Results for "7"

We found 33494 results for your search.
  • Social
    ShoutCentral Sold On eBay For $13,800

    Ever wondered what a MySpace-like social network site, which are seemingly a dime a dozen these days, is worth on the open market? Well the developers of, which claims to have "over 1,000 users", has just sold their SNS for $13,800 on eBay. The sellers were originally after $15k,...

  • Web
    Poll: Accessing Office EMail With Y! Mail, Gmail, Hotmail, etc

    The NY Times has an interesting article about how many office workers forward work email into their web email accounts (Yahoo Mail, Gmail, Hotmail, etc). Employers are worried about the security implications, as well as legal issues. It's a classic case of web 2.0 consumer apps infiltrating the enterprise (the...

  • Web
    Still No Killer Apps For Amazon Mechanical Turk

    HIT stands for Human Intelligence Task and it's the term for a small job at Mechanical Turk, Amazon's AI task management service. According to Wikipedia's definition, "Mturk enables computer programs to co-ordinate the use of human intelligence to perform tasks which computers are unable to do." The payments are micro,...

  • Web
    Firefox 3 Plans and IE8 Speculation – Browsers Heading Apart Again

    Mozilla has published a wiki page detailing its plans for the next version of Firefox, codenamed "Gran Paradiso". The target release date is sometime in the third quarter this year and it hopes to release a major version of Firefox every year. While Firefox is still aiming for a broad...

  • Web
    RSS Tuning with Attensa and Real Time Matrix

    Enterprise RSS software company Attensa has announced a partnership with The Real Time Matrix Corp, which develops search and filtering technology. The partnership aims to help enterprise users create focused search channels - essentially topic feeds. Craig Barnes, Attensa CEO, calls this an "RSS Tuner", which is a nice term...

  • Web
    Top Domain Names of 2006

    There's one industry which has continued to flourish, whether it be web 1.0 or 2.0 or anything in between. And that's the domain name market. The Domain Name Values Weekly site polled 30 domain name experts to find out their Top 20 Domain Transactions of 2006. The main criteria wasn't...

  • Web
    YouTube Now 4th Biggest Web Property in World

    YouTube continues to grow and on current Alexa figures, the online video site is now ranked number 4 web site in the world - behind only Yahoo, MSN and Google itself! The chart below shows YouTube well ahead of MySpace now and (on today's data) now ahead of China's biggest...

  • Web
    Exploring Apple TV and iPhone

    By Steve O'Hear, a Mac fan who runs a ZDNet blog called The Social Web. Steve was also the writer and director of the documentary In Search of the Valley: a personal journey into the psyche of Silicon Valley.Today's Macworld keynote by Steve Jobs was possibly the most hyped since...

  • Web
    CES Web Tech News Wrap-up

    With two conferences to keep track of (CES and Macworld), it's easy to get lost in all the website coverage. One blog though is doing an outstanding job of covering both events - Engadget. I'm also enjoying the CNET CES coverage for down and dirty details on the products.Today I've...

  • Mobile
    Boom! iPhone Rocks Tech World

    At the Steve Jobs keynote speech at Macworld this morning PST, he announced "three revolutionary new products". An iPod, a phone, an internet mobile communicator. But turns out it's all one device: the fabled iPhone!We'll have extended analysis about this later today, but for now let's review the news. Here's...

  • Social
    MyBlogLog Acquired by Yahoo – Grist To The Distributed Network Mill

    After only 3-4 months of general release, distributed social network MyBlogLog has been bought by Yahoo for an estimated $10-12M. This adds to Yahoo's collection of trendy Web 2.0 apps - they can pop the MyBlogLog folks in with Flickr and When MyBlogLog initially came out in October 2006,...

  • Web
    Browster Is Gone, But Are Web Previews Here To Stay?

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManusLast week it was reported that Browster, one of the first companies to deliver previews of web pages, is done. Browster drew a lot of attention in 2005 and was backed by a 6M first round from Advanced Technology Ventures, Vanguard Ventures,...

  • Mobile
    Yahoo Mobile Announcements at CES

    Yahoo issued a slew of press releases today, at CES, all about their mobile Internet services. The main news is the launch of Yahoo! Go for Mobile 2.0 (now available for java-based handsets) and Yahoo! oneSearch. This comes on the back of recent initiatives by Google, which appears to be...

  • Web
    R/WW Coverage of Macworld and CES

    It's going to be a big week of tech news, as Apple's Macworld conference and expo in San Francisco goes head-to-head with the 40th annual CES (Consumer Electronics Association) show in Las Vegas. Both conferences kick off Monday 8 January and there will be no shortage of blogs and other...

  • Web
    Hacking 2.0: Today’s Hackers Target Web, For Money

    Web Security firm Finjan has just released their Q4 2006 report on web threats, which includes describing two cases of web 2.0 hacker attacks, on Wikipedia and MySpace. What's more, the report says that hacking the Web is very much a commercial activity nowadays - which is keeping Web security...

  • Web
    Windows Live for TV: Social Networking and VoIP From Your Sofa

    Interesting development from Microsoft - and one that makes perfect sense given their media device strengths (a.k.a. stranglehold over the OS). Microsoft has released a Windows Live for TV beta. The project is code-named "Orbit" and it is built on the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Windows Live for TV will...

  • Web
    Dodgy Web and Blog Stats: Redux

    As we all know, web statistics are an unreliable thing at the best of times. I posted on this issue back in March 2006, noting that Urchin and web server stats can be used by people to grossly exaggerate their statistics. Well now Nik Cubrilovic has posted on a similar...

  • Web
    AI Favored Search 2.0 Solution

    In the current Read/WriteWeb poll (see below), we're asking what 'search 2.0' concepts you think stand the best chance of beating Google. The results so far are interesting, because Artificial Intelligence is currently top pick - despite having a history of underachievement in the tech industry and there being no...

  • Web
    Rich Internet Applications vs HTML

    Forrester Research has done a usability comparison between RIA (Rich Internet Apps) and HTML apps, in a report entitled Smackdown: Rich Internet Applications Versus HTML. The result:"We looked for examples of rich Internet and HTML applications in each of four categories and compared how well they supported relevant user goals....

  • Web
    Kiva: Philanthropy 2.0

    When I was looking for submissions for Best Web Companies and Innovators of 2006, a R/WW commenter pointed to a non-profit site called - calling it "web 2.0 meets the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize" lets you loan money to an entrepreneur in the developing world. On the homepage there...

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