Results for "7"

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    Web News: Mobile (Microsoft, Yahoo, Nokia), MySpace Filtering

    - Microsoft Announces Three New Windows Live Products for Mobile Devices; along with the official release of Windows Mobile 6, Microsoft has announced 3 new Live products - Live Search for Windows Mobile, Live Search for Java, and Windows Live for Windows Mobile (a portal-type offering for mobile including e-mail,...

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    Firefox 3 To Support Offline Apps

    An interesting tidbit came out of the recent Foo Camp New Zealand (which unfortunately I wasn't able to attend). Robert O’Callahan from Mozilla, who is based in NZ but drives the rendering engine of Mozilla/FireFox, spoke about how Firefox 3 will deliver support for offline applications. This is significant because...

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    Top Web Apps in Latvia

    Latvia is a small country in Northern Europe, next to Estonia, Lithuania, Russia and Belarus. It has a population of 2.3 million, around 38% of whom have Internet access. The ethnicity of the population (Latvians 60%; Russian 30%) is reflected in the small internet market, because most local web sites...

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    Google Search AJAXified

    We've just noticed that Google has introduced a bit of Ajax into its main property Search, by way of integrating Maps on some searches. This feature has been around since December 2006, but the blogosphere's response was surprisingly low. Given it marks the first time Google has used Ajax in...

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    Pre-Teens and the Web: An Overview of Popular Websites, Trends and Online Activities

    Written by Sramana Mitra. Note: this is an excerpt from a report written by Sramana Mitra, an entrepreneur and strategy consultant in Silicon Valley.Worried your kid is spending too much time in front of the computer? Blame it on websites like,, and, which are attracting kids...

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    The Hybrid Design World of Digital and Physical – Nine Online, e-paper, iPhone

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManusMy wife and I were in the bookstore the other day and we were discussing the difference between shopping online versus shopping in the real world. We were not focused on ability to easily compare prices or instantly get to different stores,...

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    Customized Video Advertising Disrupts Ad Industry

    Written by Jay Fortner and edited by Richard MacManus The New York Times has an interesting report about companies that offer customized video advertising, such as Spot Runner and Visible World. Marketers are excited about this technology, because it means they can utilize demographics to deliver targeted advertising across several...

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    Web News: Pipes, Windows Live Hotmail & Mobile 6, Baidu Video Search, IBM QEDWiki

    - Is that a pipe in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?; as expected, geeks (myself included) are drooling over Yahoo Pipes, the new RSS Remix service. Indeed the demand has caused some outages. I particularly recommend the following coverage: O'Reilly Radar (although "milestone in the...

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    Zlio Launches in US – Build Your Own Online Shop

    French startup, a service that enables any Internet user to start a virtual store, has just launched in the US and also has plans for a UK version. It's a free template-based system and you select the products you want to sell from a list of pre-approved merchants. There...

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    Web News: Microsoft Supports OpenID, Gmail Opens Up, Amazon/TiVo, Google and Cable Operators

    - Microsoft to Support OpenID; details are sketchy at this point, but Microsoft looks likely to utilize OpenID (the open, decentralized identity system) in some of its products. Brady Forrest has more info at O'Reilly Radar. If this turns out to be true, it'll be a huge step forward and...

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    MySpace Love Triangle With Google and eBay

    Written by Jay Fortner and edited by Richard MacManusMySpace has some hard decisions to make, as last year they entered into an advertising relationship with Google and now they find themselves unable to make similar deals with other companies. An alliance between MySpace and Google last year, where Google became...

  • Social
    Flixster: Analysis Of A Movie Social Network On The Rise

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManusLast week there was a post on TechCrunch entitled Flixster is growing like weed, which described how a trendy new startup called Flixster has seen phenomenal growth over the last few months. Flixster is a social network based around movies. Why is...

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    Steve Jobs Asks Record Labels To Abolish DRM

    Apple CEO Steve Jobs has posted his Thoughts on Music in the 'Hot News' section of the Apple website. He starts off by explaining the background to Apple's DRM on iTunes:"Since Apple does not own or control any music itself, it must license the rights to distribute music from others,...

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    30 Boxes Turns One: Review of a Best of Breed Web App

    The 30 Boxes blog celebrated today the first anniversary of their product launch. The online calendar space has been a tough one, ever since Google released its calendar app in April last year. But right from the start 30 Boxes has been recognized as an innovative app and not just...

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    SuperBowl Advertisers Fail To Impress Online and on Social Network Sites

    I know as much about the SuperBowl as US readers know about cricket! Nevertheless I am aware that SuperBowl is the biggest sporting event in the US and advertising during the game is highly expensive - over $2M for a 30 second TV slot. An interesting angle for Web Tech...

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    Web News: China’s Internet Boom, Yahoo Panama Launched, Google Integration, Digg Anti-Gaming

    These summary posts are designed to be a 'quick fix' of the top Web news, for those people who don't have time to read the full articles but who want to stay informed.- Internet Boom in China Is Built on Virtual Fun; NY Times continues the western fascination with all...

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    Weekly Wrapup

    It's a bit late, sorry, but here is a summary of last week's action on Read/WriteWeb....Faking itOur poll last week was an eye-opener. We asked: in your current Web activities where an identity is required (i.e. you can't be anonymous) do you ever fake all or part of your identity?...

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    Google Ramps Up Personalization, Prepares Online Presentations App

    Couple of bits of Google product news this weekend. Firstly, at last some tangible evidence of an online presentations app from Google, one of the missing pieces so far in the much-anticipated Google Office suite. The 'Google Operating System' blog dug into some file notes from Google that reveal the...

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    Yahoo Launches OurCity and Re-designs Sports

    Yahoo has rolled out a new portal-type service called OurCity, a beta product that aggregates content about cities from across the Yahoo network and Wikipedia. It's rolled out to just 2 cities so far, Bangalore and Delhi. It is described on the TechMag blog (who brought this to my attention)...

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    Google vs Yahoo Stock Analysis: Is Yahoo The One To Buy?

    I'm no stock market expert, but Adam Hewison from MarketClub has produced a 9-minute video that even I can follow. It uses stock chart theory to predict the fortunes of Google and Yahoo stocks this year - concluding that Yahoo will probably have the most percentage gain:The chart above is...

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