Results for "7"

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  • Web
    Y! Messenger launches – plug-ins popular in beta

    The latest version of Yahoo! Messenger with Voice was officially launched today, a month after the beta was released. This is version 8, which includes plug-ins for the first time. Third-party developers can create plug-ins (aka widgets) for the platform. This has already proven to be very popular - since...

  • Web
    Broadband TV Updates

    When I profiled new broadband video portal Gotuit earlier this week, I was surprised by the negative feedback in both my comments section and in the Slashdot story comments. Some of those criticisms were technical - e.g. Mind Booster Noori pointed out that Gotuit requires Flash > 7, which means...

  • Social
    Unlocking MySpace’s Value

    The media blitz from News Corp. executives on MySpace is increasing, with two excellent articles on The Hollywood Reporter and Washington Post.In The Hollywood Reporter, Fox Interactive Media president Ross Levinsohn says that social networking is just a platform for "peer recommendation" services:"What's next for FIM is leveraging MySpace's online...

  • Web
    Gotuit Launches Broadband Video Portal

    Gotuit Media, an established player in on-demand video, today announced the launch of its new broadband video portal - I got a sneak peak of the new portal and spoke with Mark Pascarella (president of Gotuit Media) and David Laubner (Director of Product Marketing) about the launch. is a...

  • Web
    VC Web 2.0 List: Big Money For New Media and Marketing Companies

    SiliconBeat has published a list of all "Web 2.0 companies" that received venture backing over 2005 and so far in 2006. The list was created by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the National Venture Capital Association. In the comments to SiliconBeat's post, two prominent 2.0 VCs have dissed the list. Peter Rip thinks...

  • Web
    Calacanis offers to buy out digg users

    Netscape boss Jason Calacanis has offered to essentially buy out the top users on Digg, Delicious, Flickr, MySpace, and Reddit for $1000 per month: "We will pay you $1,000 a month for your "social bookmarking" rights. Put in at least 150 stories a month and we'll give you $12,000 a...

  • Web
    Internet advertising companies hot in 2006

    The June 2006 edition of Business 2.0 magazine lists the 100 fastest-growing tech companies of 2006. One trend that has emerged is that online advertising has replaced retailing as the Web sector that is most in demand. While in 2005 eBay was ranked 14 and there were two other retail...

  • Web
    Google, MS, Y!, Ask: 20%+ revenue from toolbars?

    Markus Frind is one of the more disruptive (and therefore interesting) bloggers to emerge this year. He's the guy who burst onto the scene with claims that he's making $10,000 per day off his online dating site I actually met Markus in person last month at the Supernova conference...

  • Web
    Digg stats analysis is not only a thriving community and great source for news, it's also an increasingly influential website for bloggers and website owners. It can be a heavy driver of revenue-generating traffic and can also help make your website viral (= popular). Given its growing importance then, I thought I'd...

  • Web
    New Yahoo homepage goes live globally

    The new-look Ajax-powered homepage goes live in the US on Monday and will roll out to other regions during the rest of July. Read/WriteWeb exclusively profiled the "preview" two months ago and now it is ready to be the default homepage for Yahoo's 500 million users. The new homepage...

  • Web
    New Read/WriteWeb Design

    If you've visited R/WW over the past week you'll have noticed a new design has been rolled out. The designer was Kevin Hale of Particletree, who did a superb job. I want to thank Kevin very much for his hard work on the design and for the end result, which...

  • Social
    MySpace – The (Almost) Premier Dating Site

    Written by Ken Yarmosh, a Read/WriteWeb Guest Blogger On average, I hear a commercial on the radio about once a day. In referring to their user base, their catch phrase goes something like, "there are over 15 million reasons to use" Well, they may want to re-think this...

  • Web
    Yahoo hoitily asserts that it is number 1

    Yahoo has issued a rather hoity-toity response to Hitwise's stats that claimed MySpace is now the number 1 domain on the Web. Sniffs Yahoo in its official statement:"The report that Hitwise released today with the headline “MySpace Moves Into #1 Position for all Internet Sites” is misleading. The Yahoo! network...

  • Web
    Read/WriteWeb Filter

    - List of Social Networking Systems (including their target audiences; very useful resource from Sid Yadav)- MySpace Moves Into #1 Position for all Internet Sites (according to Hitwise, has surpassed Yahoo! Mail as the most visited domain on the Internet for US Internet users)- Rise of the Socially-Integrated Media...

  • Web CEO Marc Benioff: Microsoft being out hustled

    Today Microsoft re-announced their on-demand CRM solution, Microsoft Dynamics CRM - including a new software-as-a-service offering called Microsoft Dynamics CRM Live. According to CEO Marc Benioff, once again Redmond is reacting to the success of service-based companies like and Google.In an internal email, Benioff riffs on the state...

  • Web
    NY Times Headbutts New Media

    The NY Times reports that old media won out over new media when it came to World Cup coverage. The Times notes that television and newspapers benefited from the World Cup, but seems to overlook (or at least downplay) that Internet services did well too. While the Times article stated...

  • Web
    New Netscape = New Coke?

    Over the past couple of days I've gotten 170 comments (and still going!) on a post I wrote last week entitled Netscape Community Backlash. I've actually gotten more comments than the official Netscape story on this topic. The general gist of the feedback is that existing Netscape users dislike the...

  • Web
    News Corp: portals are out, mini-portals in

    The latest issue of Wired magazine has a useful profile of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, which Wired has elevated to number 9 in its latest Wired 40 list (it didn't even make the list last year). The article focuses on News Corp's $580 million acquisition of MySpace last year, which...

  • Web
    Japan Web Market

    Interesting article from PingMag, detailing the most popular web apps and services in Japan. The highlights...- SNS: "In Japan, social networking is represented mainly by Mixi, with GREE following a distant second." - Video: "To my knowledge there is no direct competitor to YouTube in Japan but there is an...

  • Web
    Doing The Silicon Valley Conference Circuit

    My third trip to the US is almost over, as I'm flying back to good old NZ tomorrow. I thought I'd write a quick post about my experiences from this trip. In particular about the 3 conferences I went to: Supernova, BloggerCon and Gnomedex. In reverse chronological order...Gnomedex The most enjoyable...

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