Results for "mst"

We found 1160 results for your search.
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    Cordova Tizen

    Cordova Tizen Cordova Tizen is a skeleton web application which allows a developer to build and run a Cordova web application on Tizen. Cordova port to Tizen is done thanks to a simple JS wrapper (shim layer) doing the mapping of the Cordova Web API to the Tizen Web API....

  • Web
    Next, Salesforce Aims to Obsolete the CMS with Launch

    Here's the proposition: If your business fronts a marketing Web site, perhaps with a digital storefront and probably with additional content on Facebook, is now offering a service - not a software package, but a cloud-based system - for you to compose the entire site, including layout template and...

  • Social
    Why Politics and Social Networks Shouldn’t Mix

    You have a friend on Facebook who posts non-stop about all things politics. This friend is either a die-hard progressive, a staunch Republican or a total schizophrenic mixed bag who only posts outrageous political commentary to piss off other users. With the Republican primaries in full swing, you may see...

  • Work
    Invasion of the Risk Managers: Altering the Complexion of Security

    The modern-day philosopher Thomas Kuhn theorized that scientific revolutions are only brought about by practitioners who are not already trained to think a certain way - or to use Kuhn's terminology, in keeping with a given paradigm. When people train themselves to believe something, they expect their observations to match...

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    EXOdesk UI Developer Preview with Download Link

      EXOdesk UI Developer Preview, provided below, is aimed to help developers to create and test applications for the EXOdesk. Later this month, the publication tool will be made available to allow the participants of the EXOdesk Development Challenge to submit their applications.     EXOdesk UI is built on...

  • Work
    Netflix: No, We Don’t Advertise with Rush Limbaugh

    Rush Limbaugh's statements against Sandra Fluke are causing Limbaugh no end of controversy and producing some blow-back for advertisers as well. There's just one problem: Some of the companies being fingered as supporters aren't signed on as sponsors for his show. Case in point, Netflix.The problem is like the old...

  • Social
    How To Pimp Your Company’s Facebook Timeline

    If you haven't changed your brand's Facebook page over to Timeline yet, Facebook will do it automatically on March 30. And if you have, chance are you could be doing more to make it look better.One of the initial complaints when Timeline for brands was announced last week was that...

  • Web
    Delicious Founder Creates New People Search Engine,

    Joshua Schachter and his team of star developers at TastyLabs have begun work on a second project, an endorsement and people search engine called The site lets you endorse people for their skills in various fields, see what the people you know have been endorsed for and search for...

  • Web
    [UPDATED] Amazon & Google Getting Impatient With Book Publishers

    All is not well in the e-book market. Amazon and Google have each scaled back some e-book programs in the past week because business was weaker than expected. Both e-book sellers are having trouble doing business with publishers.Amazon has pulled more than 4,000 books from its e-shelves after publishers wouldn't...

  • Web
    Fast Times In East Berlin: Exploring Europe’s New Startup Capital

    It is pitch black and freezing and I am in an old, abandoned ice factory in Berlin. The view from the roof is grand - the iconic, Socialist-era TV tower nicely defines Berlin's skyline from across the Spree River. But we are here to see the art, our guide tells...

  • Work
    How Wikimedia Uses Nimsoft to Keep Track of Uptime

    We all know that the Wikimedia Foundation is the operation behind Wikipedia, but what you might not know is that they have close to 100 paid staffers minding the store. And keeping the various multi-lingual servers up and running is a lot to deal with, even when someone isn't trying...

  • Social
    Punk in Africa: 3 Chords, 3 Countries, 1 Revolution… and a Facebook Page

    When Keith Jones and Deon Maas first started trying to pull together the footage, sources and sound for their documentary, Punk in Africa, they found it slow going. It was only when they started leveraging a dedicated Facebook page and other social media tools did they start to make headway....

  • Web
    What Feminists Are Saying About the Facebook IPO

    Facebook has announced what will likely be the tech industry's biggest Initial Public Offering of stock ever. What do practitioners of feminism, a philosophy centered in the experiences of women, have to say about the political economy of the world's biggest social technology company? They've raised a number of interesting...

  • Web
    How to Start A New Business in Less Than 50 Hours

    Just about every weekend someplace on the planet a peculiar series of meetups is happening called Startup Weekend. The idea is to bring together a group of people, many of whom have never set eyes on each other before, to form new ventures, many of which are tech-related. So far...

  • Web
    How to Start A New Business in Less Than 50 Hours

    Just about every weekend someplace on the planet a peculiar series of meetups is happening called Startup Weekend. The idea is to bring together a group of people, many of whom have never set eyes on each other before, to form new ventures, many of which are tech-related. So far...

  • Web
    Cloud Roundup for January 25, 2012

    FireHost is expanding and offering European services, Dell is letting its customers have Linux their way, and EnterpriseDB wants to "cloudify" PostgreSQL. FireHost's European-Based Secure Cloud Hosting Services Go Live – FireHost has announced an expansion into Europe, with services through data centers in London and Amsterdam.Microsoft's plan for Hadoop...

  • Mobile
    App Testing Catches Up With the New Era of Gesture-Based Input

    Gesture-based input is the present and future of computing. We have added whole new meanings to words like swipe, pinch, zoom and flip. For mobile developers, reconciling touch-based input with design and functionality goals in apps has become a problem. Testing gestures in an app is time consuming and problematic....

  • Mobile
    Research In Motion’s New CEO Needs More Than Just “Flawless Execution”

    What do you get when you mix a train wreck ravaged by a tornado then washed away with the torrents of a tsunami? That would be BlackBerry maker Research In Motion. Now the company has a new chief executive, as co-CEOs Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis are turning over their...

  • Mobile
    Research In Motion’s New CEO Needs More Than Just “Flawless Execution”

    What do you get when you mix a train wreck ravaged by a tornado then washed away with the torrents of a tsunami? That would be BlackBerry maker Research In Motion. Now the company has a new chief executive, as co-CEOs Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis are turning over their...

  • Mobile
    Meet the “Real” 4G

    It is no secret that what the U.S. cellular carriers call "4G" is really not 4G at all. It is really more like "pre-4G" or "3G+." Real "4G", as defined by the International Telecommunications Union, does not exist. Yesterday though, we got one step closer. The ITU, a branch of...

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