Results for "mst"

We found 1160 results for your search.
  • Entertainment
    Packing For Your Next Business Trip: The Gear You Need

    ReadWriteTrip is a series that chronicles the modern challenges of tech-savvy business travelers.Business travel has evolved over the past 10 years, and nowhere is this more true than what goes in your luggage. In fact, just about the only thing you can really count on getting better in business travel is...

  • Mobile
    Net Neutrality: Your Cheat Sheet To The FCC’s Proposal

    In net neutrality, as in so many other walks of life, what people do is much more important than what they say.Consider, for instance, FCC chairman Tom Wheeler, who repeatedly insists that the commission's proposed rules for preserving "net neutrality" don't inherently allows for Internet “fast lanes." Such fast lanes—known in FCC...

  • Mobile
    Chilling Effect: Oracle Wins Appeal to Copyright APIs

    The federal appeals court that handles U.S. intellectual property cases ruled that APIs can be copyrighted, a finding that may have significant consequences for cloud computing, software interoperability and innovation in general.See also: What APIs Are And Why They MatterThe decision came as part of a ruling in Oracle's favor...

  • Hack
    How Gilt’s Insane Traffic Spikes Pushed It Off Rails To Scala

    Imagine building a gorgeous e-commerce web site that hums along with a nice steady flow of traffic—and then, once a day for about 15 minutes, its traffic spikes by 100 times. That’s a challenge few developers face, but it describes what Eric Bowman (@ebowman) vice president of architecture, had to...

  • Work
    What Tom Preston-Werner’s Departure Means For GitHub

    GitHub cofounder Tom Preston-Werner has resigned from the popular storehouse of open-source code after an internal investigation found he had made “errors of judgment” in an ongoing dispute that resulted in the departure of an influential woman developer.The investigation, announced by GitHub cofounder and CEO Chris Wanstrath in a blog...

  • Web
    Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich Resigns After Marriage-Equality Furor; Mozilla Apologizes

    Newly appointed Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich resigned his post today following an outburst of public criticism—some from Mozilla employees—over his opposition to marriage equality, his financial support for California's Proposition 8 in 2008 and questions about his ability to lead a diverse organization of both employees and volunteer contributors given...

  • Cloud
    How I Moved Away From The Mac After Leaving Apple

    After nearly 20 years, one of the first things I did upon leaving Apple in July 2004 was to have my area associate—who was still an Apple employee—order me an employee-discounted 15" aluminum PowerBook. It was a natural thing.Apple products began populating my desk starting in the summer of 1982...

  • Hack
    Newsweek Outs Alleged Bitcoin Creator

    Satoshi Nakamoto, the shadowy figure who created Bitcoin, is no pseudonym, but a reclusive U.S. engineer named ... Satoshi Nakamoto, Newsweek reports in an investigative article that builds a detailed circumstantial case for its conclusion, but fails to confirm Nakamoto's identity.Bitcoin enthusiasts erupted in rage at the supposed unmasking of...

  • Work
    How The IT Department Will Strike Back In 2014

    The IT department isn't traditionally perceived as the hub for organizational innovation and growth, but it’s slowly getting there.Gartner recently forecasted a number of developments that will significantly impact the IT function in years to come, spanning mobile device management, hybrid cloud integration and software-defined networking. As these disruptive technologies...

  • Hack
    10 Crazy Things 3D Printers Can Make Today

    It’s been over 30 years since Chuck Hull invented the first 3D printer in 1983. Ever since then, the idea of machine-printing objects from scratch has gone from fiction to reality, opening up new opportunities for every field from science to art. See also: Why You’ll Want A 3D Printer In...

  • Work
    Esri Enables Federal Agencies To Open GIS Mapping Data To The Public

    A debate in the technology world that's been simmering for years, about whether mapping vendor Esri will allow public geographic information systems (GIS) to access government customers' data, finally has an answer: The mapping software giant will take an unprecedented step, enabling thousands of government customers around the U.S. to make...

  • Mobile
    AT&T Has Invented A Way To Charge You Twice For The Same Internet

    Stop! Before you download that data, make sure it's “permissible."In the midst of a raging debate over whether carriers should be allowed to charge more for certain types of data, or let favored developers offer users apps that don’t count against their data caps, AT&T has applied for a patent on a...

  • Work
    IBM’s Watson Fails To Compute In A World Of Open-Source Hadoop

    IBM's supercomputer Watson knows almost everything there is to know—except how to generate a lot of revenue, that is.Watson has accounted for just $100 million in IBM's revenue over the last three years, according to The Wall Street Journal, even though the company hopes Watson will bring in $1 billion annually by 2018. There...

  • Hack
    How D-Wave Could Make Or Break Quantum Computing

    On the surface, D-Wave’s quantum computer looks revolutionary. Google, NASA, and Lockheed Martin are all customers. The company has publishedarticleson its merits in 60 peer-reviewed scientific journals.  But a very vocal naysayer isn't on board with the company's claims—the scientific community. Scientists accept that D-Wave has built a very fast computer. The...

  • Social
    The Trends That Ruled Pinterest In 2013

    Editor's note: This post was originally published by our partners at PopSugar Tech.Pinterest, the web's fastest growing content-sharing platform, is home to some of the Internet's most stunning images and most clever hacks. The It Girl of social networking isn't just full of mason jars and wedding dresses—as the most repinned...

  • Web
    Risky Business: The Dangers of Selling Your Gadgets To Strangers

    It was 6:40 pm, and he was late. I tapped my toes against the pavement repeatedly, as though that would magically conjure my buyer. It didn’t. Still, I couldn’t stop tapping. It was winter in New Hampshire and I was freezing, waiting on the street for a stranger to pay...

  • Entertainment
    Hey, Where’s The Google Glass App For The iPhone?

    The biggest hurdle in the way of potential mainstream adoption of Google Glass isn’t that it makes humans look like a crazy future cyborg race. It’s that Glass, try as it might, can’t do squat on an iPhone.Earlier this year, I made the decision to switch back to the iPhone...

  • Web
    5 Unique And Innovative Online Shopping Sites

    ReadWriteShop is an occasional series about the intersection of technology and commerce.Online shopping is oftentimes incredibly cut-and-dry. In the same way that online retail has given us the ability to shop with the speed of simply checking things off of a list, it has also made the experience itself dull...

  • Web
    U.S. Tech Companies Are Fed Up With Spying And Not Going To Take It Anymore

    The tech giants of America are fed up with surveillance by the United States government and they are not going to take it anymore.A group of some of the premier technology companies in the U.S. have issued a joint open letter to President Obama and Congress to limit the National...

  • Developer
    Ludei and Nickelodeon to use HTML5 For Nick App on Android

    Some apps have deserved praise and a name. Others have won a hackathon but very few have won an Emmy. But a games is a different kind of app! Enter Ludei, the developer and amusement giant Nickelodeon: The growing schism between operation systems made it necessary to work on re-writing...

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