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Read/WriteWeb Filter

List of Social Networking Systems
(including their target audiences; very useful
resource from Sid Yadav)

Moves Into #1 Position for all Internet Sites
(according to Hitwise, www.myspace.com
has surpassed Yahoo! Mail as the most visited domain on the Internet for US Internet

of the Socially-Integrated Media Empire
(Robert Young says that media companies need
to embrace “social integration”, even though it competes with traditional media
consumption; he likens it to cable tv)

Fred Wilson’s
Social Media musings
(“Social media will co-exist with produced media, what the
ultimate market share of each is a big open question, but I believe they are both

crossing the chasm
(Nicholas Carr comments on my recentposts about
Netscape’s troubles: “…the remaking of Netscape seems like the first real attempt to
take Web 2.0 across the chasm, from the little land of enthusiasts and early adopters to
the big world of the pragmatic mainstream.”)

for Outlook 1.5 Public Beta
(“…uses our AttentionStream technology to automatically
and intelligently prioritize RSS feeds and articles and bring the subscriptions and
articles you find most interesting to the top”)

Top 10 Reasons to Embrace the Rich
Internet Application
(Ryan Stewart, who got hired by ZDNet after being noticed as a
R/WW Guest Blogger, talks about why you should embrace non-browser web apps)

O’Reilly argues that Operations is key to web20
(what’s more, the likes of Microsoft,
Google and Yahoo are not releasing their operational competencies to the open source

Paul Graham on Web 2.0
(“It’s kind of like they printed the name on a sticky label, threw it on the floor, and
it stuck on the heel of a guy passing by. The name is a little fake, but the guy is
real.” — n.b. am I that guy?)

Anil Dash is
impressed by The Long Tail
(“…using a wider range of source material than even the
seminal Wired article, along with the phenomenal amount of primary research into
sales data, makes the book something very impressive and unique.”)

Photo was taken at one of
the Gnomedex events – Mike Arrington playfully hitting Steve Gillmor over the head

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