Results for "mst"

We found 1160 results for your search.
  • Entertainment
    5 Companies That Will Define The Future Of Radio

    Radio will never be the same. Like books, magazines, music and just about every other mass medium you can think of, the age-old format is being transformed by the Internet, mobile technology and a few very smart organizations. We don't know exactly what radio will look like in 20 years...

  • Social
    Partnering With Twitter To Tell A Bigger Story: Q&A With Vizify’s CEO

    Twitter is ephemera by definition. If you missed the joke, the hashtag or the pop-up account borne out of an awkward moment on stage with Clint Eastwood and an empty chair, well... the moment's over.But Twitter is also a repository of billions of such moments, many of them considerably more...

  • Social
    Why Are Dead People Liking Stuff On Facebook?

    Last month, while wasting a few moments on Facebook, my pal Brendan O’Malley was surprised to see that his old friend Alex Gomez had “liked” Discover. This was surprising not only because Alex hated mega-corporations but even more so because Alex had passed away six months earlier.The Facebook “like” is...

  • Social
    Sorry, But A Lot Of Social Media `Wisdom’ Is Pure Bullshit

    I told Jake Sasseville that if I ever saw him again, I’d punch him in the face. That was back in 2007. I was the new media coordinator for Jake’s first television show, The Edge with Jake Sasseville and Jake hadn’t paid me in months. As you might have guessed… I...

  • Web
    Newspaper Pay Walls Are A Good Thing – Here’s Why

    Guest author David Brauchl is chief communication officer for paid content strategy experts Piano Media. He was a professional news photographer for nearly 20 years, and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize three times for his work in Sarajevo, South Africa and Germany.Newspaper publishers struggle to successfully monetize their online...

  • Work
    What’s Behind the eBay-Intuit Anti-Compete Agreement?

    Last week, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against eBay for a non-competition agreement it had signed with Intuit. The agreement prevents either company from trying to hire someone from the other's staff. According to the Associated Press, the federal suit says Meg Whitman, former CEO of eBay (now CEO...

  • Mobile
    Holiday Sanity Survival Guide: Apps Edition

    Like it or not, the holidays are here. To the earnest, the holiday season is an opportunity to pause and reflect on the veritable fount of privilege, love and goodness that overfloweth in our proverbial cup-eths. To the disgruntled, dysfunctional or otherwise jaded, this time of year can seem like a...

  • Work
    Microsoft Aims Dubai Launch Of Windows 8 At Businesses – Emirates Goes First

    As Microsoft rolled out Windows 8 in Dubai, the Middle East’s commerce hub, the company focused on showing corporations how to use the new operating system to create their own line-of-business applications.Key examples inlcuded an in-flight customer management application used by Emirates Airlines, as well as an education initiative that...

  • Startups
    Found A Startup And Found A Family, Just Not At The Same Time

    Guest author Jonathan Barouch (@jbarouch) is founder and CEO of location-based startup Roamz. Roamz is a mobile app that intelligently curates location-based social content to show people what's going on nearby.Now, before you jump up and down to disagree, hear me out. I have two beautiful children for whom I...

  • Cloud
    CloudStack: Filling Two Niches In Open-Source Enterprise Cloud Management

    If you look at cloud computing, you might think, based on the hype, that enterprise-cloud management systems like OpenStack, OpenNebula or Eucalyptus have things wrapped up. But ignore CloudStack at your own peril, because this is a product that deserves a look by IT organizations ready to move into the cloud.All...

  • Mobile
    What Life Is Like For A Smartphone User Without A Data Plan

    Guest author Tim McCormick is a product developer & writer in Palo Alto, CA interested in publishing, learning technology, and urban innovation.In How To Drop Your Data Plan And Keep Using Your Smartphone, I explored how you can use a smartphone effectively while paying little to no phone charges. Now, here are some...

  • Web
    Do You Need To Go Cyborg To Keep Your Job?

    We've got two paths into the future: We can chill out, learn to manage our dependence on digital devices and streams of information and figure out how to balance today's crazy productivity requirements with our personal lives. Or we can jack ourselves into the matrix, pump our bodies with steroids...

  • Web
    Yes, We’re A Tech Site. Yes, We’re Suggesting You Spend Less Time Online

    I've been thinking a lot lately about how much time I spend on the Internet, and worrying that it's too much. When I joined ReadWrite I was surprised to discover that my new colleagues are struggling with the same issue. Just last week Jon Mitchell wrote two great pieces about...

  • Web
    Assessing Doomsday: How Cyber War Could Attack U.S. Infrastructure

    U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta did his best to scare the pants off of the American people last week. In a briefing with reporters, he warned of the growing danger of cyberwarfare and its potential to cripple critical infrastructure in the United States. With the rise of so-called state-sponsored cyber...

  • Work
    ReadWriteWeb DeathWatch: In-House Datacenters

    A business' data is still its most important asset, but that doesn't mean it every company needs to spend millions of dollars building and maintaining its own datacenters. The cloud has grown up, and the days of the company-owned-and-operated datacenters are numbered.The BasicsIn the pre-PC days, computers were sprawling and...

  • Web
    Steve Jobs: Epic In Life, Epic In Death

    It has been a year since the world lost one of its brightest luminaries. Yet people in the tech industry continue to puzzle over how things would be different had Steve Jobs lived beyond October 5, 2011. It is a measure of his enormous influence that a year after his...

  • Startups
    Celebrities & Startups: That’s So 5 Minutes Ago

    Web groceries, sock puppets, podcasting - Internet trends come and go. The trick is to know when the end is near and avoid doing something foolish, like paying $580 million for MySpace. Today, that means consumer Internet startups taking on celebrity investors.The Benefits Of Being FamousThe temptation is understandable. Celebrities...

  • Mobile
    Shut Up Your Phone By Giving It A Whack – Thanks To Microsoft

    Like a child that blabs family secrets at work functions, or a mom that shows baby pictures when meeting a new girl friend, mobile phones can be so embarassing. Microsoft, of all companies, has a plan to help - it's filed for a patent on a way to instantly silence...

  • Web
    HP’s Turnaround Effort Fails To Plug Leaks

    Has it been only one year since Meg Whitman took the reins at HP? The latest in a daisy chain of top executives, Whitman was charged with turning the company around after years of stagnation. More and more, her efforts look like someone tirelessly bailing water out of a leaky boat. Only the ship...

  • Developer
    All aboard – Flying Towards Qt 5.0

        Lars Knoll has published a post on what is on the horizon with Qt 5.0 and his move to Digia as part of the transition of Qt from Nokia to Digia following the recent acquisition. The route setout and the initial indicators coming from Digia and Qt Partners...

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