Results for "7"

We found 33498 results for your search.
  • Web
    Wiki Vendors Wrangle Over Domain

    Lately I've received some odd emails from wiki vendors Wikia and MindTouch about the domain A brief history: (the domain name) was bought last year by entrepreneur John Gotts for a staggering $2.86 Million. After purchasing it, Gotts partnered with MindTouch, a wiki vendor comprised of ex-Microsoft employees....

  • Web
    Friday Poll: What Type Of RSS Reader Do You Use?

    Hitwise has released data that suggests Bloglines is still the clear leader in the RSS Reader stakes, with 3 times more US visits than its nearest web-based competitor Rojo. I don't think a lot can be gleaned from this data though, as it misses out desktop-based RSS Readers, start pages...

  • Mobile
    Nokia’s Internet Tablet & Open Source Development Platform

    I've been impressed with the amount of Mobile Web action we've seen already in 2007. With Apple's iPhone, Google doing deals in Asia, Yahoo ramping up its Go platform, Microsoft hyping up Windows Mobile, small players like Dada doing good business, and innovative startups like Sharpcast and Smartpox, things are...

  • Web
    2006 Instant Messaging Innovations

    Carole McManus (no relation) has a great post on the Yahoo! Messenger blog about the innovations we saw in IM over 2006. She says that 2006 was a "watershed year" for IM innovation, citing a Nick Gonzalez post on Techcrunch last November. The features that Nick highlighted then were: interoperability,...

  • Social
    Dada Leads Mobile Social Networking Charge

    Social networking was King (or Queen) in 2006 and mobile is often seen as the heir to that crown for 2007 and beyond. So what better way to hedge your bets than with a mobile social networking service? We've discussed the potential in this market before, specifically noting that Google...

  • Web
    Ajax Is The Pepperoni Of Web Development… But What’s Next?

    Well our poll asking whether Ajax is a Rich Internet Application (RIA) technology resulted in 70% of you saying YES, it is a RIA technology. 22% said no and 8% admitted they don't know. Total poll contributers was 560.The conversation in the post was revealing though - i.e. it revealed...

  • Web
    A Best of Breed Future

    John Milan wrote an excellent two-partarticle for R/WW this week, about the future of software. Because it was a very long article - filled with John's trademark nature metaphors - I thought I'd pull out a few of the highlights.The question addressed was: what will the software solutions of tomorrow...

  • Web
    e-learning 2.0 Infiltrates the Classroom

    Disclosure: One of the products listed in this post, Digication, has been a recent R/WW sponsor.One of the more active markets for web 2.0 is e-learning; for example we've written before about ChinesePod (learning Chinese) and Elgg (social network software for education). Also last August Steve O'Hear wrote a very...

  • Entertainment
    Directory of Online Music Services

    Interesting new directory of "music 2.0" services, which includes the following useful categorization:Music Services - places like iTunes and Rhapsody where you can purchase or subscribe to musicMusic Discovery - places that help you find music - these fall generally into 3 subcategories: Social - wisdom of the crowds sites...

  • Web
    Browser Market Share: Maxthon May Stop Firefox’s Slow Climb

    The latest browser stats are causing some discussion - mainly because of this article by InformationWeek, which pours water over Microsoft's claims about IE7:"Although Microsoft recently touted the 100 millionth installation of Internet Explorer 7, Web measurement firms said that the new browser is simply being swapped out for older...

  • Web
    Trendwatching – Wired Or Tired In The Blogosphere

    By Alex IskoldLast week Apple's iPhone made a stunning debut. There are very few people who were not blown away by what Steve Jobs showed to the world, from the stage of MacWorld 2007. The irony was that beforehand, we didn't know what exactly the iPhone would be, but most...

  • Web
    The Art, Science and Business of Recommendation Engines

    By Alex Iskold In October last year, Netflix launched an unusual contest. The online movie rental company is offering 1 million dollars to anyone who can improve their recommendation engine by 10%. Netflix is known for its innovation and bold moves and in the grand scheme of things, $1M is...

  • Web
    Google Promotes Checkout on Homepage

    Spotted tonight by John Milan, Google has a promotion for its online shopping product Google Checkout on its homepage - probably the most traffiked web page in the world.Also there's some interesting speculation over on the Cost Per News site that Google Checkout is set to ramp up:"I’ve heard rumblings...

  • Social
    Twango Tackles Lucrative Media Sharing Market

    Twango is a new media sharing service, for video, photos and other media. It's similar to eSnips, Multiply and PeopleAggregator, in that it combines media sharing with social networking. Twango was founded by a group of 5 ex-Microsoft employees in fall 2004 and officially launched in October 2006. I spoke...

  • Web
    Yahoo’s Acquisition Pattern: Smart and Cheap

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManusYahoo has had its problems lately. Bad financial results in the 3rd quarter of 2006 and the peanut butter manifesto of senior vice president Brad Garlinghouse resulted in doubt about the company's ability to compete against Google and others. Some also think...

  • Web
    Read/Write Intranets

    I am always one to promote the 'read/write' meme and today I noticed a post by Rod Boothby, on what he's calling the read/write Intranet. I didn't see a definition for what this is exactly, but in any case Rod's asking people to vote for the best read/write intranet systems....

  • Web
    Talkr Up For Sale – More Web 2.0 Fallout

    We're starting to see a lot of startups either shutting down, fading away or being put up for sale. The latest is Talkr, an automated text-to-voice service that we actually use here on Read/WriteWeb. At the bottom of each R/WW post, you'll see an Audio link - click on that...

  • Web
    Software Mutation: Predicting the Missing Link, Part 2

    By John Milan. This is the second in a two-part series. Part 1 is here.What will the software solutions of tomorrow look like? They will be forged by four powerful elements: The Internet, Open Source, Mobile Devices and Web 2.0. We can debate the merits of each, but taken as...

  • Web
    Software Mutation: Predicting the Missing Link

    By John Milan. This is the first in a two-part series. Part 2 is here.What will the software solutions of tomorrow look like? They will be forged by four powerful elements: The Internet, Open Source, Mobile Devices and Web 2.0. We can debate the merits of each, but taken as...

  • Web
    Google Reader May Evolve Into Read/Write App

    James Corbett has an interesting post speculating that Google Reader might become a 'read/write' app over the course of 2007. Says James:"The addition of support for tagging and link blogging were the warning shots but the coming months will see Reader evolve into a fully fledged Reader/Writer (let's call it...

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