Home The Decline of Desktop RSS Readers

The Decline of Desktop RSS Readers

The latest Read/WriteWeb
has highlighted some interesting trends. We asked what type of RSS
Reader do you use the most? Here are the results so far, from nearly 900

1. Web-based (e.g. Bloglines, Google Reader, Rojo) 55% (495 votes)

2. Desktop (e.g. FeedDemon, NetNewsWire) 18% (160 votes)

3. Start page (e.g. Netvibes, Pageflakes) 14% (125 votes)

4. Browser (e.g. Firefox Live Bookmarks, IE, Flock) 7% (62 votes)

5. Portal-based (e.g. MyYahoo, ThePortNetwork) 2% (21 votes)

6. Other (please comment) 2% (18 votes)

7. Email-based client (e.g. Thunderbird, Newsgator) 1% (11 votes)

8. I subscribe to emails from individual blogs 0% (3 votes)

Even though desktop RSS Readers are second-most popular, only 18% of
the poll respondents use desktop readers as their primary means of accessing RSS
feeds – well behind the 55% who use browser-based readers like Bloglines and
Google Reader. A quick check of my site’s Feedburner stats confirms that desktop
readers are in the minority. In case you’re wondering, Bloglines and Netvibes
are most used by R/WW readers – although note that Google Reader stats are not
currently counted by Feedburner and also Rojo has been temporarily removed. So
Feedburner is under-counting RSS subscribers currently.

Also note that start pages are not far behind desktop readers, with
14% of the vote. Even taking into account the controversial figures bandied
around by start pages about their user numbers (the latest I’ve heard about
Netvibes, for example, is 10 Million users – which seems an awful lot), start
pages are undoubtedly becoming widely used, amongst the tech set especially, for
reading feeds.

Browsers are becoming more popular too, with 7% – and this is bound to
increase when IE7 hits full effect later this year.

Interested in your thoughts on these trends – please add to the discussion in
the comments below. Also here is the poll, which we’ll leave open for a little

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