Results for "7"

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  • Web
    Building Web Native Apps: Google Calendar and Web Office

    Google's Carl Sjogreen gave a talk at the Future of Web Apps conference about how they built Google Calendar. Rakesh Agrawal took extensive notes, as did Tim Bonnemann.What I love about Google is they consistently think 'Web Native' when developing web applications. My favorite example of that is Gmail, which...

  • Web
    Can Google China compete with Baidu?

    Interesting NY Times profile of Baidu, China's main search engine and currently the 4th biggest website in the world. It has a market value of $3 billion, but "some analysts" question whether Baidu can keep out competition from Google and Yahoo:"While Baidu continues to gain market share in China —...

  • Web
    New York Times Reader Launches

    The next generation Times Reader desktop application, built by NY Times and Microsoft, has just gone live. At the end of August Read/WriteWeb published exclusive pre-launch screenshots of Times Reader, but now you can download the app and see for yourself. Note that it requires a Windows XP machine and...

  • Web
    Netvibes Claims 5 Million Users

    Man about town Om Malik bumped into Netvibes CEO Tariq Krim at the The Future of Web Apps conference in San Francisco. Tariq told Om that Netvibes now has 5 million users, so naturally he is very optimistic of its future. Currently on Read/WriteWeb we're running a poll asking whether...

  • Web
    Yahoo! Mail Beta Release – Exclusive Podcast With Ethan Diamond

    Today Yahoo is releasing the new Ajax-powered version of Yahoo Mail to all users in the US and across 18 international markets. Previously Yahoo Mail Beta (as it is known) was only available to a relatively small group of people.I spoke exclusively to Ethan Diamond, director of product management for...

  • Web
    Apple’s iPod Success Won’t Be Repeated With iTV

    At yesterday's Apple Showtime event, Steve Jobs announced upgrades to iPod/iTunes, the addition of movies to iTunes, and an upcoming product called iTV. Movies on iTunes had been predicted and much discussed before the event, so the real interest was in the iTV announcement - which is essentially Apple's version...

  • Web
    What New Web Technology Has Apple Unveiled?

    It's Apple Showtime today and as usual, plenty of great coverage to sort through. Here is a quick filter of the news, with a focus on Web-related announcements from Apple.iPod and iTunes forge ahead in online mediaThe iPod now has 75.6% market share, according to Apple. The range of 'devices'...

  • Web
    Top Web Apps in Brazil

    So far in Read/WriteWeb's Top International Web Apps series, we've covered countries in Europe (Germany, Holland, Poland, United Kingdom, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Italy) and Asia (Korea, China). We may have some issues covering certain other regions, as worldwide Internet penetration is still very low - 16% at last count. That's...

  • Web
    World Internet Penetration Now 16% – Asia Growing Fast!

    The latest statistics show that worldwide Internet penetration has increased to 16.0%, largely thanks to Asia. About 3 months ago when I last posted on this, the worldwide penetration was 15.7%. Since then Asia has increased from 9.9 % population penetration to 10.4%. As a % of world Internet...

  • Web
    Read/WriteWeb Discussion, 3-9 Sept

    There has been a lot of great discussion on Read/WriteWeb recently, so I thought I'd pick out some highlights from a few of last week's posts...Engelbart's vision exists!Douglas Engelbart's HyperScope 1.0 Launched: early this week saw the launch of HyperScope 1.0, an advanced browsing application based on tech legend Douglas...

  • Web
    Poll: Do you prefer desktop or browser apps?

    Given that our post on Webified Desktop Apps vs Browser-based Apps has generated so much discussion, we thought we'd ask you directly which one you prefer? Although almost everybody uses both types of apps, most people seem to have a preference for using one or the other. Tell us what...

  • Web
    Digg Changes May’ve Increased Quality, But The Community Is In Turmoil

    This week there's been turmoil in the Digg world, as the Digg developers strive to reduce the influence of the top users - in other words make the system fairer. As Kevin Rose recently wrote, their aim is that "a more diverse pool of individuals will be need to deem...

  • Web
    Cloning vs Originality

    A flickr clone; pic by izreloadedIn an interview with AlwaysOn, Fox Interactive president Ross Levinsohn talks about innovation and wanting to be more than a company that clones other products. He takes a couple of swipes at Yahoo in the process, for example:"The world doesn’t need another Yahoo; Yahoo does...

  • Mobile
    Asian Mobile Web Years Ahead

    Pic: Vodafone 905SH, by jetaloneGreat article from about how Japan's mobile phone industry is 1.5 years ahead of America's (and even more ahead of Aus/NZ I suspect). Judging from my series on international Web markets, Korea and China are just as advanced in mobile Web. MSNBC notes:"Thanks to early...

  • Web
    Discussion: Webified Desktop Apps

    Already there's some great discussion happening regarding Ebrahim Ezzy's post on Read/WriteWeb entitled Webified Desktop Apps vs Browser-based Apps. As I noted in the intro to that post, in some ways Ebrahim's views contradict my own.I'm a big fan of the concept of the browser as a 'lowest common denominator'...

  • Web
    Webified Desktop Apps vs Browser-based Apps

    Written by Ebrahim Ezzy and edited by Richard MacManus. Ebrahim runs a search engine called Qube - which is a webified desktop app.Richard's Note: In some ways Ebrahim's conclusions in this article contradict my own views, but I think that makes it even more appropriate for Read/WriteWeb to publish. I'm...

  • Web
    Google Office: Image Gallery

    In a ZDNet Image Gallery, I've gone through 7 products that may become part of a future Google Web Office. Right now, Google doesn't have a full web-based office suite on the market - but this year they've gradually been compiling Web Office parts. For example if you click on...

  • Web
    Zimbra: Mashing Up The Office

    Over the next couple of months on Read/WriteWeb, I'll be profiling the main Web Office suite candidates - such as Zoho, ThinkFree, gOffice, Zimbra, JotSpot, Goowy and Morfik. Plus of course Microsoft's Office Live and Google's current jigsaw puzzle of Web Office apps. Today I'm starting with Zimbra.Zimbra is an...

  • Web
    Google Instant Intranet

    Google has an upcoming Personalized Start Page for Enterprise, according to some sleuthing done by Garrett Rogers and Scott Smith at Google Blogoscoped. Here's an example Dell start page and the official help page.The Personalized Start Page will be one of the options available in the beta Apps For Your...

  • Web
    Douglas Engelbart’s HyperScope 1.0 Launched

    Brad Neuberg has announced the release of HyperScope 1.0, a Web app based on tech legend Douglas Engelbart's 1968 NLS/Augment (oNLine System). Engelbart and team have been working on Hyperscope since March this year, in a project funded by the National Science Foundation. Its aim is to rebuild portions of...

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