The Hard Man of 2.0, Ben Barren, takes out his nutcracker and starts crunching the numbers of Internet companies. Wielding financial methodologies, Ben intends to get some REAL analysis happening in the hot-air-o-sphere. Things like profit, revenue and unique user multiples relative to market cap. Not for the faint-hearted then.
Ben’s made a start with the big Internet companies:
G (GOOGLE) – $109B, 86 P/E
E (EBAY) – $61B, 61 P/E
M (MICROSOFT/MSN) – $290B, 23 P/E
A (AMAZON) – $17B, 35 P/E
Y (YAHOO) – $54B, 35 P/E
A (AOL/TIME WARNER) – $83B mkt cap, 31 P/E incl Time Warner
IACI – $9.2B mkt cap, 6.6 P/E
NEWSCORP : $48B, 21 P/E
APPLE : $51B, 39 P/E
See also my ZDNet post on Alexa stats, where I mention that Yahoo and Google’s market cap was essentially equal in May this year. But Google has since grown to over double the size of Yahoo!