Results for "mst"

We found 1160 results for your search.
  • Work
    Who Isn’t Accused Of Bribery In China?

    Microsoft has been accused of bribing officials in China, Italy and Romania to receive favorable treatment. That's not really news. Given the long list of companies accused of bribery in these countries, particularly China, it's actually more newsworthy to report on who isn't allegedly doling out bribes.After all, some pretty amazing...

  • Cloud
    Google’s Spring Cleaning, Or, Why You Can’t Trust The Cloud

    Google has gotten to be pretty good at introducing cross-platform services that bring productivity and efficiency into our daily lives. But increasingly one has to wonder: why the hell should we care about services that, like every other in the cloud, could disappear at any given moment?This week alone, rumors...

  • Entertainment
    Electronic Arts Continues To Weather More Storms

    The hits just keep on coming for beleaguered Electronic Arts this month. After the meltdown of their SimCity launch, the company is now dealing with the resignation of their CEO and the announcement of a new security exploit that could harm users of EA's Origin distribution platform.CEO John Riccitiello announced...

  • Web
    Hacker Crackdown: Blame AT&T’s Crappy Security, Not Weev

    Another hacker bites the dust. This morning, Andrew Auernheimer — aka "Weev" — got handed a sentence of 41 months in prison, 3 years of supervised release and a $36,500 fine. All for basically exposing a major security hole at AT&T and publicly shaming the company that hadn't ever bothered to...

  • Hack
    Whose Fault Is It When Your PC Gets Hacked? Probably Not Microsoft’s

    Since 2002, when Microsoft launched its Trustworthy Computing initiative, security in the company's products have improved each year. But while the company has increasingly battened down Windows, Office and its other programs, the number of vulnerabilities in harder-to-patch third-party applications has grown dramatically, making overall security on the PC worse...

  • Web
    The Pirate Bay: Moving To North Korea? Nope, They Were Just Kidding

    UPDATE: It turns out that The Pirate Bay was indeed pulling an elaborate joke about moving its hosting to North Korea yesterday. Announced on its Facebook page this morning, the file-sharing site admitted to the hoax, which used a clever IT trick to make it appear as if it were being hosted in...

  • Mobile
    Stretchable Batteries Could Power Devices Embedded In The Body [Video]

    Two years ago, Nokia made waves when it displayed a concept phone using a flexible OLED display. Samsung and Ericsson have shown similar prototypes. So flexible devices and displays are on the market horizon. But they're still just a first step toward a new class of future devices that can...

  • Social
    Businesses Think They ‘Get’ Social Media. Do You?

    Just a few years ago, social media and mobile marketing were the Wild West of business strategies. On the surface, they offered seemingly ambiguous value and, to the more old-school veterans of branding and advertising, were simply a distraction from the tried-and-true tactics of the pre-social media age.That's all changed...

  • Mobile
    The Chromebook Pixel Is Doomed By A Major Identity Crisis

    When they were introduced, Chromebooks made sense as a Google-branded evolution of the netbook for the tablet shy. But in 2013, consumers still don't understand why there are so many versions of Android - much less what Google's Chrome OS is or who it's for. With the Chromebook Pixel, Google's cloud-happy notebooks have created a...

  • Work
    Federal IT Is A Mess And We Really Should Give A Damn

    Even as IT departments in enterprises work to keep up with the demands of cloud computing and bring your own device, Federal IT shops are struggling to meet these same demands - while laboring under sometimes Byzantine rules and regulations.It's a big problem: in 2012, the United States spent approximately...

  • Work
    The Consumerization Of IT: 7 Ways To Seize The Business Opportunity

    Guest author Christian Buckley is product evangelism director at Axceler, a designer of collaboration solutions.Users have wrested more control from the information technology department than ever before. Now that they have become tech-savvy in their off-hours, they're demanding work products with the same degree of usability as their home devices....

  • Web
    If AI Means The End Of Us, Maybe That’s Okay

    For a while now I have been wanting to write an essay or even a book with the title, "The Last of Our Kind," looking ahead to a time when machines become more intelligent than humans and/or humans incorporate so much digital technology that they become post-biological creatures, indistinguishable from...

  • Mobile
    Not So Fast: 40% of BlackBerry Apps Are Actually Android

    As part of it's splashy launch of BlackBerry 10, the company announced Wednesday that it has 70,000 apps in its BlackBerry World app store today, along with 1,000 premium apps from top publishers. Many BlackBerry Apps Not NativeNot so fast. These apps are not all hat they seem. In fact, a...

  • Hack
    Nerd Alert: Turn Your Browser Into A Notepad

    Okay, forgive me, but I have to nerd out on you for a second. I have just learned that you can turn any modern browser window into a text notepad, and you can save the contents. It even works on mobile browsers.Type this into your browser's location bar:data:text/html, <html contenteditable>Hit...

  • Social
    A Day In The Life Of A Tech Blogger, A Story Told In Vine

    Every wonder what a day in the life of a tech blogger looks like? Wonder no more. We usually keep the door shut tight, lest we need to put pants on. But the secrets of our glamorous, self-obsessed myopic kingdom can't remain un-scooped forever.In honor of Monday, drip coffee and search-engine optimization, herein...

  • Hack
    Two-Factor Authorization Is Awesome – Until You Lose the Damn Token

    It's no secret that passwords as a sole security feature are starting to be phased out and clever techniques like two-factor authorization are becoming more commonplace. But two-factor authentication can be too clever for it's own good: In a system where access is granted based on something you know (the...

  • Work
    Solid State Storage Is Taking Over The Datacenter – Slowly

    Solid-state storage has become ubiquitous in mobile devices and increasingly in laptops as well. But it's also revolutionizing storage in corporate datacenters, cloud computing services and beyond.Forget the portability factor, solid-state drives, or SSDs, are finding massive growth potential as a way for companies to speed up large-scale storage systems.Historically,...

  • Mobile
    CES 2013: 5 Things That You Won’t See

    2013 is shaping up to be a strange year for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the annual tech fête that invades Las Vegas for one grueling week every January. In 2011, tablets were kings of the desert, as manufacturers scrambled to get viable iPad competitors on the scene after Apple...

  • Web
    NASA Stands By Its “The World Is Not Going To End” Schtick

    Back in January, NASA told us that the world was not going to end in 2012. The space administration was not really concerned with prophecies to the contrary. To NASA, this is about science and the science says that Armageddon is not likely to happen on December 21, 2012. This Friday...

  • Web
    1.2 Million Years Of Pr0n Watched Since 2006, On Just 2 Tube Sites

    Several constants dominate the Web. First, someone is going to advertise to you. Second, trolls. Third, and perhaps most important, there will always be pr0n. A lot of it., a search engine for adult tube videos, has released data on two sites (both of which are like YouTube for porn),

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