Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Social
    Twitter Can Be Used to Predict Stock Market, Say Researchers

    Researchers from Indiana University have devised a method for predicting changes in the Dow Jones Industrial Average through the analysis of Twitter updates. Using two mood-recording algorithms, the Google-Profile of Mood States (GPOMS) and OpinionFinder, the team analyzed 9.7 million tweets posted between March and December 2008. They found that...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: (Not) Free Public Wi-Fi, Windows Phone 7 Revealed, Jailbreak the iPhone 4, And More…

    You know those Wi-Fi networks called "Free Public WiFi"? Clearly that question has been bugging our readers, too, because they made our answer the top story of this week. In mobile news, TweetDeck arrived on Android. And as part of our continuing series on product innovation, we looked at how...

  • Web
    Is It Time For a Web Crawling Code of Conduct?

    Earlier this week, The Wall Street Journal posted an article entitled "'Scrapers' Dig Deep for Data on Web". While the article highlights some important issues surrounding the murky and potentially shady business of Web crawling, it fails to provide a comprehensive story on the uses of Web crawling. In other...

  • Mobile
    Weekly Poll: Does Android Have a “Dude” Problem?

    According to a recent survey of 78,835 mobile phone customers in the U.K., less than 5% of women would select an Android device as their next smartphone. The problem, explains Belinda Parmar, Founder of marketing agency Lady Geek which conducted the survey with YouGov Sixth Sense, is that "Android provides...

  • Mobile
    In-App Purchases Generate More Revenue than Ads

    Mobile developers looking to monetize free applications should pay special attention to a new report from mobile analytics firm Flurry. According to this study, conducted using a sample of leading iOS applications with a combined reach of 2.2 million users, in-app purchases have taken over as the leading source of...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable: Professional Investors Do Not Invest In $20 Million Markets

    At today's roundtable we had some intensive discussions around market sizing and its impact on financing. You have heard, I am sure, that venture capitalists only invest in very large market opportunities - $500 million to $1 billion. But you have, perhaps, heard less specific discussions on what angel investors...

  • Mobile
    Tech for Transit: What Happens if You Give Up Your Car For a Week?

    If you mainly rely on an automobile to get around, ask yourself this question: What kind of improvements to public transit or new service offerings would make me go car-less? A public transit mobile app with real-time, open data available? A city-wide bike-sharing program? A more efficient ride-sharing community? How...

  • Social
    Death Threats, Theft & Twitter: 24 Hours On the Beat

    The Greater Manchester police force, one of the largest in the U.K., is about half way through an experiment in which the force is publishing everything they do for 24 hours on Twitter. The force, facing "unprecedented budget cuts," intends "to allow the public to see what officers at one...

  • Social
    LinkedIn Launches Labs Site, It’s Ok

    Giant resume directory LinkedIn has launched a new site to host its technology experiments, called LinkedIn Labs, the company announced today. At launch, Labs contains four experimental products. One is good, another in closed beta still, the third a disappointment and the fourth will be of little interest to anyone...

  • Web
    Dot Obits: Pixar, Talking Computers and the Bomb Problem

    This is the latest in an occasional series on people who have passed away, folks who have contributed in some way to the development of, or the way we look at, the Internet and Web. If you know of someone who should be featured, please let us know. Andrew Witkin:...

  • Web
    Download Our Latest Free Report: The Age of Exabytes

    As part of our ongoing series of premium reports, we're announcing today our newest report: The Age of Exabytes: Tools & Approaches For Managing Big Data. Thanks to HP for sponsoring the report and making it available as a free download.We are experiencing a big data explosion, a result not...

  • Web
    Sponsor Post: Vertical Search, Consumer Surplus and Adverse Selection

    Editor's note: We offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write posts and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support...

  • Mobile
    iOS Games Rival Prime-Time TV

    Several times a week, nearly 23 million people stop what they're doing and tune in to watch "American Idol". "Dancing with the Stars" and "NCIS" come in just under 20 million viewers. And then there are social games on iOS, the operating system behind the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad,...

  • Web
    Google’s Self-Driving Car is Just the Beginning

    Google announced this weekend that it has developed a car that can drive itself. A small fleet of the vehicles has logged more than 1,000 miles of entirely automated driving and 140,000 miles of driving with only occasional human intervention.It's a development of historic significance: few events have changed the...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Why Facebook Groups Matter, Top Mobile Apps, Freak Out For Google Goggles, And More…

    Earlier this week, Facebook kept us on the edge of our seats wondering what their big announcement was going to be. Evidently it did the same for you because our coverage of that event was our top story of the week. In real-time Web news, Google tested mind reading (aka...

  • Social
    “I Have 1,500 Facebook Friends, and I Don’t Know Who Any of Them Are.”

    This was said to me by a fellow dinner guest this week, during a discussion about Facebook's new version of Groups (read Marshall Kirkpatrick's analysis here). The day after launch, the shine of Facebook's latest product announcement began to tarnish when it was discovered that that the new version of...

  • Web
    Lessons in Cloud Telephony: A Startup Case Study

    While a lot has been written about the cost-benefit analysis and economic wisdom of the cloud, little has been said about the teams that build them. This is a blog post about one such team, and one journeyman's lessons from being a part of it. There are many reasons for...

  • Entertainment
    Lady Gaga by The Numbers: We Are Hunted Report

    We Are Hunted is just one of a number of web upstarts hoping to displace Billboard as the chart of record for music. What makes We Are Hunted slightly different is that it not only produces the requisite daily and weekly music charts, it releases a set of research reports...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable: Try To Get At Least $2M Pre-Money In Seed Round Valuation

    At today's roundtable we had some interesting companies and a lot of fundraising discussions, and I will review them shortly. Before I do, however, I want to talk about a thumb rule that I'd like to propose to entrepreneurs about raising money. Bottom line, early stage equity is very, very...

  • Web
    Guess Which Mainstream Media Outlet Gets the Most Social Media Engagement

    Mainstream media in a social media world - who gets it? Who gets the love from readers and Tweeters, Facebookers and Diggers? Social media consultant Adam Sherk ran a list of major media outlets through the API of engagement analytics company Postrank and found out. Postrank looks at any RSS...

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