Results for "7"

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    Why AOL Created 63 Million New OpenIDs

    Written by Jitendra Gupta of Karmaweb and edited by Richard MacManus Late last week AOL announced its support of the open identity system OpenID, for all 63 million of their AOL/AIM Ids (for those looking for a quick introduction to OpenID, click here). The details of the announcement, via the...

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    Living The Blogging Dream

    New Zealand's biggest newspaper, The New Zealand Herald, has run an article about me in Monday morning's paper. It's on the back page of the Business section and is entitled Kiwi blogger logs on to make a living. This is the first time I've had any mainstream media coverage, so...

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    European Startups and Web Innovation Around The World

    Saul Klein, the former Skype global marketing VP who joined VC firm Index Ventures this week, has a great post on his blog about the European startup scene. I spoke to Saul earlier this week and I will write up a post about that conversation next week. But for now,...

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    Dell 2.0: Launches Digg Clone and Video Sharing Site

    This morning Dell unveiled a couple of community-focused sites, essentially jumping into the web 2.0 waters with a splash. They've released a digg-like community site called IdeaStorm and a video sharing site called StudioDell. It's all part of Dell’s "Digital Media plan" and the new products are designed to increase...

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    Web News: Yahoo/Digg, Web 4.0, Soapbox, Gmail, Index Ventures

    - Yahoo implements digg-style voting across some of its products; two opposing headlines pretty much sum this story up... Yahoo Anecdotal's headline: It takes two to Tango (suggesting interaction between Y! developers and their users); digg's headline: Yahoo Shamelessly Rips Off Digg and Brags About It. The first digg commenter...

  • Social
    How Social Sites Reveal What Your Audience Likes

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus Understanding your audience is the key to success in any business - including blogging. Lately the Read/WriteWeb authors have been discussing what it is that keeps readers coming back here. Our recent poll indicated that most of you come back to...

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    Stray Cinema: Open Source Film-making on the Web

    While YouTube and online video is all the rage currently, I often wonder if there's anything on these video websites other than mentos-coke explosions and bad singing. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy YouTube as much as the next person - but I am also a bit artsy-fartsy, so I...

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    Web News: Mozilla Manifesto, Offline Firefox, Yahoo IM/Mail, President 2.0, SNS APIs, Web Safety

    - The Mozilla Manifesto; rather generic new manifesto. It reminds us of an old Jeff Bezos quote... when someone asked him 'What do u think about Google's moto - don't be evil?' Bezos is said to have replied: 'I assumed this was obvious'. We couldn't track down the exact quote,...

  • Web
    Yahoo! Pipes and The Web As Database

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. In this post Alex tests out and explores the emergent world of Yahoo! Pipes. He sees some interesting parallels with Relational Databases in the 90's, concluding that with pipes, the Web essentially becomes a giant database that can be queried and...

  • Web
    Windows Live Confusion – One Year On

    Mary Jo Foley from ZDNet has done an excellent analysis of Microsoft's Windows Live brand. Her conclusions are quite damning of Microsoft's marketing department:"Problem No. 1: Live isn't a consistently applied term: Sometimes it refers to services (like Windows Live Messenger), sometimes to desktop applications (a k a Windows Live...

  • Web
    1dawg Converts Online Video For Mobile Devices

    The oddly-named 1dawg is the latest of hundreds of hopefuls to ride the online video wave. 1dawg's differentiating factor is that it provides a free video conversion service to a variety of mobile devices. It's a seemingly minor thing to do, but in the current era mobile devices often use...

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    Online Video Industry Index

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManusThere are now so many companies vying to be the next YouTube, it's easy to lose track of them all. So let's take a look at the entire online video industry and categorize the major players. Our thanks to Ali Dagli of...

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    Poll: Does Location Matter in Web Innovation?

    This week's poll relates to a somewhat controversial NY Times article over the weekend, which suggested that Silicon Valley is more likely to create innovative and successful tech products than elsewhere in the world. Obviously Silicon Valley has a lot going for it - it's a hub for smart Web...

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    Mozilla Upgrades Firefox Add-ons Site; Interview with Mike Shaver, Mozilla Add-ons Guru

    Later today Mozilla is launching an upgrade to its Add-Ons website. Add-ons are extensions to the Firefox browser and Mozilla is aiming to make them more accessible to mainstream users with this upgrade. Last week I spoke with Mike Shaver, Mozilla's Director of Ecosystem Development and "add-ons guru", about the...

  • Social
    Web News: Mobile (Microsoft, Yahoo, Nokia), MySpace Filtering

    - Microsoft Announces Three New Windows Live Products for Mobile Devices; along with the official release of Windows Mobile 6, Microsoft has announced 3 new Live products - Live Search for Windows Mobile, Live Search for Java, and Windows Live for Windows Mobile (a portal-type offering for mobile including e-mail,...

  • Web
    Firefox 3 To Support Offline Apps

    An interesting tidbit came out of the recent Foo Camp New Zealand (which unfortunately I wasn't able to attend). Robert O’Callahan from Mozilla, who is based in NZ but drives the rendering engine of Mozilla/FireFox, spoke about how Firefox 3 will deliver support for offline applications. This is significant because...

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    Top Web Apps in Latvia

    Latvia is a small country in Northern Europe, next to Estonia, Lithuania, Russia and Belarus. It has a population of 2.3 million, around 38% of whom have Internet access. The ethnicity of the population (Latvians 60%; Russian 30%) is reflected in the small internet market, because most local web sites...

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    Google Search AJAXified

    We've just noticed that Google has introduced a bit of Ajax into its main property Search, by way of integrating Maps on some searches. This feature has been around since December 2006, but the blogosphere's response was surprisingly low. Given it marks the first time Google has used Ajax in...

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    Pre-Teens and the Web: An Overview of Popular Websites, Trends and Online Activities

    Written by Sramana Mitra. Note: this is an excerpt from a report written by Sramana Mitra, an entrepreneur and strategy consultant in Silicon Valley.Worried your kid is spending too much time in front of the computer? Blame it on websites like,, and, which are attracting kids...

  • Web
    The Hybrid Design World of Digital and Physical – Nine Online, e-paper, iPhone

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManusMy wife and I were in the bookstore the other day and we were discussing the difference between shopping online versus shopping in the real world. We were not focused on ability to easily compare prices or instantly get to different stores,...

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