Results for "7"

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    SuperBowl Advertisers Fail To Impress Online and on Social Network Sites

    I know as much about the SuperBowl as US readers know about cricket! Nevertheless I am aware that SuperBowl is the biggest sporting event in the US and advertising during the game is highly expensive - over $2M for a 30 second TV slot. An interesting angle for Web Tech...

  • Web
    Web News: China’s Internet Boom, Yahoo Panama Launched, Google Integration, Digg Anti-Gaming

    These summary posts are designed to be a 'quick fix' of the top Web news, for those people who don't have time to read the full articles but who want to stay informed.- Internet Boom in China Is Built on Virtual Fun; NY Times continues the western fascination with all...

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    Weekly Wrapup

    It's a bit late, sorry, but here is a summary of last week's action on Read/WriteWeb....Faking itOur poll last week was an eye-opener. We asked: in your current Web activities where an identity is required (i.e. you can't be anonymous) do you ever fake all or part of your identity?...

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    Google Ramps Up Personalization, Prepares Online Presentations App

    Couple of bits of Google product news this weekend. Firstly, at last some tangible evidence of an online presentations app from Google, one of the missing pieces so far in the much-anticipated Google Office suite. The 'Google Operating System' blog dug into some file notes from Google that reveal the...

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    Yahoo Launches OurCity and Re-designs Sports

    Yahoo has rolled out a new portal-type service called OurCity, a beta product that aggregates content about cities from across the Yahoo network and Wikipedia. It's rolled out to just 2 cities so far, Bangalore and Delhi. It is described on the TechMag blog (who brought this to my attention)...

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    Google vs Yahoo Stock Analysis: Is Yahoo The One To Buy?

    I'm no stock market expert, but Adam Hewison from MarketClub has produced a 9-minute video that even I can follow. It uses stock chart theory to predict the fortunes of Google and Yahoo stocks this year - concluding that Yahoo will probably have the most percentage gain:The chart above is...

  • Web 1.5M users, Amazon Q4, Digg’s War on Gaming, WSJ on Start Pages, Web Profile Aggregators

    A summary of the main Web Tech news today...- now has 1.5 million users, according to the official blog; Also talks about doing "more meaningful joint development work" with its parent company Yahoo, including re-doing the UI.- Amazon Q4 Announcements; sales up 34% including "for the first time, non-Media...

  • Web
    LonelyGirl15: Show Me The Money!

    The Daily Reel has a short interview with the creators of LonelyGirl15, the online video diary of a fake teen which became enormously popular on YouTube last year. The topic was what they think about the monetization of YouTube. If anyone would've benefited from a revenue share with YouTube in...

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    Internet Traffic Jam, Flickr annoys old skool, Zune Phone, J Allard takes charge of Zune

    - Information Super Traffic Jam; "A new assessment from Deloitte & Touche predicts that global traffic will exceed the Internet's capacity as soon as this year. Why? The rapid growth in the number of global Internet users, combined with the rise of online video services and the lack of investment...

  • Web
    Pixsta Visual Search For Shopping Sites

    The Read/WriteWeb team is a little obsessed with next-generation search, even more so after Charles Knight's illuminating post outlining 100 alternative search engines. Although Pixsta didn't make that list (note that Charles is constantly updating the top 100), it is a "visual browse and search" engine that has a unique...

  • Web
    Big 3 on Censorship, Yahoo Brand Universe, Google Q4 Earnings, comScore Top Web Properties Dec 06

    Some interesting Web Tech news out today...- Web giants ask for feds' help on censorship; mostly relating to US Big Internet Companies (Goog, MS and Y!) trying to do business in China, although this CNET report suggests that about 25 countries around the world are currently engaged in Internet filtering.-...

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    55% Of People Regularly or Always Fake Their Web Identity

    Our current poll has been causing a bit of water cooler discussion amongst the Read/WriteWeb authors. The question we're asking in the poll is: in your current Web activities where an identity is required (i.e. you can't be anonymous) do you ever fake all or part of your identity?After 511...

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    Teapotters Wants To Be The YouTube of 3D

    A new "3D community" has just been launched, with the unusual name of Teapotters. The name comes from 3D pioneer Martin Newell, who created the first free 3D model in 1974 - a teapot model. The site aims to popularize 3D displays and sharing across the Web - websites,...

  • Web
    Web War Not Won Yet

    In my previous post, I noted how the new Gmail/Google Docs & Spreadsheet integration feature threatens Microsoft. There's also some high level discussion going on in the tech sphere about how Microsoft's continued loss of search market share and confusion over the Live branding means they are losing the "web...

  • Web
    How Google’s Gmail / Docs & Spreadsheets Integration Directly Targets Microsoft

    On Monday Google released a relatively minor, but useful, feature. It's worth examining a bit more closely, because it's yet another signal that Google is quietly pecking away at Microsoft's lunch in office software. Now I know that Microsoft Office has a lot of advanced functionality that the online office...

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    Widgetbox Releases Blidgets

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus We covered Widgetbox, the widget market place, in June last year as well as during its DEMOfall 2006 launch. Today Widgetbox announced a new product called blidgets, which helps bloggers create a widget that represents their blog.Widgetbox is an online marketplace...

  • Web
    Mainstream Media Usage of Web 2.0 Services is Increasing

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManusI was reading a Time magazine article online today, entitled Marketing to your mind. This article was very provocative and I enjoyed reading it. But after I was done, something else caught my attention. I was surprised to see a row of...

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    SalesWorks Takes On With Hybrid Web/Desktop App

    Mission Research, a vendor of contact management solutions for the nonprofit sector, has launched a product today at DEMO aimed at the SOHO market. The product is called SalesWorks and is similar to, in that it's used to manage contacts or sales leads. In fact it's being billed as...

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    How Will Microsoft Respond To Online Office Threat

    Written by Jay Fortner and edited by Richard MacManus With the consumer release today of Microsoft Office 2007, it's a good time to look at the online office space - and what, if anything, Microsoft will do to address this growing market.In 2007 we expect to see good progress in...

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    Imagini’s Visual DNA Aims To Improve Social Networking

    Imagini Friends is an unusual new social network, that calculates your "VisualDNA" and uses it to find other people that match your choices. It's an application of Imagini, the technology - which aims to understand the emotional preferences of consumers, using VisualDNA. This can be used for marketing and advertising...

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