I’ve recently added a neat new feature onto my blog – a “Listen to audio version of this post” link at the end of each post (only on my website). It’s powered by a really cool new app called Talkr.com. Every time I write a post on Read/Write Web, Talkr converts it into an MP3 file. It’s quite a thrill listening to a computer-generated voice, female with an American accent, recite my posts. Check out the audio version of the “Yahoo My Web 2.0” post I wrote tonight.
Funnily enough, it’s not unlike my own first experiments with podcasting nearly a year ago – in which I rather blandly recited one of my long posts. Except I think the computer-generated Talkr voice has way more personality 🙂
Incidentally, I’m recording a human podcast with Roland Tanglao tomorrow morning my time. So you’ll hear my real voice soon enough.