Results for "7"

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    How Will Microsoft Respond To Online Office Threat

    Written by Jay Fortner and edited by Richard MacManus With the consumer release today of Microsoft Office 2007, it's a good time to look at the online office space - and what, if anything, Microsoft will do to address this growing market.In 2007 we expect to see good progress in...

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    Imagini’s Visual DNA Aims To Improve Social Networking

    Imagini Friends is an unusual new social network, that calculates your "VisualDNA" and uses it to find other people that match your choices. It's an application of Imagini, the technology - which aims to understand the emotional preferences of consumers, using VisualDNA. This can be used for marketing and advertising...

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    Windows Vista Hits New Zealand Stores First

    New Zealand is the first country to experience the worldwide consumer launch of Windows Vista on 30 January, due to its position on the timeline. New Zealanders get the opportunity to buy Windows Vista in retail stores a few hours before Australians, 13 hours before the UK and a day...

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    Poll: Do You Ever Fake Your Online Identity?

    In this week's R/WW poll, we're asking whether you ever fake your Web identity - or even just part of it. Note that this doesn't count times when you are anonymous on the Web (such as almost all snarky blog comments). We're specifically asking about the times when you use...

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    The Top 100 Alternative Search Engines

    Written by Charles S. Knight, SEO, and edited by Richard MacManus. The Top 100 is listed at the end of the analysis.Ask anyone which search engine they use to find information on the Internet and they will almost certainly reply: "Google." Look a little further, and market research shows that...

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    The Granular Web

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManusOpenID, RapLeaf, Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Undisposable. All of these services have one thing in common - they make web development more granular. By granular, we mean they are making web development componentized and outsourceable. So as a web developer, you can...

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    The Decline of Desktop RSS Readers

    The latest Read/WriteWeb poll has highlighted some interesting trends. We asked what type of RSS Reader do you use the most? Here are the results so far, from nearly 900 respondents:1. Web-based (e.g. Bloglines, Google Reader, Rojo) 55% (495 votes) 2. Desktop (e.g. FeedDemon, NetNewsWire) 18% (160 votes) 3. Start...

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    MySpace, Yahoo Top US Charts for Time Spent Online

    Compete (a R/WW sponsor) has released data that shows MySpace and Yahoo are the top websites in terms of average time spent on them by users. The data is for US users only. Here are the figures from Compete, expressed as % of total time spent online in the US...

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    Attn Steve Jobs: Red Swoosh P2P Service Wants To Save You $15 Million

    Red Swoosh is a P2P desktop client which appears to compete against the BitTorrent client. It's a very promising technology in a Web world increasingly filled with video and other large multimedia files. Red Swoosh is a desktop client (Windows only) that enables users to download and stream files from...

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    Zoho and Omnidrive Working On Web App Data Standards

    Disclosure: Zoho is a sponsor of R/WW. Late last week, Web Office provider Zoho and online storage company Omnidrive announced a partnership, allowing users to edit a Zoho office document and save directly into Omnidrive. Also, both Omnidrive and Zoho released APIs. The news has already been covered in-depth elsewhere...

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    IBM Many Eyes: Rich Visualization on the Web

    IBM has just released a new product called Many Eyes, a "shared visualization and discovery" service. We talked about the usefulness or otherwise of 3D graphics on the Web earlier this week (and most people agree that 3D is becoming increasingly relevant), so this is I suppose another rich way...

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    Mojiti – China’s YouTube 2.0 Adds Annotation To Mix

    Written by Gang Lu and edited by Richard MacManus There are many so-called Chinese YouTubes fighting it out on the Chinese web2.0 battleground, but one that caught our attention is, launched in November 2006. What makes Mojiti special in this market is that it offers users a fresh experience: videos are not just available to...

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    Hacking Mobile: Roam4Free and AllFreeCalls

    Nevermind Mobile Web 2.0, you've got to admire Irishman Pat Phelan's 2 recent mobile services: and now Roam4Free. The former is a complicated workaround that makes it possible for USA residents to call an Iowa-based phone number and from there make free international calls. Unfortunately I can't take advantage...

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    Inside Look At Collarity’s Personalized Search

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus When we did a poll asking what search approach stands the best chance of beating Google, personalized search came out tops with 22%. Collarity was the company we used as an example of such a service, so we wanted to find...

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    Proto – India’s Version of DEMO

    In Chennai, India, a DEMO-like event called was held this week to showcase 30 new technology companies. As of now there is no information on the official blog about the presenting companies, but organizer Vijay Anand sent me a list of the companies along with descriptions. The event wasn't...

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    Throwaway Identities

    Written by Jitendra Gupta of KarmaWeb and edited by Richard MacManus Social Media researcher danah boyd recently wrote in her blog about throwaway identities in MySpace:"Sara created a MySpace using an email address that she made specifically for that purpose. After vacation, she couldn't remember her MySpace password (or her...

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    IBM Launches Enterprise Social Networking Suite; Microsoft Helpfully Offers To Migrate IBM Customers Off It

    The big news today is that IBM has released an enterprise social networking suite, called Lotus Connections. The NY Times explains:"Lotus Connections has five components — activities, communities, dogear (a bookmarking system), profiles and blogs — aimed at helping experts within a company connect and build new relationships based on...

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    3D Interfaces on the Web – Useful or Novelty?

    3D interfaces have been around since the Web began - and more than one dot com fell by the wayside partly because of an over-reaching 3D interface (cough, Indeed as we noted in December, virtual shopping malls are still alive and kicking. But is 3D of any use on...

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    Metacritic – The Grand Daddy of Mashups

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManusMetacritic, now a property of CNET, has been around since before the last bubble burst. The site has a unique system for aggregating and combining the reviews of movies, books, music and video games. This site is very different from today's popular...

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    Can Google Take Over The Internet

    We're piloting a new feature on Read/WriteWeb, called Point/Counterpoint. It's where two authors (John Milan and Alex Iskold in this case) argue two sides of an intriguing question. We'd also like you, the reader, to contribute YOUR thoughts in the comments section. Who do you agree with the most -...

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