Results for "7"

We found 33494 results for your search.
  • Web
    Top Web Apps in Croatia

    Written by Berislav Lopac and edited by Richard MacManus Croatia is a small market for any industry - and especially when it comes to the Internet. It has about 4.5 million citizens, but only 35% of them regularly used the Internet in 2005, according to a recent study by IDC....

  • Web
    The Race to Beat Google

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus In an article in the January 1st 2007 issue of NYTimes, reporter Miguel Helft writes about the race in Silicon Valley to beat Google. Certainly the future of search has been much talked about lately. Last year Read/WriteWeb had a number...

  • Mobile
    Nokia and The Gizmo Project: Phone-to-Phone VoIP

    Written by Rudy De Waele from and edited by Richard MacManus. We are entering an era of broadband being available anywhere, on any device - and this will happen all 'over IP' (Internet Protocol). So we are looking at an all-IP world where choice of applications, devices and platforms...

  • Web
    Top 10 Read/WriteWeb Posts for 2006

    It's a light posting week here on R/WW - but for those of you not out enjoying the xmas/new year break, here is a list of Read/WriteWeb's most popular posts in 2006. This is according to our server logs.But honestly, you really should be reading a good book instead of...

  • Web
    Read/WriteWeb Christmas: Widgets, not Cheese

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus 2006 was a year of many interesting Web happenings and 2007 is looking like another bumper year. In all the excitement, we wondered what can we give R/WW readers for Christmas? Well since most of you are busy spending time with...

  • Web
    Charity Badge: Using the Power of Social Networking for Good

    Yahoo has come up with a way to mix social networking with charities and non-profits. Called Yahoo! For Good, it has partnered with 'charity aggregator' Network for Good and launched a personalized Charity Badge - for people to put on their websites, social networks or email. To promote the initiative,...

  • Web
    ClearForest: a Top-Down Approach to Semantic Web

    By Alex IskoldWe've been writing recently about the rise of semantic web and how in 2007 we'll see many interesting semantic technologies. The fundamental problem that all these technologies need to solve is explaining the meaning of things to computers. There are several approaches to this, all of which in...

  • Web
    Best Web Bigco of 2006: Google

    This is the third annual Best Web Companies round-up from Read/WriteWeb (see 2005 and 2004). This year we're spreading it out over 2 separate posts. In this post, we announce Best Bigco and the runners-up - with our special brand of analysis too. In our next post, we'll announce Best...

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    FeedSky, China’s Version of Feedburner – But With Bigger Numbers

    By Guest Writer Gang LuFeedSky is the largest Chinese feed management provider and has just launched its Beta 3. CEO Xinxin Lv described it to me as "mainly a UI update with some performance enhancement".The web2.0 market is still quite young in China, but its concepts are rapidly spreading throughout...

  • Web
    GoogleOS II: Starring Linus Torvalds

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus Did the above image shock you? No, this is not a real Google advert! But something similar may well turn into reality. In this sequel to our original GoogleOS blockbuster, we try to clarify our thoughts on what GoogleOS will look...

  • Web
    The Social Shopping Faceoff

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManusIt's no accident that Time magazine choose YOU as their Person of the Year. In 2006, the Web was all about the social. User generated content was king this year - and the Time editor in chief is betting that the impact...

  • Web
    The Shrinking Long Tail – Top 10 Web Domains Increasing in Reach

    Last week I was following the De-Portalization of the Internet thread, started by Fred Wilson and then extended by Keith Teare. I was struck by one observation in particular by Fred:"I don't have the data to prove it, but my guess is if you looked at the percent of all...

  • Web
    Digg Goes Multimedia – Launches New Video, Podcasting Features

    Popular social news site Digg has announced a number of new features in anticipation of the new year, including a beta podcasting service and enhanced video on the site. Digg says the aim of the new features is to make Digg a more inviting environment for new users, in line...

  • Web
    Time’s Person of the Year is You – a Silicon Valley fueled, Steak-frite eating You

    So Web 2.0 finally goes mainstream.... kind of. Time Magazine has named the Web-powered "You" as its coveted Person of the Year. In the accompanying articles, the term Web 2.0 is used and there's talk of an Internet "revolution". I think this is all great as a general recognition of...

  • Web
    Looking for Submissions: Best Web Companies and Innovators of 2006

    Next week we'll publish Read/WriteWeb's annual Best Web Companies and Innovators post. Also coming next week is the 2007 Web Trends post (I'd hoped to do it this week, but it's now Saturday where I live and I'm exhausted!). Anyway I'd like to tap the minds of the R/WW community...

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    Prediction Markets at

    A report from the yahoo.confab event on Prediction Markets, held Wed Dec 13 in Silicon Valley. Written by Nitin Karandikar from The Software Abstractions Blog and edited by Richard MacManus. All photos are by David Rout for Yodel Anecdotal.Can Prediction Markets make it easier to get at the knowledge that...

  • Mobile
    Sharpcast’s Mobile Push

    While we're on the subject of mobile 2.0 this week, one of my favorite web startups Sharpcast has just announced a new version of their Sharpcast Photos Mobile Edition. Sharpcast is a data sync service for consumers, allowing users to sync their data across PC, Web, mobile and other devices....

  • Web
    Gotuit SceneMaker and The Online Video Holy Grail

    Last week I was briefed about a new product just released by Gotuit, called SceneMaker. It enables people to cut up and tag videos from platforms like YouTube or Metacafe. SceneMaker essentially allows users to embed e.g. a YouTube video in a Gotuit page, then add metadata around it. I...

  • Web
    Search 2.0 – What’s Next?

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus You may feel relatively satisfied with the current search offerings of Google, Yahoo, Ask and MSN. Search today is undoubtedly much better than what it was in the second half of the 1990's. But Internet search is still in its infancy...

  • Web
    Poll: Best Internet Bigco of 2006

    As a follow-up to our previous post covering the top Web Trends of 2006, we'd like to get your vote for Best Internet Bigco of 2006. Long-time R/WW readers will know that at the end of each year we write a post noting our top Web companies of the year....

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