Results for "7"

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    Botcasting – automated text-to-voice services

    Ted Gilchrist pointed to a new text-to-voice service he's running called Botcast Network. He's created a special podcast feed for my blog, so you can regularly listen to my blog posts being spoken in a robot voice.I actually already had a text-to-voice service running on Read/WriteWeb, Talkr, so I thought...

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    Do Entrepreneurs Dream of Electric XML?

    Thinking Outside the VC Box is a fantastic, almost Philip K. Dick-like, essay by an unnamed SOA Web Services Journal writer. It's on one of my favourite themes, the virtual office. Among the things discussed is "the momentary enterprise", defined as a temporary business that leverages "pervasive data". It seems...

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    Top Mashups

    ProgrammableWeb has released a list of 'popular' mashups, which John Musser calculated from a mix of click-throughs and user 'votes' based on a 1 to 5 scale rating system. Here are the top 10 mashups according to ProgrammableWeb:1. Virtual Places 2. Weather Bonk 3. 4. Flash Earth 5. Adactio...

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    Calacanis to Malik: How do you like them apples?

    In an article entitled The Return of Monetized Eyeballs, Om Malik values BoingBoing at $34 million - calculated at $38 per unique monthly website visitor (the average purchase price per unique user of acquisitions during the past year). John Battelle, who manages BoingBoing, thinks that figure is off because it'd...

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    The Second Coming of Content and RSS Feeds

    Feedburner CEO Dick Costolo has just posted what I think is a milestone post for RSS and Web 2.0: How feeds will change the way content is distributed, valued, and consumed. In it he expounds on the future direction of his company Feedburner, which I've long considered to be the...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 14-20 Nov 2005

    This week: Explaining Web 2.0 to normal people, Google Base, Yahoo Shoposhere, Amazon tags, Hypertext and the next 15 years.Sponsor OpportunityThe Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-Up has had 3 excellent sponsors over the past 30 weeks and now I'm looking for the next great sponsor. If you'd like to associate your...

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    Midblog Crisis

    Forgive me, it's time for an introspective blog post. Lately I feel I've been in a bit of a blog slump with Read/WriteWeb. My numbers are still good, but I'm not happy with the quality of my recent posts here. I set very high standards for myself and I get...

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    Gawker Strikes Deal With Yahoo

    In another great sign for blogs becoming a mainstream news and entertainment source, Nick Denton's blogging empire has struck a distribution deal with Internet media giant Yahoo. Reuters reported:"Yahoo said it will post "dozens" of stories per day from Gawker Media's blogs, including New York-media gossip blog Gawker, U.S. political...

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    Ben Crunches the Web 2.0 Numbers

    The Hard Man of 2.0, Ben Barren, takes out his nutcracker and starts crunching the numbers of Internet companies. Wielding financial methodologies, Ben intends to get some REAL analysis happening in the hot-air-o-sphere. Things like profit, revenue and unique user multiples relative to market cap. Not for the faint-hearted then.Ben's...

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    The World’s Top Websites – Yahoo number 1, China moving up

    In my ZDNet column today I took a look at the top websites in the world according to Alexa. You might be surprised by what I found. Here is the current top 10 in terms of traffic:1. Yahoo! 2. Microsoft Network (MSN)  3. Google 4. Yahoo! Japan  5.  6....

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    Portals 2.0 flesh out their product lines

    Tristan Louis has compiled some excellent comparison charts of products across the Big 4 Internet companies - Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft and AOL [nb: Tristan's site was down when I checked, but you can also access his post here on Google cache]. The charts are worth poring over, but the crux...

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    Is Web 2.0 a native language to the Chinese?

    Rebecca MacKinnon has been at the Chinese Blogger Conference and has come away from it wondering if "Web2.0 is potentially a very Chinese thing." She explained:"One of the most important words in the Chinese language is “guanxi.” It means “relationship.” Whatever you think about the term “Web2.0”, the point is...

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    Ah, the Boom and Bust – those were the days…

    The dotcom boom and bust has been voted the most influential Internet moment of the past 10 years, by organisers of the annual Webby Awards:"Launched by Netscape's IPO in 1995, the dotcom boom spurred trillions of dollars in private investments into the Internet, new technologies, marketing, and fiber optic cable...

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    Just Say No To Web 2.0

    Flock has been getting a lot of flack from certain quarters. Mostly they're being (unfairly) tagged as a kind of symbol of the so-called Web 2.0 bubble. I've been dismayed by some of the venom that's been directed at Flock - some of it has been downright spiteful. I'm a...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 31 Oct – 6 Nov 2005

    This week: Microsoft Live, Flash Maps and the Mechanical Turk, Web 2.0 meet-ups all over the world, 2.0 Blog of the Week - by:Microsoft Live wrap-upThe big news of the week was Microsoft's announcement of Windows Live and Office Live. My post entitled Microsoft Livens Up Web 2.0 summarized...

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    The Yahoo! System

    Interesting NY Times article about Yahoo!. Some key quotes:"The idea that human judgment can improve a search engine's automatic findings is hardly new. From the dawn of the Web's history - that is, over the last 15 years - companies have invented tools to help users assess the quality and...

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    Top Ten Web 2.0 Problems Amazon Mechanical Turk Can Solve For Me

    What is Amazon Mechanical Turk? It's a web service that enables you to "complete simple tasks that people do better than computers. And, get paid for it."Amazon describes it thusly: "...when we think of interfaces between human beings and computers, we usually assume that the human being is the one...

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    Gen Y are Content Creators

    This what it's all about:"Fully half of all teens and 57% of teens who use the internet could be considered Content Creators. They have created a blog or webpage, posted original artwork, photography, stories or videos online or remixed online content into their own new creations."That finding is from the...

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    Attack of the Clones

    So the latest ruckus in tech.blogosphere is about Dave Winer's call to Clone the Google API (note the URL name). Robert Scoble wrote an enthusiastic post entitled Yahoo's new pretty maps are doomed (and so are Microsoftís), which understandably got up the nostrils of Yahoo!'s Jeremy Zawodny. Microsoft's Dare Obasanjo...

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    Issues Facing Web 2.0 Today

    Dion Hinchcliffe has an excellent post outlining the top 10 issues for Web 2.0 today (an 11th was added in the comments by Paul Montgomery). Here's a summary of Dion's list with comments from me, but be sure to check his site too because he has useful commentary for each...

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