Home Weekly Wrap-up: PDC Keynote, Firesheep Takes Over Your Identity, Nexus Two? And More…

Weekly Wrap-up: PDC Keynote, Firesheep Takes Over Your Identity, Nexus Two? And More…

It’s pretty common for our live blogging of Apple events to be the top story of the week, but this week Microsoft finally had its day with Frederic Lardinois’ coverage of the PDC Keynote event. In Internet of Things news, Richard MacManus explained how to connect your car to the Web With AutoBot. On the mobile news front, Apple overtook RIM to become the fourth largest mobile vendor in the world. And in ReadWriteCloud we wrote about a call for a radically different data center.

Top Stories of the Week

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Download The Age of Exabytes: Tools & Approaches for Managing Big Data

We are experiencing a big data explosion, a result not only of increasing Internet usage by people around the world, but also the connection of billions of devices to the Internet. Eight years ago, for example, there were only around 5 exabytes of data online. Just two years ago, that amount of data passed over the Internet over the course of a single month. And recent estimates put monthly Internet data flow at around 21 exabytes of data.

Our latest report, The Age of Exabytes, explores how technologies are evolving to address the needs of managing big data, from innovations in storage at the chip and data center level, to the development of frameworks used for distributed computing, to the increasing demand for analytical tools that can glean insights from big data in near real-time. Download it for free now.

Internet of Things

More Internet of Things coverage

Mobile Web

More Mobile Web coverage

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Enjoy your weekend everyone!

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