Results for "7"

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    XSLT, 2004 goals, and general blather

    Man it gets quiet in the blogosphere over xmas. I've had to resort to some real work to keep myself occupied. I've been diving into XSLT to try and develop something interesting for my weblog's topic-based navigation. XSLT can be infuriating at times. I got most of what I wanted...

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    The New Puritan Manifesto

    As I was browsing my local bookstore, ostensibly looking for a Christmas present for my Grandma, I came across a book called all hail the new puritans. It was a collection of short stories from young British writers circa 2000. So it was a few years old and probably collecting...

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    Weblog Ontologies, Part 1

    I've been jotting down re-design ideas in my trusty paper notebook. On the Web there is an unwritten maxim: learn (steal?) from the best. So I decided to review some of the weblog ontologies/taxonomies on the Web that I admire. My method of review is informal and non-judgmental. I try...

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    Aesthetic Morality in the 21st Century

    Morality in art has always been a fascination of mine. And by art I mean literature, music, movies - the works. Some weblogs even. A favourite artist of mine is the great Canadian pianist Glenn Gould. One of Gould's theories was that music should be judged on moral considerations rather...

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    Dirtside to Spaceside – my novel in PDF form

    I've released the 0.9 version of my Nanowrimo novel, which I wrote in 27 days during November 2003. Apparently there were 3680 people all over the world crazy enough to successfully complete the Nanowrimo contest in 2003. So here's my effort:Dirtside to Spaceside (PDF - 344KB)Shortly I will begin to...

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    Braindump of weblog re-design thoughts

    I'm thinking about re-designing my weblog. While I was busy writing my novel in November, others were exploring the boundaries of the weblog form. Dave Winerre-designed his hugely influential blog, Mark Pilgrim did a re-design (and curiously, Dave and Mark's blogs have ended up looking pretty similar - or maybe...

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    Nanowrimo Novel Finished!!!

    50,060 words. Completed in 27 days. The new name of my novel is: Dirt-side to Space-side. This is a NASA term for the Interplanetary Internet. I'll post a PDF version of my novel in the next day or two (once I correct the spelling mistakes).Looks like I'm the second Nanowrimo...

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    Day 23 – building now to an exciting conclusion

    42,448 words - nearly 85% done. The end of chapter 46 is here, then I started a new page for chapter 47 onwards.While walking in the local park today, feeding the ducks on a lovely sunny breezy Sunday with my wife and two-year old daughter, I had some ideas for...

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    Day 16

    30,125 words. Chapter 37 onwards. Two weeks to go, at 10,000 words per week. I feel I'm on the home straight!

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    Nanowrimo Day 15 – plus some thoughts on categories and topics

    27,563 words. Here's the latest (ch. 34 onwards). I'm hoping to reach the 30,000 mark by end of tomorrow. That will give me a nice round figure to aim for of 10,000 words per week for the final two weeks.I'm enjoying having two storylines intertwining now. On the one hand,...

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    Day 12

    22,009 words - hanging in there (see ch. 31 onwards). Decided to introduce a sub-plot, to liven things up. It's about a Silicon Valley graphics designer named Dave Darwin, who has just started a social software company. The themes of avatars and social software which I'm introducing here will eventually...

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    Day 10

    18,297 words, here's the latest. I've also added it to the menu. Still on track, but I didn't get much done in the weekend. I was zonked out with the flu on Friday and Sat, watched the rugby on Saterday night (ABs through to semi against aussie), then went to...

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    Extraordinary Evidence

    It's Day 8 and my word count is 14,778. Here's the latest. I took yesterday off. Have got a bit of flu, but the show must go on. I'm trying not to take my novel too seriously, having a bit of fun with it. Today I came up with the...

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    Day 3

    6,086 words. Had to struggle to reach this. Started at 8.30pm and finished about 11.10pm. Man this is hard work and I'm only 3 days in. 27 more days to go! The good news is I'm still working at 2,000 words per day, but I suspect I'm going to have...

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    Nanowrimo Day 1

    It's just after 7pm on Saturday 1 November and I've finished my first day's writing in the NaNoWriMo challenge. I managed 2,108 words today, which I'm really pleased with. It took me about 3 hours, a little over 1 hour in the morning straight writing (about 1,000 words) and in...

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    Richard’s 30-day Feat of Endurance

    I've now officially entered NaNoWriMo, which is an annual challenge to write a 50,000 word novel over 30 days. It kicks off on 1 November, which is one day away for me. I checked into the official NaNoWriMo website tonight and I was surprised to see that 14 other people...

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    Writing a novel in 30 days

    I'm one of those people that regularly says: "One day, I'm going to write a novel." Well now may be my chance. NaNoWriMo is a an annual challenge to write a novel in 30 days, over the month of November. The novel must be at least 50,000 words, which is...

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    Will of its own

    I posted this on my linkblog, but I feel like publishing it here too. I heard some of Rautavaara's Symphony Number 7 (Angel of Light) a few weeks ago, for the first time, and I was quite taken by the music. It reminded me of The Matrix. So anyway tonight...

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    Culture of Celebrity and Weblogs

    I judge the quality of a weblog by its IDEAS, but it seems some people equate quality with popularity. Is the 'culture of celebrity' that afflicts Western movies, television and radio creeping in to weblogs as well?These thoughts were prompted by the recent weblog discussion on power laws and how...

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    On Broadcasting

    The Two-Way Web is a very simple concept. It's all about normal everyday people having a publishing platform on the Web. Sounds reasonable to me, but a thread on Many-to-Many this week has complicated the issue. Here's my summary, based on how I first discovered and then tracked the thread...

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