Results for "7"

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  • Web
    Top Web Apps in Serbia

    Written by Dejan Bizinger, a web manager at Serbian media company, and edited by Richard MacManus Serbia is a country located in Southeast Europe with around 9 million people. Around 1.5 million Serbians use the Internet and the majority of them are still dial-up users. The main reasons for...

  • Web
    Microsoft vs Google Heats Up

    I know, a predictable (almost tabloid-y) blog headline. But in this case, there really is some interesting back and forth going on between Microsoft and Google currently - especially with regards to office software.Firstly Google CEO Eric Schmidt wrote an article for The Economist, in which he takes aim at...

  • Web
    GoogleOS: What To Expect

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus.There's no such thing as the GoogleOS in reality - but despite that, it is one of the most talkedabout Web products. People can't stop discussing it - and even imagining screenshots for it! Seems like everyone expects Google to get into...

  • Mobile
    3 Trumpets Mobile Web Breakthrough with X-Series

    The BBC wonders if British mobile operator 3 has "discovered the holy grail of the mobile phone industry", simply by bundling some mobile web services together and making it flat rate pricing. Mobile Web expert Ajit Jaokar is very bullish on this news.3's new package is called X-Series and here's...

  • Web
    WordPress Takes On SixApart With Enterprise Edition and

    While I was in San Francisco I sat down to talk to Toni Schneider, CEO of Automattic Inc - the company set up to leverage the popular open source blogging tool Wordpress. One of their main projects is, described as "a more limited version of WordPress that is hosted...

  • Web
    Top Web Apps in Hungary

    In the latest in Read/WriteWeb's coverage of international Web markets, we explore Hungary - a central European country of 10 million people. The information in this post was supplied by Hírbehozó, a professional journalist for online media company Hírbehozó told me there are not too many startups in Hungary....

  • Web
    Yahoo: Time to Kill Off Flickr, and Other Web 2.0 Brands

    The big news over the weekend is the publication of an internal memo by Yahoo senior VP Brad Garlinghouse, dubbed the 'Peanut Butter Manifesto'. The crux of it is that Garlinghouse says Yahoo as a company is unfocused and has too many product lines that cross over. Here is how...

  • Web
    Demand Media aims to Capitalize on Web Content

    Bambi Francisco from MarketWatch has an interesting interview with Richard Rosenblatt of Demand Media. Rosenblatt was chairman of MySpace at the time it was sold to News Corp and it appears as if he's aiming just as big with Demand Media. According to MarketWatch:"Rosenblatt has raised more than $200 million...

  • Web
    uGenie: Meta-Middleman for Online Shopping

    While I was in San Francisco, I met up with uGenie co-founder and President Harish Abbott. uGenie is a comparison shopping service that not only finds the best price on a single product, but on groups of products which it calls a 'bundle'. uGenie computes the bottom-line price (including shipping,...

  • Web What differentiates it from Google?

    During the Web 2.0 Summit, I got a chance to sit down with the team at and find out more about their search engine. This was straight after a Summit session entitled 'Disruption Opportunity: Beating Google at Their Own Game' - in which Ask CEO Jim Lanzone and Senior...

  • Web
    ClearSpring enters the widget space with a developer focus

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.We have written extensively about widgets here at Read/WriteWeb because widgets offer a new, byte-size way to expose and consume online content. Widgets are really a win-win for all. Content providers and developers can instantly send their content to many sites, while...

  • Web
    Social and Enterprise Groupware Primer

    Written by Ebrahim Ezzy and edited by Richard MacManus.The term groupware refers to applications that facilitate real-time communication, coordination and collaboration amongst groups of people. A number of startups are working hard to develop the nascent groupware market, so in this post we identify some of those startups and provide an overview...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Summit Wrap-up

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!It's the end of a hectic week of conference-going for your R/WW correspondent - and so time for a wrap-up of my thoughts on the Web 2.0 Summit. Firstly, my overriding feeling is that this year's conference was a lot different from last...

  • Web
    David Filo and Bradley Horowitz of Yahoo

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!This is the final session at the Web 2.0 Summit this year, a conversation with Yahoo co-founder David Filo and Bradley Horowitz (Yahoo's head of innovation).John says there's a vibe that Y! has slowed down somewhat in public perception, as opposed to Google....

  • Web
    What Real People Use on the Web

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!At last year's Web 2.0 Conference, a much discussed panel was one featuring a group of teenagers telling everyone what Web products they use. This year the concept has been take an extra level, by inviting the parents of the teenagers as well....

  • Web
    Marissa Mayer’s Need for Speed

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!Marissa Mayer from Google only has 10 minutes to speak at Web 2.0 Summit, so she gives a high level look at Google's use of Ajax in applications. She notes that the key reason they created Gmail in Ajax was speed. This is...

  • Web
    3/4 of Traffic to Top Websites is International

    comScore has released some intriguing data about Web usage internationally. They say that 14 of the top 25 US Web properties now attract more visitors from outside the US than from within. That includes the top 5 US properties - Yahoo! Sites, Time Warner Network, Microsoft, Google Sites, and eBay.This...

  • Web
    Disruption Opportunity: Beating Google at Their Own Game

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!This session at Web 2.0 Summit reunites two old execs, current Ask CEO Jim Lanzone and former and ex-CEO and now senior vice president of the Online Services Group at Microsoft Steve Berkowitz (whom I interviewed a couple of days ago).60-70% of...

  • Web
    Mary Meeker: The State of the Internet, Part 3

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!At last year's Web 2.0 Conference, Mary Meeker of MorganStanley outlined how mobile and Asia were set for big growth. At this year's Summit, Meeker focused on video and monetizing that. Mary speaks at a million miles per hour and data points go...

  • Web
    Adobe CEO Bruce Chizen at Web 2.0 Summit

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!Adobe CEO Bruce Chizen is talking to Tim O'Reilly on stage now. Bruce says that before the Macromedia acquisition, Adobe was a peripheral player on the Web - so the acquisition brought them back into the heart and soul of the Web. He...

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