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    Aggregation Advertising Aggravation

    Try saying that three times fast! Jupiter Research analyst Eric Peterson recently had another chat with Bloglines CEO Mark Fletcher. The resulting post from Eric pretty much confirms my theory that Bloglines was scared off its contextual advertising strategy by vocal publishers (big and small). Here's what Eric wrote:"[...] It...

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    Oliver Stone Turning My Blog Into A Movie?

    Andrew Watson suggests that my post about Bloglines being scared off its advertising strategy would make a great Oliver Stone movie :-) Heh, I won't sell my screenplay to Stone for less than a cool million! ;-) Seriously though, it's possible my post did sound like a Conspiracy Theory, but...

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    Blogging 2.0

    You may be getting sick of '2.0' being stuck onto the end of everything, but I can't resist pointing to this excellent post by VC Fred Wilson. He characterises the mid-to-late 90's era of Web content creation companies like (ex-The Mining Company), Geocities and Tripod as "blogging 1.0". The...

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    Bloglines Was Scared Off Advertising Strategy

    Provocative post by Jason Calacanis on the Bloglines sale. He says it's "a horrible business and it will never make money." The reason? He reckons "95-99% of the RSS reader market" will belong to the Big 3 of Yahoo, Microsoft and Google within 2 years. That's the 'bigco will crush...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 30 Jan-6 Feb 2005

    Here's my summary of what went on in the Web 2.0 world this past week. Headlines inspired by tabloid newspapers.Bloglines Shocker! Butler Buys Master of the Blog Universe!The big news of the week was Mary Hodder's scoop that Bloglines has (probably) been bought by Ask Jeeves, the genial but non-trendy...

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    Bloglines acquired by Ask Jeeves?

    Mary Hodder has the scoop, which if true is huge news in the Web 2.0 world. Also quite eerie given what I wrote yesterday! Here's what Mary blogged:"Ask Jeeves Buys Bloglines(Updated 12:30pm. This was apparently going to be announced Tuesday, not Monday.)That's the scoop. Ask Jeeves is integrating Bloglines into...

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    Anybody with an interest in the publishing industry will be familiar with the dream of Print On Demand, whereby you order a book from a kiosk or similar service and a paper book is custom printed before your eyes. Former publishing honcho Jason Epstein is the person most commonly associated...

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    Web 2.0 Definition and Tagging

    I'm trying to figure out what 'Web 2.0' means to people. These are the reasons why I'm trying to figure this out:* I want to define it so that my tagline makes sense to people :-)* Web 2.0 is my niche topic. It's my little piece of The Long Tail...

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    Gillmor Gang Explores RSS and Content Business

    Interesting edition of the Gillmor Gang this week, focusing on RSS and Web content models. The guests were Stephen O'Grady from analyst firm Redmonk and Rafat Ali from the excellent Udell launched into an interesting spiel around the 18 minute mark. He talked about some of the usage scenarios...

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    Making it come alive

    This year I've been focusing on Web 2.0 themes in my posts, but yesterday I received two emails from people responding to a couple of older Read/Write Web posts. Those emails reminded me of the personal nature of blogging and that it's about keeping it real.The first email was from...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 16-22 January 2005

    Some of the Web 2.0 trends and talk I tracked this week... accompanied by some dodgy Austin Powers subheaders.Tagalicious, baby, yeah!Flickr and made tagging cool, now every social software app is doing it. Technorati, The Robot Co-op and Metafilter were among the companies braggin' about taggin' this week. There...

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    Why Topic/Tag/Remix Feeds Are The Future of RSS

    To follow-up on my rather bold prediction for RSS in my previous post: "in the not too distant future, more people will subscribe to topic/tag/remix feeds than feeds of actual people." One of the reasons I think this may eventuate is that blogging is and always will be a minority sport...

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    Remixing and Speculation on The Future of RSS

    Amazon DevCon is happening right now and happily the Amazon Web Services Blog is blogging it in "near-real-time" (hat-tip to Greg Linden for linking to it). I haven't browsed through all the notes from day 1 yet, but I feel compelled to post about Rael Dornfest's speech on the subject...

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    Lawyer asks Bloglines to remove his feed

    Looks like the first salvo has been fired in what is sure to be an ongoing controversy over contextual advertising using RSS. Martin Schwimmer, a trademark lawyer, has asked Bloglines to remove his RSS feed from their service - and Bloglines has complied. Schwimmer publishes his website using a Creative...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 9-15 January 2005

    Time for a look back at the week that was in Web 2.0. In no particular order...1. Gizmodo's 4-part interview with Bill Gates ended with Bill insisting that DRM is a good thing because it protects your medical records (or something like that). In part one of the interview, Gates...

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    More Thoughts on RSS Aggregator Market Share quoted me in their article entitled Benchmark For RSS Client Market Share?, a news story covering Feedburner's RSS Aggregator stats. It's the first time I've been used in the media as a source, so I'm quite chuffed. They didn't contact me, just quoted from my blog - which is...

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    Feedburner’s RSS Aggregator Market Share stats

    Great news! Prompted by my December post about RSS Reader Market Share, Feedburner (the company I selected as the most promising Web 2.0 company of 2004/5) has just released their own RSS Aggregator stats. This is exactly what I asked for, because statistically the Feedburner data is much much bigger...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 2-8 January 2005

    I thought I'd trial a new feature on Read/Write Web, a weekly summary of news and views relating to Web 2.0 (Web as platform). Most of the links will be sourced from my linkblog, which btw I'm now managing with So here are some highlights from this week:1. Weblications...

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    Content and Containers

    One of my favourite articles of 2004 was a transcript of a speech by Tom Curley, CEO of the Associated Press. In it he said that "...content will be more important than its container in this next phase [of the Web]". Why? Because "killer apps, such as search, RSS and...

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    Best Web 2.0 Companies of 2004

    In 2005 I'll be sharpening my blog's focus some more, onto the topic of Web 2.0. I'll explore what Web 2.0 means in detail in later posts, but for now a quick definition of Web 2.0 is: using the Web as a platform.A good way for me to launch into...

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