Results for "7"

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    Rating the Meme Trackers – Memeorandum still tops, but Topix and TailRank up there too

    TechCrunch recently rounded up a list of Memeorandum hunters, or what Don Dodge is calling meme trackers (I like that term). Seeing as I was one of the first off the blocks with a rave memeorandum review back in September 05, right behind Robert Scoble, and I've been gushing about...

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    Read/WriteWeb Daily

    - Esther Dyson talk (Yahoo is "intelligent design"; Google is "blind evolution.")- CES Storylines (nice quote: "By the time Vista hits the street... it will be less about the OS itself, and more about the vast array of services surrounding it.")-  Consumer Internet, Digital Media and Technology Conferences for 2006...

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    Consumer Tech Played Out?

    Curious comment from famous VC Michael Moritz of Sequoia Capital, he who invested heavily in Google in 1999. He also got a piece of Yahoo and Paypal -- also Webvan and eToys, it has to be said. He's listed as number 1 in the 2006 Forbes Midas List (via Jeff...

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    Total Internet Spending Up 22% in 2005 from 2004

    The latest comScore Networks report states that total Internet spending reached $143.2 billion for the full year 2005, an increase of 22 percent from 2004. What's more, comScore Networks chairman Gian Fulgoni is quoted as saying: "It's clear based on what we're seeing so far in 2006 that the strength...

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    Peter Jackson in Seattle and Microsoft last week?

    Todd Bishop from Seattle PI newspaper speculates whether Wellington filmmaker Peter Jackson was in Seattle and Microsoft last week... at the same time a certain Wellington blogger was in town.Pete and me (nb: pic of me by Alex Barnett)Todd wrote:"Filmmaker Peter Jackson, best known as the "Lord of the Rings"...

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    Microsoft Search Champs: Non-NDA Stuff

    Today I was at the Redmond office of Microsoft and it was an interesting day of discussions about... well I'm not allowed to say due to NDA. But most of the last hour of presentations was bloggable. TechCrunch has a good summary post, to which I'll add a few more...

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    Off to Seattle for Microsoft Search Champs

    In a few hours I'll be on a plane to Seattle, for the Microsoft Search Champs V4. My second trip to the US and my first to Seattle. It'll be 15.5 hours of flying time from New Zealand (not including waiting around for connecting flights etc), but luckily for me...

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    Musical Expeditionary

    From the Martin Scorsese DVD bio about Bob Dylan, called No Direction Home. This shot is right at the end (from a 1966 concert) after audience members booed him for playing electric and one guy yelled out "Judas!".Dedicated to all those Web developers who are building things out of the...

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    Does Media Still Enthrall?

    Tushar Vyas, from mOne-Group M: "Traditionally, media enthralled people. Today it doesn't happen - customers are multitasking and fragmented. Today's customer wants to gain perspective, personalise the experience, get involved and participate. Digital allows this to happen."Quoted by Dina Mehta at Digital Summit 2006 - Integrating Online into the Traditional...

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    Read/Write Filter

    Aggregating and filtering the latest Web Tech and Media news, so you don't have to! (p.s. it'd be great to get some feedback on this new daily feature of mine - is the R/W Filter of any value to folks? How can I improve it? Thanks!) - Chinese internet police...

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    Lessig on the Read/Write Web

    Stanford Law professor Lawrence Lessig has a thought-provoking essay on about the perilous state of what he terms the Read-Write Internet:"We are well on our way to perfecting the “Read-Only” internet – that network in which every bit of culture can be bought in a single click, but bought...

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    Synthesis in New and Old Media

    It's not quite a Bloggers and Old Media lovefest yet, but at least people seem to have eased up on the 'us vs them' rhetoric. has a nice article explaining why Blogging vs. Traditional Media has been oversold. Scott Karp's recent post entitled Bloggers Are So Wrong About Media...

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    A web software success story from New Zealand – lessons applicable anywhere!

    This story warms the cockles of my heart, not only as a kiwi but a wanna-be Web millionnare ;-) AfterMail, a company from my hometown Wellington New Zealand, recently sold their web mail software to US company Quest for $14.7 million upfront and another $30 million in cash if it...

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    It’s all happening…

    Sorry for lack of updates recently, I've been busy getting married :-) I see others have been busy too - Mike Arrington's expanded the Crunch empire with a new mobile blog called MobileCrunch, Susan Mernit's been hired by Yahoo! (does this mean I get my name on the 5ive page...

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    Thoughts on Steve Jobs’ Macworld Keynote

    I'm not usually an Apple fanboy, but I decided to check out Steve Jobs' Macworld keynote this year. The webcast was provided by Apple (nb: they force you to download the latest iTunes + Quicktime in order to watch it). Steve wowed us with some big numbers, including impressive iPod...

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    Latest SNS Numbers – MySpace Streaks Ahead

    A USA Today article reveals that MySpace has now reached 47.3 million members. The Blog Herald also reports that MySpace "is growing by an amazing 160,000 new users a day, according to MediaPost".USA Today gives a rundown of numbers for SNS sites, c/o comScore Media Metrix. They note that "in...

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    Google OS = Moby Dick

    I used to think the Semantic Web was the Moby Dick of the Web. But now I think the Google OS and Office is. In the famous novel, Moby Dick is a mythical great white whale. It's an embodiment of evil and power to Captain Ahab, whose goal is to...

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    Main Themes of Internet Companies at CES

    There's been a ton of CES news to digest these past few days, especially in the past 12 or so hours. Yahoo released Go and CEO Terry Semel made a speech at CES; Google released Google Pack, Google Video Player and Google Video Store; Larry Page did a speech at...

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    Yahoo! Go – A Portal That Spans Devices

    Yahoo! Go is being advertised as "a new suite of products and services for your PC, mobile phone and even your TV". The main aim is to enable people to connect with their content (e.g. email, photos, music) across a range of devices. Right now the Go product range is limited....

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    CES 2006: Web Companies and Internet-connected Gadgets Poised For Action

    This week will be awash with coverage from the CES 2006 show in Las Vegas (International Consumer Electronics Show). I'll be quaffing down any interesting news about Web-based media and gadgets, along with feasting on my staple Internet bigco diet of Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Apple. Bill Gates (MS), Terry Semel...

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