Results for "Analysis"

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  • Web
    PARC Releases New Semantic Technology (in Form of an Outlook Plugin)

    The Palo Alto Research Center is releasing new semantic technology, based on Xerox PARC IP, in the form of an Outlook plugin called Meshin. At first glance, Meshin looks like the ugly stepsister to a similar Outlook tool called Xobni, as it also loads into an email sidebar window, displaying...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: New CEO For Digg, Sue Me Paul Allen, Apple’s Fall Event, And More…

    For the second week in a row, Digg topped our most-read-stories list. Also this week we launched a brand new channel - ReadWriteHack - and continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: We learned how to use the Internet of Things to hack Nike+ to do automatic...

  • Web
    Cloud Calculators: A Sign of Slick Marketing in the Cloud

    As the cloud computing market gets more crowded, a number of Web-based calculators are popping up to lure customers.These online calculators deserve their fair share of scrutiny. For the most part, they are there for the vendor to tell their own story in a way that shows the benefits of...

  • Web
    Weekly Poll: What’s in Store for Cloud-Related IT Jobs?

    There's a lot of talk about the ways in which cloud computing will impact the IT job market - changing demands for the numbers and the skills of employees.As James Urquhart notes in an article in CNET today, there have been a number of interesting signs lately pointing to the...

  • Web
    Google Launches Blog Finder for Any Topic

    Google has quietly launched a new feature: search for blogs on any topic. The company announced the new type of search in a weekly round-up of search updates last week, and respected SEO blogger Bill Slawski argues that the launch may be related to a new Google patent.This has the...

  • Web
    Crowdsourcing National Challenges With the New

    Next month, the federal government will launch a new .gov website with a big idea behind it and high hopes that there will be big ideas generated within it. is the latest effort in the evolution of collaborative innovation in open government. Should the approach succeed, challenges and contests...

  • Web
    The Big Data Explosion and the Demand for the Statistical Tools to Analyze It

    If The Graduate were remade today, the advice to young Benjamin Braddock might be "just one word... statistics." The explosion of digital data has generated a need for technology to store, serve, and analyze petabytes of data. But it's also creating a lot of opportunities for people who are trained...

  • Web
    The Most Popular Payment Solutions for Freelancers (Charts)

    What's the best way to do one-time or recurring billing for your online business? That's an important question for the growing legion of independent service providers transitioning countless business transactions onto the web.That which is most popular may not be the best, but it's a good place to start looking....

  • Cloud
    How Facebook Scales with Open Source

    When it comes to having to scale your service to handle ever-increasing data demands, there may be no better example to look at than Facebook. The social networking giant has grown from a service for Harvard students to some 500 million users. But that number doesn't adequately capture the company's...

  • Social
    Nearby Friends: New Cyber-Stalking App for Tracking Facebook Places Check-Ins

    Nearby Friends is a new Facebook application which taps into the recently launched Facebook Places check-in service to locate all your Facebook friends plotted on a Google Maps interface. The app, a simple tool that places Facebook profile photos as a pin on the map, doesn't limit itself to where...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Digg 4 Takes a Dive, Reddit Founder Was “Terrified,” Diaspora Update, And More…

    This week's top story was a no-brainer: the spectacular implosion of Digg's attempt to create a newer, better version of the site. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: We found 10 videos about the Internet of Things; augmented reality took a trip to the...

  • Web
    Open Sourcing U.S. Intelligence Needs

    The ideas powering the open source movement have spread from programming to publishing and beyond. The idea of it having penetrated the world of foreign intelligence might seem unlikely, but it has, with the Central Intelligence Agency's Open Source Center." provides information on foreign political, military, economic, and technical issues...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Your Permanent Google Record, Teaching Kids Code, API Provider Mistakes, And More…

    Our top story this week is brought to you by Google's silver-tongued CEO, Eric Schmidt, who suggests that you may want to change your name to escape his permanent record. This week we also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: The Internet of Things lets you...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable: Niche E-commerce is Great For Bootstrapping

    This week's roundtable had entrepreneurs ranging from e-commerce to mobile apps to video collaboration, some of which are already doing significant revenue. First up was Judy Schmitz presenting FabulousYarn, an e-commerce company focusing on luxury yarns. Fabulous Yarn is already doing $500,000 in revenue, and has positioned itself as a...

  • Entertainment
    Is Ultimate Chart Overhyped? Its Top 10 is Nearly Identical to Billboard’s

    Ultimate Chart is a new type of music chart for the Internet age. It doesn't just measure music sales and radio play, as Billboard has traditionally done, but popularity over a variety of online services - YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, iTunes, MySpace,, and many more. But does Ultimate Chart live...

  • Web
    Visualizing the Wikileaks Data

    A group of hackademics took the Wikileaks activity data from the Afghanistan war and mapped it, creating a video visualization of the events. The 91,000 documents track events including friendly fire and civilian injuries and death over the course of the last six years. According to Mike Dewar, a post-doc...

  • Social
    Facebook’s Publicly Available Data: A Big Strategic Risk

    My name is Pete Warden, and a few months ago I created visualization based on crawling 210 million public Facebook profiles that raised a lot of questions about how openly available that information should be. While I've seen a lot of discussion of the impact on users, I've seen little...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Flash For Your iPhone, Paper Books vs. E-Books, Android Trojan, And More…

    Our top story this week was one that must have given Steve Jobs nightmares: How to Install Flash on your iPhone (The Easy Way). We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: The dead can speak thanks to the Internet of Things; we've got a big...

  • Web
    Be Prepared! Advice for Startups Entering the Mobile Sector

    Any frequent reader of ReadWriteWeb should know that mobility is one of the most significant trends we've been tracking. One thing we haven't discussed much in the realm of mobile, however, is how startups and entrepreneurs can take advantage and prepare themselves for a venture into mobile. Today I spoke...

  • Web
    Where Else in the World Will Kids Think to Put the Web? [VIDEO]

    Latitude and ReadWriteWeb recently published a two-part results series on our open innovation study, "Children's 'Future Requests' for Computers and the Internet," which asked kids 6-12 years of age to ideate future Web technology concepts.Latitude created this video to sum up the study's key findings and big pathways for research,...

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