Home Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 16-22 January 2005

Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 16-22 January 2005

Some of the Web 2.0 trends and talk I tracked this week… accompanied by some dodgy
Austin Powers subheaders.

Tagalicious, baby, yeah!

Flickr and del.icio.us made tagging cool, now every social software app is doing it.
Technorati, The Robot Co-op and Metafilter were among the companies
braggin’ about taggin’ this week. There was also a fair amount of hand-wringing on the
pros and cons of tagging –
covered a lot of it and Joshua Porter summarized why tagging is a good thing.

I shall call him… Mini-me

Bit of talk in the blog world this week about Big Internet companies buying little
ones. The
Internet Stock Blog asked
: will Yahoo acquire Six Apart?

“…as these companies [Google, Yahoo, MS] assemble the complete bundle of integrated
personal Web tools, the social networking sites will be acquired, del.icio.us will be
acquired, and… Six Apart will be acquired.”

In another neck of the blogosphere, Andrew Chen of Monkey
(nb: a different Andrew Chen from the one in my blogroll) suggested that
Feedster and Technorati “will die”. Death in this context meaning that they end up as “a
discount acquisition by one of the portals”. Andrew gave 5 reasons and the gist of 1-4 was that Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft are too big and strong for Feedster and
Technorati. OK, he may have a point there. The 5th reason is interesting:

“Feedster and Technorati have, fundamentally, the wrong UI paradigm.”

I think Andrew is wrong on that score and Feedster CEO Scott Rafer hinted
in the comments

“We believe that RSS will change both Internet search and paid-search dramatically and
in a way that Feedster can use to thrive independently.”

With my Design for Data
theory (see also my most recent
post on it
), I’m exploring a new type of design paradigm for Web 2.0. Feedster and
Technorati are among the companies building this new paradigm. Here’s a hint Andrew –
it’s not about “stickiness and pageviews” anymore.

Amazon’s Groovy Developers Conference

Huge props to the Amazon Web Services Blog
for real-time blogging of Amazon DevCon. I particularly enjoyed the notes of Rael Dornfest’s
, entitled Remix: beyond rip, mix, burn. It inspired me to remix some of
the notes into my own post entitled Remixing and Speculation on The
Future of RSS
, with the theme of Information Remixing

The ‘future of RSS’ bit was this: in the not too distant future, more people will
subscribe to topic/tag/remix feeds than feeds of actual people. I wrote a follow-up post fleshing that
idea out a bit.

Google’s Juice

Narry a week goes by without Google making some news. This week they hacked around
with one of the Web’s fundamental principles – the link. Google created a “no-follow”
attribute for the hyperlink, to try and thwart comment spammers.
News.com reported

“Called a “no follow” tag, the control when placed before pages of blog comments will
signal to Google as it indexes the Web that the pages are to be overlooked. That will
render comment spam ineffectual.”

Google’s statement
in the Google Blog. John Batelle has some good analysis on

John also reported on the Google AdWords API, a new
advertising platform perhaps? John said:

“Google is opening up API support for AdWords. This is a big deal (I hope) in that it
lets new ecologies of AdWord-based plays begin to thrive.”

Schwimmer tries to take away Bloglines’ mojo

Lawyer Martin Schwimmer opened up a can of worms this week, with his request (granted)
to have his RSS feed
removed from Bloglines
. I followed the action in this post. As yet Bloglines
has not publicly responded to the controversy, but I’m sure we’ll be hearing more about
this issue in the coming months. For a more light-hearted take on it (or is it?!),
check out Dennis
Kennedy’s post

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