Home New Read/WriteWeb Design

New Read/WriteWeb Design

If you’ve visited R/WW over the past week you’ll have noticed a new design has been
rolled out. The designer was Kevin Hale of Particletree, who did a superb job. I want to
thank Kevin very much for his hard work on the design and for the end result, which I’m
delighted with! There are still bits under construction (in particular a couple of IE7
glitches), but I couldn’t wait to go live with it – so I pushed the button earlier this
week. I’d love some feedback on the new design, so feel free to leave a comment and tell
me what you think.

Also a note about my goals for R/WW. These days I’m attempting to cover the high-level
of web20 – market segments, product positioning, Web theory, industry insights, etc. My goal is to provide
high quality analysis, while also producing a regular supply of posts. It’s possibly
ambitious to try and provide high quality posts and at least some of the
quantity that other more news-focused web20 blogs pump out. So that’s why I’m also on the look-out
for more guest bloggers, to help me write insightful and instructive posts about the New
Web. Contact me if you’re interested!

btw if you missed it, I recommend reading my post on Rhapsody Web Services
– in which I interviewed RealNetworks and Rhapsody execs. Also check out PeopleAggregator and Open
Social Network Systems
for a look at the future of social networks. Finally New Netscape = New
is a story making waves right now.

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