Results for "mst"

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  • Work
    Maybe Turning Off Email Is Catching On

    Last year I wrote this post reviewing 40 years of using email. I am old enough to recall many of those events and while I wasn't exactly present at the dawn of email, I know people who were. But it seems as if email, at least corporate email, has come...

  • Work
    Maybe Turning Off Email Is Catching On

    Last year I wrote this post reviewing 40 years of using email. I am old enough to recall many of those events and while I wasn't exactly present at the dawn of email, I know people who were. But it seems as if email, at least corporate email, has come...

  • Mobile
    What Is the Problem With the U.S. Smartphone Market? Ask the Carriers

    When you control the pipes, you control the ecosystem. At the very least, you can impose your will on a good portion of the environment. This is what the mobile industry has come down to in the United States. Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint have as much or more say...

  • Mobile
    What Is the Problem With the U.S. Smartphone Market? Ask the Carriers

    When you control the pipes, you control the ecosystem. At the very least, you can impose your will on a good portion of the environment. This is what the mobile industry has come down to in the United States. Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint have as much or more say...

  • Web
    What You Need to Know About ICANN’s New Generic Top Level Domains

    Today could be the point in history at which we look back and say, "that was the day the Internet fundamentally changed." Today is the day the International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) opens up its new registry for generic Top Level Domains and it will have a...

  • Work
    Gartner: Next, Social Networks Will Sell Insurance, Become Banks

    A recently published business development analysis by research firm Gartner looked into social networks' need for a more structurally sound revenue stream, and came to the conclusion that to maintain viability and competitiveness, they will soon enter the financial services industry. One Gartner analyst, Juergen Weiss, went so far as...

  • Web
    VMware’s Gaetan Castelein: Transitioning to Disaster Avoidance

    The evolution of VMware's disaster recovery guidance for customers is taking it in a direction that is actually less focused on the disaster itself, and more on business continuity. That's changing the very economics of disaster recovery (DR) software itself, according to VMware infrastructure product manager Gaetan Castelein.In an interview...

  • Web
    Redux June 2011: Google to Launch Major New Social Network Called Circles

    Final update: Three months after ReadWriteWeb first described these plans in detail, Google announces Google Circles as part of a larger social initiative. It is as we reported it.We believe that Google will preview a major new social service called Google Circles at South by Southwest Interactive today. Update:Google has...

  • Mobile
    How the Boston Globe Pulled Off HTML5 Responsive Design

    On Monday, The Boston Globe released its new premium content mobile initiative dubbed That is not to be confused with, its free flagship website. This unto itself is not all that interesting. Yet, the HTML5 development community is heaping praise on primarily for how the sites renders...

  • Web
    Making You More Awesome: The Red-Hot World of Online Learning Services

    The joy of learning is among the most valuable ways to find meaning in life. Combine that with the substantial imbalance between supply and demand of skilled labor in the United States, and a period of economic upheaval, and you've got a recipe for for something magical to happen.While traditional...

  • Social
    What You Need to Know About SOPA in 2012

    The Internet is in an uproar over the Stop Online Piracy Act. The battles lines are drawn. Big Media (the record labels, movie studios and TV networks) support the bill while Big Tech (search engines, open source platforms, social networks) oppose it. The bill, introduced to Congress by Representative Lamar...

  • Entertainment
    The Steve Jobs Statue & the Four-Dimensional Visionaries of BIM

    The world's first statue of Steve Jobs was unveiled today, but it wasn't in Apple's headquarters city of Cupertino, California. No, it was erected in Budapest, Hungary - and with good reason. In Budapest you'll find the headquarters of a company called GRAPHISOFT, early innovators in a fascinating field called...

  • Social
    How To Get People To Pay To Read Tweets: Make It For A Cause

    A Swedish charity is claiming a first after setting up a paywall on Twitter in which people pay to read Tweets from some of the country's celebrities.Author Susanna Alakoski, pop singer Niklas Strömstedt, music journalist Fredrik Strage, director and actor Felix Tobias Herngren and television host Gry Forssell are among...

  • Web
    2011 ReadWriteWeb Trivia Challenge, Final Day

    As a thank you to our loyal readers and community, ReadWriteWeb is partnering with ThinkGeek to give away a few fun and geeky prizes. Today is the final day of our holiday trivia challenge, so put on your thinking caps! The way this extremely complex game works is that we'll...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: Microsoft’s Apology for IE and More

    Microsoft says they are sorry for all the time you wasted because updating IE isn't an automatic process. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch every story that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We...

  • Hack
    Requiem for Silverlight

    There are some products that appear to have been doomed to circumstance since birth - that despite the most ambitious goals, the grandest intentions, and often the wildest strokes of luck, still manage to end up on the wrong side of public perception. No more prominent example exists in the...

  • Hack
    Silverlight 5 Goes Live, No Word as to Finality

    When Microsoft premiered Silverlight as something called WPF/E in 2007, it was with the idea of enabling developers to build "rich Internet applications," and to conceivably run them outside of browsers, and on platforms other than Windows. The "A" in "RIA" stood for "applications" - the full word, the complete...

  • Web
    CloudHarmony’s Approach to Better Benchmarking

    Imagine my chagrin when I saw one of my articles pointed out by CloudHarmony, a cloud benchmarking outfit, as perhaps being less than lucid. Mea culpa. The article about Microsoft Azure scoring higher on benchmarks from Compuware CloudSleuth can be found here. And CloudHarmony's post can be found here. I...

  • Mobile
    A Deep Look Into IBM’s Mobile Development Strategy

    IBM is poised to unleash its revamped mobile strategy with a full suite of tools aimed at providing enterprise developers with an end-to-end system for collaboration, development and management for mobile applications. IBM is putting the full weight of its history, tools and computing clout behind its mobile strategy. The...

  • Web
    iPhone Gets Banned in Syria as Government Cracks Down on Tech-Savvy Protesters

    Let's say you're a Middle Eastern dictator with an atrocious human rights record and repressive domestic policies. Currently, many of your constituents are in the streets, loudly decrying your government calling for you to step down, if not for your execution. In many ways, the situation doesn't look that different...

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