Results for "mst"

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  • Web
    3 Loopholes In Android Lollipop Encryption That Could Expose Your Phone Data

    Android 5.0 Lollipop, the latest version of Google's mobile operating software, will indeed shield files, photos and other user information on Android phones from prying eyes. But that protection isn't quite as all-encompassing as the company's earlier statements might have led you to think.A month ago, Google announced that Lollipop would automatically...

  • Entertainment
    Google Has A New Answer To Apple’s Beats Music

    Everything is better when it’s handcrafted—apparently even music. Google is unleashing digital DJs and playlists based on moods and circumstances on its Google Play Music app as part of its integration of Songza, which Google acquired earlier this year.See also: Get Ready For The Streaming-Music Die-OffOn Tuesday, the company announced that...

  • Work
    You Don’t Need A Data Science Unicorn—You Need A Data Science Team

    The allure of Big Data is that given enough data, human intuition stops mattering and the data takes over. It's a beautiful utopia where, as The Economist's Kenneth Cukier avers, we can "let the data speak" and stop hunting for causation while the data reveals correlations. Sadly, it's complete nonsense.In a...

  • Work
    Netflix’s Chaos Engineering Should Be Mandatory—Everywhere

    Most enterprises hire people to fix things. Netflix hires people to break things. Over and over. And over.Rather than look at Netflix as some bizarre Silicon Valley curiosity, relevant only to those who live between 280 and 101, we should instead embrace Netflix's culture of "chaos engineering" throughout organizations of all...

  • Work
    Do Fortune 500 Firms Really Operate Like Startups? Not On The Tech Front

    Big companies talk about "operating like a startup," but few actually do. Hamstrung by bureaucracy and organizational friction, the Fortune 500 make lots of money but generally play it safe with technology, buying from the same incumbent vendors they've always used.Or do they?I wanted to dig into the technology choices...

  • Mobile
    At Last, PayPal Is Taking Bitcoin

    After months of talking up its interest in Bitcoin, PayPal is taking concrete steps to accepting the digital currency as payment.Bill Ready, CEO of PayPal subsidiary Braintree Payments, announced that the company would let merchants accept bitcoins through a partnership with Coinbase, a startup which offers a virtual wallet for...

  • Mobile
    Let’s Clear Up Apple’s Cloudy Photo Stream

    In technology, there’s no such thing as "unhackable." Female stars like Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, Rihanna, Kirsten Dunst and a slew of others found that out the hard way when an anonymous 4chan user leaked a bevy of naked smartphone photos of them on the image-sharing forum.Lewd or risqué celebrity...

  • Web
    What Sort Of Man Shares Playboy? (He Friends His Mom On Facebook)

    Playboy relaunched its website on Wednesday, and one thing's for sure. This isn't your grandpappy's gentleman's magazine. Well, obviously. It's on the Internet—as opposed to a moldy box in the garage or hastily stuffed under your mattress where you shamefully hope Mom doesn't find it. As such, is ready for...

  • Hack
    Friday Fun: Build Your First Chrome Extension

    Google Chrome is the most popular Web browser in the world. Part of its appeal comes from its ability to let you fully customize your browsing experience with a slew of extensions. Extensions are small, lightweight programs that personalize your Chrome installation with new features. You’ve probably already downloaded an...

  • Social
    Twitter Tightens Photo Policies Following High-Profile Deaths

    Twitter is tightening its policies on harassment and graphic imagery following the deaths of Robin Williams and U.S. journalist James Foley, who was reportedly beheaded by jihadis in Syria. On Tuesday, the company stated it will now remove certain images of deceased individuals at the family's request.Twitter announced its clarified guidelines on images of deceased...

  • Web
    Apple Confirms iOS Backdoors, But Calls Them “Diagnostic Capabilities”

    Apple acknowledged that its iOS operating system for iPhones and iPads contains several previously undisclosed "diagnostic capabilities"—services that an iOS forensics expert recently described as "backdoors" that could allow broad access to a user's personal data on those devices under certain circumstances.See also: Those "Backdoors" In Apple's iOS—What You Need...

  • Mobile
    Those “Backdoors” in Apple’s iOS: What You Need To Know

    Security researcher Jonathan Zdziarski started a firestorm over the weekend when he presented findings that Apple has—apparently deliberately—created undocumented "backdoors" in its iOS operating system that third parties could use to siphon personal data from iPhones and iPads under certain circumstances without notice, much less consent of the user.Apple, meanwhile,...

  • Operate
    10 Great International Cities For Your Business

    Guest author Scott Gerber is founder of the Young Entrepreneur Council.Entrepreneurs are often known for their sense of adventure. And what better way to run or expand your business than by seeking out opportunities in an up-and-coming, thriving metropolis that's miles from your home base?Ten entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council...

  • Mobile
    If The Future’s Battery-Powered, We’re Screwed

    I live in the future. My body, pockets and home are festooned with smart gadgets that can command nearly everything in my life with a phrase, gesture or tap. It’s a cool and exciting experience—or at least it would be, if it didn’t constantly shackle me to power cables.See also:...

  • Hack
    “Internet’s Own Boy”: The Life & Legacy of Aaron Swartz

     Editor's note: This post was originally published by our partners at bio.Aaron Swartz started computer programming at a very young age. First it was a Star Wars trivia game he made with his brother, but soon it was more than just kid stuff. At 12 years old, he created the...

  • Mobile
    A Google Glass Upgrade Might Address Its Failings, But Lose The Faithful

    On the heels of a brand new pack of Google Glass software, Google revealed that its Glass hardware will receive an update too—one that could address the flaws that render the device a very expensive (yet also very ineffective) paperweight for many early Glass owners.According to a post on the...

  • Mobile
    A Thief Snatched My iPhone—And I Learned A Lot About Smartphone Crime

    A few weeks ago, I became a statistic. I was at a bus terminal in San Francisco when a stranger jumped out and grabbed my iPhone out of my hands.My adrenaline-addled brain did everything wrong—things like chasing the thief, which could have gotten me injured, or worse. (Just thinking of...

  • Web
    This Entrepreneur Built An Asthma Monitor To Save Lives—Just Not His Own

    Like many entrepreneurs, Chris Stiffler had an idea for a world-changing product rooted in his own experience. In his case, the experience was a serious asthma attack. The product was Wheezy, a wearable device designed to help asthmatics monitor their breathing and other factors in order to help prevent attacks.In January,...

  • Web
    How to secure your VMs in the cloud, Part 1

    Choosing a protection product for a virtual infrastructure is a lot like buying an anti-virus product for the Mac OS: most people would say why bother when few attacks have been observed to date. (Although that situation is changing see our coverage here on Mac Defender. )Nonetheless, as more IT...

  • Hack
    Wix Says You Don’t Need To Learn To Code To Build A Website

    I hardly consider myself a coder. I just remember how, when I first encountered blocky, awkward, ugly site-building tools like Angelfire and GeoCities, I decided I could do a better job myself.So I taught myself hypertext markup language, or HTML, the lingua franca of the Web; cascading style sheets, or...

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