Results for "7"

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    CES 2006: Web Companies and Internet-connected Gadgets Poised For Action

    This week will be awash with coverage from the CES 2006 show in Las Vegas (International Consumer Electronics Show). I'll be quaffing down any interesting news about Web-based media and gadgets, along with feasting on my staple Internet bigco diet of Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Apple. Bill Gates (MS), Terry Semel...

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    Apple to own rich media in ’06?

    The Internet Stock Blog asks: "Is it possible that if Yahoo is the new Internet media leader with RSS, etc. and Google is the leader in search, that Apple will own rich media?"Well 'own' is too strong a word, but I do know I'll be paying much more attention to...

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    LA Times Goes Ape With Media Industry Predictions

    Looking at the media year ahead, the LA Times christens Google the new 800-pound gorilla - and also the Big Bad Wolf - of the media business. It's an extraordinary article that predicts mega-billion dollar wheeling and dealing in the media industry in 2006. Here are some highlights relating to...

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    Acquisitions and The Big 3

    William Slawski has compiled two very useful lists of acquisitions, first by Google and now by Yahoo (see also The Guardian's list). I'll add the third, Microsoft's acquisitions as listed on their corporate site. From 2003 on:Nov. 3, 2005: FolderShare  Nov. 3, 2005: AG  Aug. 30, 2005: Teleo Inc. ...

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    A Year of Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-Ups

    On 9 January 2005, I published the first of my Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-ups. When I launched it I described it as "a weekly summary of news and views relating to Web 2.0 (Web as platform)." I pumped out one a week for the rest of 2005. In many ways...

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    Best Web Companies and Innovators of 2005

    Last year about this time I did a post celebrating the best Web companies of 2004. I was planning on doing a mega version of that this year, extending it to software and services. But then Dion came up with his excellent list of best Web software of '05, as...

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    Phone-throwing kiwi explains

    After my phone-throwing incident earlier this week, I think I've calmed down enough now to do the equivalent of going on the Letterman show and saying sorry to anyone I offended. My friend Mike Arrington called me a traitor and others baled me up about what I wrote. My position...

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    Ben’s Top Ten 2006 Features to Flip

    Ben Barren's written an excellent series of posts about his favorite features to flip. Here's his top ten:#1 - Podcasting Ratings #2 - Better Blogging Tools #3 - MySpace meets Linkedin #4 - Non-Text RSS Reader #5 - RSS Search/Reader Attention Glue #6 - Images for Adsense #7 - Podcasting...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 10 – 16 Dec 2005

    Here's the Top Ten web technology and new media memes, issues or news stories of the past week.1. Yahoo buys Yahoo! continues its buying spree of cool Web app companies, after also buying Flickr and konfabulator this year. Bubblegeneration had a nice summary: "Yahoo, I think, is rolling up...

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    Media plan of the future

    Liked this quote from the recent Reuters Media and Advertising Summit in New York:"The media plan of the future will look like the tiles of your bathroom floor ... a number of component pieces fitted together very precisely, but lots of pieces," said David Verklin, chief executive of media buyer...

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    Structured blogging is here

    Phil Pearson, Marc Canter and others have been burning the midnight candle getting Structured Blogging up and running. It's live now and Phil has a round-up of all the action. Structured blogging basically means publishing different kinds of information - like events, reviews and classified ads - in a 'structured'...

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    Alexa turned into web service – Amazon back to its innovative best

    John Battelle just posted that Amazon is opening up its Alexa search data and tools to the world! According to John, Alexa has about 5 billion documents in its index, which is about 100 terabytes of data. With this move anyone will be able to use Alexa's index to develop...

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    FeedBurner makes RSS interactive, with FeedFlare

    Feedburner has integrated Web services with feeds, in a new product released just now called FeedFlare. I got a sneak preview of FeedFlare and it's currently activated in my RSS feed. You may have noticed some new active and contextual links at the bottom of each of my posts, in...

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    Is Yahoo using Australia and NZ as a testing ground for rich media?

    Yahoo! has joined forces with the Seven Network, one of Australia's leading television and media companies. A new 50-50 holding company will be formed that will own Yahoo Australia & NZ and operate under a new name, to be announced in January. A PDF presentation about the deal is here,...

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    Yahoo buys – keep it free!

    As TechCrunch reported, Joshua Schachter has announced the sale of to (who else) Yahoo. Personally I'm thrilled Yahoo got, but I'm hoping they don't make it into a walled garden like they did with the My Web 2.0 product. Currently a user can export their data from,...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 3 – 9 Dec 2005

    Here's the Top Ten Web 2.0 memes, issues or news stories of the past week, as judged by me.1. Lightnet: open up your media, the Lightnet revolution is here. Lucas Gonze is leading the charge of the lightnet brigade: "The strength of lightnet is that everybody who's not a media...

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    The Great Arrington

    The Wall St Journal has a great write-up of Gabe Rivera's tech.memeorandum, although tragically the WSJ misspelled the link! I also enjoyed the comparison made between Mike Arrington of TechCrunch and The Great Gatsby:"Consider a blog like TechCrunch, which chronicles the new breed of Internet start-ups known as Web 2.0...

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    Page Views per user: RSS blows HTML away

    Summary: For my blog, RSS is a much more important content format than HTML these days. In one of my posts, five and a half times more important!Darren Rowse writes that Page Views per user for blogs is on average relatively low - less than 2 pages per visit. After...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 26 Nov – 2 Dec 2005

    Note: The Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-Up is back with a new publishing day (Fri) and a new format, a countdown of the Top Ten Web 2.0 issues or news stories of the past week. Also I'm on the lookout for a new sponsor for the Weekly Wrap-Up. It's had 3...

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    RSS Everywhere II – but where is Google?

    Last night Yahoo! announced they are integrating RSS into their web mail and alerts products. As Scott Gatz explained in an interview with PodTech: Yahoo's plan, which started in January 2004 when they launched RSS in the My Yahoo portal, is to "bring RSS to the masses". I liked how...

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