Results for "mst"

We found 1160 results for your search.
  • Web
    The CISPA Amendments We Really Need

    The goal of CISPA, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act – the latest cybersecurity legislation pending in the House of Representatives – seemed so simple in the beginning: From time to time, security companies need to provide information about possible threats to government authorities so they can take action. When...

  • Web
    Read This Before You Move Your Business to Google Drive

    The launch of Google Drive is great news for teams. The pricing is competitive, and it does more than just sync files. The whole suite of Google applications is built in, but for teams with sensitive data, that’s precisely the problem. It’s worth revisiting Google’s new unified privacy policy before...

  • Mobile
    5 Experts Weigh In on the Future of Mobile Money [Part 2]

    What will money look like in 2020 and beyond? Will smartphones, smart cards and digital wallets kill the paper bill? The infrastructure needed to change the nature of transactions is already being built. There are issues to be tackled. The evolution of currency is not something that will happen overnight....

  • Web
    How Fast Is Your Cloud?

    The French-based company Cedexis has come up with a Cloud Performance Index. It's an interesting way to measure the performance of your content delivery network or cloud-based provider, and a useful way to determine which provider you should use - or even which part of the planet you should locate...

  • Work
    An Insider’s Guide to Technology Analysts

    Gartner. Forrester. IDC. And lots of smaller fish, too. You can't read a tech-industy news story, attend a conference or listen to a sales pitch without someone quoting an industry analyst. For tech companies, analysts are big news and big business, promising to help with transformation, monetization and a slew...

  • Social
    DEMO Report: 3 Startups Vie to Take Photo and Video Sharing to the Next Level

    A picture is worth a thousand words, and at the DEMO Spring 2012 conference, three innovative startups are hoping to turn those words into dollars. No doubt with visions of Instagram's $1 billion payday dancing in their heads, these photo- and video-sharing app makers vied to take the concept to...

  • Web
    MokaFive’s Secure, Cloud-like Data Vault for iPad, iPhone Aims to Please Users and IT

    This morning, managed desktop provider MokaFive is launching a new approach to solving two of the most pressing issues facing IT and security professionals: the infusion of consumer devices - notably the iPad - into corporate data centers; and enterprise workers turning to consumer cloud storage services like Dropbox and...

  • Web
    Is Dunn’s Resignation the Knockout Punch for Best Buy?

    The resignation of Best Buy CEO Brian Dunn last week could be the start of a massive shift for not only Best Buy, but for big-box retailers across a wide range of sectors."This is not the end of physical media sales, but that will become a minority niche business," said...

  • Hack
    Microsoft Spins Off Open Source, Hopes to “Build Bridges”

    Microsoft is spinning off its open source unit into Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc., and promoting open source veteran Jean Paoli to the role of president of the wholly owned subsidiary. The move gives the new company a measure of open source credibility and is likely to give Paoli more latitude...

  • Work
    Microsoft’s $1 Billion AOL Patent Buy: Google Loses, Lawyers Win

    Wonder what $1 billion will get you? Depending on your tastes, you can pick up a neat photo app with no business model, or a hefty collection of software patents from a struggling company. Pending regulatory approval, Microsoft will buy more than 800 patents and related patent applications from AOL...

  • Smartphone
    Shopper – eBay App for MeeGo Devices (and Symbian)

      Introduction Shopper is a QML based eBay app for Symbian and MeeGo devices. Supports browsing and searching products, view categories, item details, user detail, addition and removal in watch list. It is aimed to be a fully feature eBay client for Symbian and MeeGo platform. Features: Homescreen showing currently...

  • Mobile
    A Museum Math Exhibit That Has Withstood the Test of Time

    If you weren't old enough to remember the 1964 New York World's Fair, you still have a chance to see one of the more wonderful exhibits that has stood the test of time and can be found lurking in the corners of a few major science museums around the world....

  • Social
    How Parents Can Help Their Preteens Navigate the Social Web

    Every day the Internet is becoming a more ingrained part of preteens' lives, especially preteens who haven't yet hit Facebook's 13-years-old age requirement. How can parents get an idea of what their kids are doing online while still engendering an environment of love and trust? Much of this relies on...

  • Hack
    The Dangers of Open Web Management UIs

    When you buy an enterprise product, you almost assume nowadays that its management interface is going to be via a Web browser to a built-in Web server on the device. This trend began almost as soon as the graphical Web was available in the mid-1990s, and today almost no one...

  • Hack
    Don’t Mess With Your DNS

    Domain Name Servers (DNS) were still functional during the weekend. There were reported claims to bring down this collection of important servers in the hopes of more cyberterrorism. However, while there are only 13 root servers, they are replicated into hundreds of machines around the globe using a variety of...

  • Work
    Forensics and Facebook: How Cernam Plans to Collect Social Network Evidence

    There's been a bit of a firestorm lately over employers seeking Facebook passwords. Despite the outrage, employers occasionally have a legitimate need for access to documents in their employees' social network and online service accounts. Cernam, a company that specializes in digital investigations, is looking to help employers dive into...

  • Web
    Box Launches Its Own Enterprise Cloud Operating Ecosystem

    Starting now, you'll be able to download enterprise-class apps that directly use your cloud-based workspace, and build what is essentially a virtual desktop around that space. The OneCloud service from the company we now call just "Box" launches today, with nearly three dozen apps in the charter ecosystem, including...

  • Mobile
    Cell Phones, Police and One Court Case in a Sea of Change

    Change. We think about this word a lot. Politicians and pundits, reporters and innovators, we are obsessed with this notion of change. How social media changed the Arab Spring. How the iPhone changed the very nature of telephony. The fact of the matter is that change is not some overnight...

  • Entertainment
    5 Lessons From OMGPOP’s Huge ‘Draw Something’ Sale To Zynga

    The obvious lesson from Zynga's purchase of OMGPOP yesterday is that the games industry is still very much a hits-driven business. And when you're the giant in the business and a small startup like OMGPOP has a smash hit, it's easier to buy the hit than try to replicate it....

  • Mobile
    How to Look at Art Through Apps

    "Images were first made to conjure up the appearance of something that was absent," writes John Berger in his seminal publication Ways of Seeing. "Gradually it became evident that an image could outlast what it represented."On the Internet, where variations on the Hey Girl meme live and die, Nicki Minaj...

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