, reveal that when it comes to the adoption of digital tools and technology, the generation gap still exists, with Generation Xers...

  • Social
    The Best Social Network You’ve Never Heard of Gets Bought Out, a well-designed social network that emphasizes different levels of privacy and has a super-loyal fan base, has sold a controlling interest in its company to South African media company Naspers.Joseph Tartakoff of PaidContent reported on the deal this morning, but the big picture take-away is this: There are large...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Twitter Redesign, Tumblr vs. Posterous, Flawed Foursquare Foot Traffic, And More…

    Just like last week, our live blogging - in this case the launch of the redesigned - was readers' favorite post of the week. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: Disney proposed standards for Internet of Things toys; iPhone apps can be augmented...

  • Web
    Seesmic Enters the Enterprise

    Seesmic is entering a new phase by offering SaaS services through its platform.This past week, CEO Marc Benioff and Seesmic Founder Loic LeMeur showed the integration with the SaaS service and the consumer application.It's a turn for Seesmic. It could be a significant one, too, as Dennis Howell pointed...

  • Web
    Startup Versus Goliath: When Your Competition is a Giant

    As promised, open source social network and Facebook alternative Diaspora released its source code yesterday. And while it's a developer release meant to be hacked on and is by no means a finished, there are already of plenty of predictions that Diaspora will fail - or at the least, that...

  • Web
    RightNow: Real-Time Customer Support Through Corporate Facebook Pages

    The drive to turn customer support into a social engines is playing out with RightNow, a publicly traded SaaS provider that is launching a robust Facebook platform for support agents to respond in real-time to Facebook wall posts and other comments.RightNow CX for Facebook gives call center operations a direct...

  • Social
    Twitter Aims to Duplicate YouTube’s Success

    Yesterday Twitter announced a major redesign of its homepage. The new is designed to make it easier for mainstream people to consume content on Twitter. "You don't have to tweet," said Twitter co-founder Evan Williams at the press gathering yesterday, "any more than you have to make a webpage...

  • Entertainment
    Cartoon: A/B Testing

    I've posted a few times about how my unease at the way social media can help a marketing mentality shape our self-expression and online relationships. Obsessing over metrics and follower counts is the beginning; before you know it, you're thinking of romantic dinners and late-night liaisons as "conversions."But give marketing...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Google’s Instant Search, No More Fart Apps, Universal Logins, And More…

    Our live blog of the Google Instant Search event was, well, instantly readers' favorite post for this week. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: We learned how the Internet of Things may be used against us; how playtime could be the road to the...

  • Hack
    Interview with Richard Clark

    Today sees our first full interview here at ReadWriteHack, with Richard Clark, a web developer from New Zealand. Richard is a coder who runs a one-man business designing and implementing code, networks and systems for clients at every scale, from tiny silicon valley startups to national corporates and government departments.He...

  • Work
    3 Points on Cloud/SaaS Security from Google’s Director of Security

    V3 is running an interview with Google director of security Eran Feigenbaum. Feigenbaum makes some interesting points about cloud security and the possibility that cloud solutions might actually be more secure than on-premise solutions. What do you think? Are these valid reasons to migrate to the cloud, or just marketing...

  • Entertainment
    iPhone Apps Overtaking Songs in Total Downloads

    There's an interesting chart making its way around the Net this morning comparing the number of iTunes app downloads to the total downloads of songs. The surprising reveal is that it shows apps are being downloaded much more rapidly than songs. In only 2.2 years, the iTunes App Store has...

  • Web
    Top 10 Online Free Speech Resources

    Anyone who writes on a specific topic will have a set of resources he or she refers to in order to keep on top of what's happening. Those of us who keep an eye out on how free speech issues affect the online world tend to use resources that are,...

  • Mobile
    RIM Patents “Adaptive” Billboards for Delivering Ads Based on Traffic

    RIM, the company behind Blackberry smartphones, is getting into the smart billboard business, according to twopatent applications it filed recently. But what would a smartphone maker and roadside advertising have in common? It could be a new way to serve up "adaptive" advertising according to data gathered from nearby Blackberry...

  • Web
    How Open Data is Used Against the Poor

    Open data is all the rage these days, but is simply opening up aggregate public information for outside analysis enough to change the world for the better? A new article by Mike Gurstein, Editor of the influential Journal of Community Informatics, argues that open data may merely make the rich...

  • Mobile
    How Push Notifications Will Change Twitter

    Are you ready to get buzzed by Tweets? Twitter confirmed last week that it is experimenting with and will soon roll out push notifications through its official iPhone app. What does that mean? It depends on how exactly the company lets users manage and receive their notifications, but it's not...

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