Results for "7"

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    NetSquared – remixing the Web for social change

    Sometimes we all get so wrapped up in the latest Web 2.0 calendar, rss reader or search product, that we forget that some things labeled 'Web 2.0' are actually doing social good in the world. This is the case with NetSquared, which is a non-profit organization that aims to "increase...

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    Mashup Business Models

    Developing a mashup can be a lot of fun and it's usually low cost, because you're using (semi) open tools and data. Forget fun though for a minute - is there a business in mashups? There are obvious benefits for the data providers, for example both Google and craigslist benefit...

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    Feeds as a platform + future of aggregators

    Niall Kennedy is on a roll, having this week published an informative series of posts on the RSS platform and the 'state of the aggregator':NewsGator APIGoogle Reader platformWindows RSS PlatformFeeds as a platformState of the aggregator I don't really have anything to add, being busy in the middle of other...

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    Kiwi developer selling a Web 2.0 app on eBay

    My NZ 2.0 buddy Ben Nolan is selling one of his web apps, bubbletwo, on eBay. There he is pictured on the left, pretending he's zooming down the Silicon Valley highways in a Ferarri (which may yet happen if he sells his mapping startup whipped up bubbletwo recently and...

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    Read/Write Web Filter: ETech special

    ETech 2006 has started and it's the one conference this year which people kept telling me I should be at (but oddly, no one offered to pay my airfare...). Oh well, luckily I have my finger on the blogosphere pulse and so I'm going to post updates of my virtual...

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    The case for Digital Media open standards

    Ian Rogers of Yahoo Music gave an interesting talk at BarcampLA entitled Media 2.0 Physics. I encourage you to pore over his presentation and notes. I liked the part about Yahoo and original content:"So Should Yahoo! be in the (Original) Content Business? Like HBO before us, Yahoo! should only create content...

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    News trackers: smart or snark?

    Robert Scoble swears off tech.memeorandum for a week, due to excessive snark in the Sunday edition:"’s the little things in life that make you smarter. The little things don’t show up on Memeorandum. They do show up on RSS. Which is why I’m still subscribed to 847 smart people’s feeds."...

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    Reuters and Media Nirvana

    Some interesting reactions to Reuters CEO Tom Glocer's speech at the Online Publishers Association. I thought it was encouraging news and in my previous post I (somewhat breathlessly) compared it to Associated Press CEO Tom Curley's similar speech a year ago. Upon further reflection, it's not quite at the level...

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    Yahoo not scaling back on ‘original content’ – just re-defining it

    The NYTimes reports that Yahoo! is backing off its big plans to create television-style original content for the Web. Fears that Yahoo original content will alienate movie studios and television networks appears to be behind this shift in strategy. In that sense, I can understand Yahoo focusing more on the...

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    Ajax homepages market review

    On ZDNet I've just posted a lengthy analysis of the main Ajax homepages (aka personalized start pages):Over the past year many new AJAX homepages, aka personalized start pages, have been introduced to the market. Microsoft and Google have offerings, as do a host of small startups. First I'll define what...

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    AJAX homepages – Portals 2.0?

    I've been tracking the development of all the personalized start pages that have flowered up over the past year., Google Personalized Homepage, Netvibes, PageFlakes, et al. These are services that don't just offer a place to store all your content and links - but house your widgets, gadgets and...

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    Slow news day

    Seems reporting new media news gets a bit dreary sometimes. This from"BlogMedia Acquires The Blog Herald [by rafat] : Blog blog blog blog blag blag blah...blah. [by rafat] [Feb.27, 06]"I have to admit, the press release Rafat linked to made me yawn too. Oh well, at least the blogosphere...

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    The Value of Feeds (is shifting…)

    Summary: While full-text feeds are under-valued today, they will be an integral part of the content ecosystem in the near future. And that's when their true value will be recognized.James Gross from the Feedster blog has an interesting post about how full-text feeds will provide much more value in future...

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    Why you need a Web Office

    When my post about Web Office Suite products got Slashdotted, one of the main issues amongst Slashdot commenters was: why do we even need a Web Office? This comment by Eightyford put it best:"What are the advantages of having an online Office Suite? I'd say that the disadvantages include: security...

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    Fragmenting Attention

    Excellent quote from Joshua Schachter of"Aggregation is often a focus of attention (latest, most active, etc.)As the population gets larger, the bias drifts; becomes less interesting to the original community members. Work out ways to let the system fragment in to different areas of attention."This sums up why...

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    Personalized Clustering: It’s too hard, say developers

    After my post about Personalized Megite, I got taken to task by both Gabe Rivera from Memeorandum and Nik Cubrilovic from OmniDrive - two developers who have had a lot of experience trying to develop such systems. As Gabe wrote in Scoble's comments:"I agree with Nik that there’s a huge...

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    New Web Development and Design Techniques

    Came across two great articles today that nicely summarize recent web development and design trends. Marc Hedlund from O'Reilly wrote a post entitled Web Development 2.0. Despite the YA2.0N title (Yet Another 2.0 Name, pronounced "YAWN"), the article is a useful overview of software development practices that Marc has been seeing...

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    On Sensationalism and New Media

    Martijn van Osch did an experiment with digg, in which he submitted a story about a company that made a girl undress in the shopping window of its store in Copenhagen.In his post he linked to a short movie available of the girl undressing and the people gathering to get...

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    Feedburner releases API into the wild

    Feedburner, inaugural winner of the R/WW Best Web LittleCo award in 2004 (current holder is 37Signals) has just released the final stage of their FeedFlare rollout. FeedFlare is a set of web services plug-ins. I wrote about it in December when they released stage 1 and at the time I...

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    Guide to Startups – and a note about Feedster

    Ex-Feedster Scott Johnson has an interesting podcast entitled The Young Engineer’s Guide to Startups. It gives a nice overview of the startup life, especially things like equity and the 'risk to reward ratio'. The latter can be summarized as: the earlier you join a startup, the higher the risk... but...

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