Results for "7"

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    Andreessen confirms Ning business model

    Marc Andreessen popped into Alex Barnett's comments to confirm the business goals of Ning. In response to Alex's well-written analysis of what Ning is trying to accomplish, Marc commented:"Alex -- your description of what we are trying to do is very well said. It's an experiment, but those are the...

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    Web 2.0 Conference Post Round-up

    The conference is over now and so here's a summary of my blog output from it. I was pumping out the real-time notes over the last 3 days! I didn't have much time for analysis - my brain was full to the brim just absorbing everything. I intend to dive...

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    Search engine stats: Jim Lanzone from

    Shows stats - 36k feeds that really matter; 14k "really really matter", 60 feeds that are Paris Hilton hot; 1 feed is da bomb - slashdot. [will update these stats later]Long tail of searches - 95%. eg head queries: hurricane rita, maps, song lyrics.Long tail of verticals (or categories). Also...

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    Google RSS Reader announced at Web 2.0

    Google just announced their new RSS Reader, called Google Reader. It's browser-based (of course) and has similar look n' feel to Gmail. Very Ajaxy. I'll play with it some more and report back later. For now, here's more info from SEW:"Google Reader is a browser-based application that works with virtually...

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    Mary Meeker talk

    Lots of data points. "Korea is goto place to figure out where the Internet is going"Innovation coming out of China - 5,6,7 yrs timewe're at "boom-let" stage now (after boom and bust)market valuations of top 5 companies huge (google, yahoo, ebay, yahoo japan, amazon), compared to 2000.entering 2 most profound...

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    Flurry of Web 2.0 Business Activity

    weblogsinc bought by AOL for between $20-35 million.SocialText (the wiki company) is returning to open source.PubSub has announced an open source structured blogging initiative.Flock, the social browser, is expanding their beta. I went along with Mike and Fred from TechCrunch to check out their office, which is literally in a...

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    24 Hour Laundry, the secretive start-up of Marc Andresson, has just released their new product - Ning. It's a free online service for "building and using social applications". Basically it's a Web 2.0 development tool aimed at non-developers. Developers too will benefit from it, because it sounds like a Ruby...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 26 Sep – 2 Oct 2005

    This week: Defining Web 2.0, Web-based office, Yahoo media/tv, Google Wifi, Techie Post of the Week: Tim O'Reilly's What is Web 2.0. sponsored by:Defining Web 2.0A lot of online trees were felled this week to write about what Web 2.0 means. Tim O'Reilly's definition is a very comprehensive one and is...

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    Has Bloglines dropped the ball?

    I've written a few times now about being disappointed with Bloglines this year - and their lack of progress since they got bought by Ask Jeeves. Now Russell Beattie has come out and said it too - and he got a response from Bloglines chief Mark Fletcher in the comments....

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    In San Francisco

    I arrived in San Francisco yesterday, in preparation for the Web 2.0 Conference next week. I'm spending two weeks in Silicon Valley, kindly hosted by TechCrunch's Mike Arrington, Keith Teare and Frederico Oliveira. They're having a great time with my accent ("yeeeeeaa"). I'm having a great time in general and...

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    Web 2.0 Elevator Pitch

    The 'What is Web 2.0?' meme is everywhere and everyone seems to have a different interpretation. Here are some of the latest:Om Malik: "a “collection of technologies - be it VoIP, Digital Media, XML, RSS, Google Maps… whatever …. that leverage the power of always on, high speed connections and...

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    The Services Ecosystem

    Phil Wainewright wrote an excellent post recently entitled The great Web 2.0 application (s)mash-up. He starts by quoting Mohan Sawhney, professor at Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management: "Five years from now, the concept of an application will be obsolete," Sawhney said. "They will all be services, combined, mixed, matched and reused...

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    Really Simple Web 2.0

    Mike Arrington thinks Tim O'Reilly's Web 2.0 meme map should be simpler and Dave Winer responds, saying it's a complicated self-serving meme and pointing out that the map doesn't include RSS. I've been looking at the meme map closely, while working on the latest chapter of Josh's and my O'Reilly...

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    Acquisition Rumors – Newsgator and Moreover

    NewsGator Technologies will be announcing "a MAJOR acquisition" at the Web 2.0 Conference on October 5-7. Hmmm, I wonder who it is. Looking at my RSS Spacespreadsheet, Newsgator is one of the leading vendors in the Reader Services category. They also have a presence in the Search space. I wouldn't...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 19-25 Sep 2005

    This week: Microsoft vs Google, Web 2.0 coverage galore, Web 2.0 Conference, The Real World: yoga blogging, Techie post of the week: Mini-Microsoft. Microsoft vs Google Over the last week the number of stories about Microsoft vs Google has reached a crescendo. The best one was a story by CNET...

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    MSN vs WebMachine

    CNET takes an interesting look at Microsoft's history in the Web era and suggests that MSN may now be a key part of Microsoft's Web 2.0 strategy. They write that MSN is already being used as a platform for Windows software releases:"The search service in Windows Vista, for example, shipped...

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    Gmail/Google backlash

    Yahoo Mail, the beta Web-based email program, is better than Gmail - so says the WSJ's Walt Mossberg. He notes:"The new Yahoo Mail is far superior to Gmail. Yahoo more closely matches the desktop experience most serious email users have come to expect. Gmail, by contrast, is quirky and limited."He...

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    Web 2.0 Meme Map

    Tim O'Reilly has posted a meme map of Web 2.0, from the "What is Web 2.0?" brainstorming session at FOO Camp 2005. Hat-tip Josh for the link. It's kind of a business model map:Click here for full imageThe orange box in the middle and brown ovals at the bottom cover...

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    Feedburner’s Network Effects

    Feedburner's released more stats to celebrate reaching 100,000 managed feeds. They highlight some impressive growth in the number of subscribers to Feedburner feeds - over 4.2 million subscribers per day by end of August. Paul Kedrosky noted that the number of subscribers has doubled every 2 months during 2005. Dick...

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    The Future of Web Apps and Services, circa 2001

    I love reading old books about the Web and Internet. I'm in the middle of Stewart Brand's classic book from the 80's, The Media Lab, right now. Anyway I came across this 2001 web article from devx called The Future of Web Apps and Services, on the subject of Futurist...

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