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Read/WriteWeb Daily

Esther Dyson talk
(Yahoo is “intelligent design”; Google is “blind evolution.”)

CES Storylines
(nice quote: “By the time Vista hits the street… it will be less
about the OS itself, and more about the vast array of services surrounding it.”)

Consumer Internet, Digital Media and Technology Conferences for 2006
(very useful

Dave Winer defines
Reading Lists
: “Mashups” of feeds, forming virtual publications (I’m really excited
about what Dave comes up with for Reading Lists!) 

Neil Budde from
Yahoo News talks to paidcontent
(“I think the area that’s growing and is most
interesting, particularly in news, is behavioral.”)

Shore: Neil Budde Looks at Content Blown to Bits by Users
(“This will be an exciting
year in news aggregation, and tools and deals being developed by Yahoo will be a key part
of that excitement.”)

It’s all
in the mix
(Guardian article about mashups… I liked this quote from Ben Metcalf:
“rather than simply combining data feeds, the future of mashups is with people providing
interfaces that enable you to display data in ways you wouldn’t normally see it.”)

The Memeorandum Hunters
(Excellent round-up by Mike. I’ll be investigating some of
these in-depth soon…)

Mark Evans
Memeorandum’s next move (“I suspect he’s trying to build a viable business
rather than positioning memeorandum for an acquisition by Google, Yahoo, Microsoft,

Dodge on the meme trackers
(“There will be a few winners who make a lot of money, and
a lot of “also rans” who will fade away. “)

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