The Sunlight Foundation, a non-partisan organization that uses the Internet to promote government transparency and openness, is celebrating its fifth anniversary this week. The foundation uses data analysis to report on government activity and trains journalists in the use of data to tell the story about what the federal government is actually up to.

We often cover the Sunlight Foundation and what they are doing. For the anniversary they sent a note to all their kindred spirits in the cause of open government. “We’ve grown from a small organization with big ideas to a connected community whose call for greater government openness and transparency is heard throughout the country,” wrote Nicko Margolies, communications coordinator at the Sunlight Foundation.
Among the various activities that the Sunlight Foundation takes part in are funding database initiatives, creating mobile applications to put Congress in the hands of the people, fostering a community of “civic hackers” and helping craft policy on the Internet age. All of that and more.
“The Sunlight Foundation will continue to work with you explore how to enhance our democracy and citizen engagement with our public officials using online tools,” wrote executive director and co-founder Ellen Miller. “Sure, there’s a lot more to be done. As a wise person once said, if this was easy, it would have been done already. And we promise you – the best is yet to come!”
The Sunglight Foundation put together a YouTube video to celebrate its fifth year. Check it out below.