Results for "7"

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 4-10 July 2005

    A bit of admin before I start. The Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-Up is looking for a new sponsor, now that ThePort Network has completed its sponsorship arrangement with me. Dan Backus from ThePort Network told me they had a lot of positive feedback to the sponsorship and their product offerings...

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    Good conversation happening in my Bots post

    I know it's the weekend and not the ideal time for a blog conversation, but there's a great one happening in the comments of my recent post On Bots and Content Creation / Aggregation. I'd like to get more points of view on this discussion, which is focused on the...

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    On Bots and Content Creation / Aggregation

    Sometimes I get confused by the Remix Culture and its various shades of grey. For example:A good planet is hard to findPlanet Web 2.0 "aggregates the weblogs of the Web 2.0 community. Web 2.0 is about sharing rich data through open, loosely coupled services, enabling new and exciting applications and...

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    Technorati the No.1 blog search engine according to Alexa

    Technorati has gotten a little bit of heat recently from Marc Canter and Dave Winer, which prompted me to take a look at how Technorati stacks up against its competition in the blog search space. Hat-tip also to Josh Hallett, who pointed me to a relevant post of his the...

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    Morning Coffee Notes – Converse with us

    Good, Dave Winer has returned to text format (at least for today) for his morning coffee notes. That means I can link to it. He wrote this morning:"Every company, not just tech companies, needs to have a presence in the blogging world, someone whose feet are planted both in the...

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    The Read/Write Web for most people is community websites – like eBay

    In my podcast with Alex Barnett the other day, I mentioned that the Read/Write Web (the theory, not my site) isn't just about writing as we usually think of it on the Web - blogs, wikis, etc. It can also be interacting or transacting with websites and apps. Participating in...

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    Podcast with Alex Barnett from Microsoft

    I'm doing the rounds on the podcasting circuit. Tonight I did an impromptu podcast with Microsoft International Program Manager Alex Barnett. We were chatting via Skype and it kind of just turned into a podcast. Skype can record calls, which I didn't know until Alex told me - he has...

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    Talking Blog

    I've recently added a neat new feature onto my blog - a "Listen to audio version of this post" link at the end of each post (only on my website). It's powered by a really cool new app called Every time I write a post on Read/Write Web, Talkr...

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    Yahoo My Web 2.0

    Yahoo has a beta "Social Search Engine" called (woo!) My Web 2.0. According to the Yahoo Search Blog, it "enables people to search the expertise of their friends and community". It hooks into Yahoo 360 (which opened up to the general public last week), and it's got "personalized search", sharing...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 20-26 June 2005

    sponsored by:This week: Wrap of Microsoft RSS news, reblog/reblg, Attention, Yahoo 360 go-live, Late Show style Top Ten for Web 2.0.Microsoft RSS WrapThe biggest story of the week, probably even the year, was Microsoft's bearhug embrace of RSS. They got Dave Winer's blessing and they made all the right sounds...

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    Microsoft Embraces and Extends RSS

    There has been a lot of coverage already about Microsoft's RSS in Longhorn announcements, so my aim here is to distil it and get to the essence of it. I'm doing this for my own benefit really, but hopefully my notes help others grok it too.The obvious place to start...

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    Top Ten Signs You Spend Too Much Time Thinking About Web 2.0

    In the tradition of David Letterman, I've come up with my own topic-focused Top Ten list. Top ten signs you spend too much time thinking about Web 2.0:10. When arranging to meet with your friends in town, you suggest a "point of presence" instead of a meeting place.9. Your child...

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    MSN: Bloggers Wanted

    MediaPost reports that Microsoft's MSN portal is advertising for bloggers. At first glance, this is right up my street. I've been trying to get an ongoing and secure 20 hour/week writing gig for months, with no success - i.e. I'm still at my day job! So my first thought was:...

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    Microsoft about to make a move in RSS-land

    I have a feeling this is going to be hugely significant. Dave Winer wrote today:"On Friday you'll see how deeply integrated RSS is in the architecture of the browser. But that's just the tip of what may turn out to be a very big iceberg. The people at Microsoft noticed...

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    More on AOL portal – promising talk of RSS and topic-focused content

    Morenews is filtering through about AOL's re-design. AOL is probably second behind Yahoo in terms of the number of users it has, although it's far behind Yahoo in terms of marketing itself as a media company. If you look at's homepage right now, for example, you'll see it still...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 13-19 June 2005 – International Special

    sponsored by:This week: An International Web 2.0 Special!In this week's Wrap-Up, I'm going to focus on international (read: non-US) Web 2.0 activities. The US and San Francisco in particular will always be the center of Web Technology business, but it's good to take notice of the rest of the world...

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    Good Blogs

    For some reason, three of my favourite blogs posted self-referential reflection posts at pretty much the same time. An excuse for me to pay homage to them (and some other blogs I enjoy). In no particular order:a) is the most professional blog that I know of and I've been...

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    AOL the sleeping giant of RSS?

    Jupitermedia analyst David Card thinks AOL is preparing for a big fattie splash into the RSS pool. He says:1. The new version of MyAOL is "essentially an RSS reader", albeit not as slick as how Apple does RSS in its Safari browser.2. "AOL has a deal with Feedster to provide...

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    Google website ranking patent – but does it account for RSS and APIs?

    On 31 March 2005 a Google US patent was made public that reveals interesting data on how they rank your website. Patent number 20050071741 was actually filed on 30 September 2003, but it was only made public at the end of March. Darren Yates did some analysis on it -...

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    Yes, I will go to the Web 2.0 Conference

    Ok, this morning's post was silly. Now here's a serious one. I will go to San Francisco this October, for two reasons. Firstly to attend the Web 2.0 Conference (why should I miss out on all the fun!). Secondly to get a job in America, so my family and I...

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