Results for "mst"

We found 1160 results for your search.
  • Web
    Google’s Udi Manber – Search is a Hard Problem

    Udi Manber, Google's VP of Engineering, gave a brief 15 minute presentation at Supernova today entitled Search is a Hard Problem. He explained that with an audience like Supernova, he imagines we understand to some extent how difficult a problem it is, but it's probably a harder problem then we...

  • Web
    Finding the Perfect Shot: 5 Stock Photo Search Engines Reviewed

    Big blocks of text just aren't very interesting. That's why we usually dress up our posts with images, diagrams, or videos. It's a fairly common occurrence, both on this blog and in other web development work I do, that I need a stock photo of something specific. Searching Google Images...

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    Not So Fast, Search Isn’t History Quite Yet

    Yesterday we ran a story about remarks made by Yahoo!'s VP of Front Doors, Tapan Bhat, at the Next Web conference in Amsterdam. Bhat said that the dominant web paradigm was shifting from search to personalization. "The future of the web is about personalization," he said. "It's about weaving the...

  • Web
    Yahoo!: The Web’s Future Is Not In Search

    At the Next Web conference in Amsterdam over the weekend, Tapan Bhat, the Yahoo! vice president of Front Doors, told attendees that search would not dominate the web in the future. "The future of the web is about personalization. Where search was dominant, now the web is about 'me.' It's...

  • Web
    The Next Web Conference

    The Next Web Conference happened today in Amsterdam. It was a one day event hosted by Scott Rafer of MyBlogLog fame and was a mix of presentations from startups and keynotes from various people in the industry. Marc Canter from Broadband Mechanics and Jeff Clavier a VC from the valley...

  • Web
    The OpenCoffee Club Movement

    The OpenCoffee Club is "a place for people who love startups to hang out and meet" according to their recently launched social site on From Cork to Capetown, Seattle to Sydney, and Paris to Palo Alto, people are getting together on a weekly basis to discuss all things startup...

  • Web
    Trampoline: Harnessing Social Behavior in the Enterprise

    I wrote a piece back in January called IBM’s Entry Into Social Networking, where I discussed the potential for applying web 2.0 techniques in the enterprise. Subsequently, I have written extensively about Enterprise 3.0 and the Extended Enterprise trends. A company from England contacted me after reading the IBM piece....

  • Web
    Is Google a Semantic Search Engine?

    Written by Phill Midwinter, a search engineer from the UK. This is a great follow-up to our article last Friday, Hakia Takes On Google With Semantic Technologies.What is a Semantic Engine?Semantics are said to be ‚Äòthe next big thing‚Äô in search engine technology. We technology bloggers routinely drum up articles about...

  • Web
    London Mashup: What’s Next, Web 3.0?

    Written by David Lenehan of Polldaddy and edited by Richard MacManus. David also covered the Future of Web Apps event [1, 2] in London this week. Photos from Route79, via Flickr. I went down to the Mashup event in London tonight, which was organized by Vecosys and eTribes. The topic...

  • Web
    Future Of Web Apps, Day 2

    Written by David Lenehan of Polldaddy and edited by Richard MacManus. This is David's account of the second and final day of the Future Of Web Apps 2007 conference in London.Adobe Today started with Mark Anders, Adobe's senior principal scientist. Mark previously had worked on the Microsoft .NET project from...

  • Web
    6 Startup Lessons For The Year 2007

    By guest author Jawad Shuaib, the founder of The social network for geeks.Startups have been multiplying like rabbits over the past three years. Due to the added competition, many startups are beginning to narrow their focus to a much smaller demographic. The year 2007 will mark the transition from...

  • Mobile
    Nokia and The Gizmo Project: Phone-to-Phone VoIP

    Written by Rudy De Waele from and edited by Richard MacManus. We are entering an era of broadband being available anywhere, on any device - and this will happen all 'over IP' (Internet Protocol). So we are looking at an all-IP world where choice of applications, devices and platforms...

  • Web
    Firefox 2 Launch: Interview With Chris Beard, Mozilla VP Products

    This afternoon Firefox 2 will be officially launched. In anticipation of the unveiling, here is an in-depth interview with Chris Beard (Mozilla Vice President of Products). Subjects discussed in the interview include the growing enterprise usage of Firefox, the importance of user experience and security, Mozilla's theory behind Web feeds...

  • Web
    Top Ten German Web Apps

    The Museum of Modern Betas is an excellent resource for finding out trends in (beta) web apps. A new list that caught my eye recently was the Beta Quotient for Germany - i.e. a list of 100 web 2.0 apps from Germany (betas and non-betas).Germany has a beta quotient of ...

  • Web
    Gotuit Launches Broadband Video Portal

    Gotuit Media, an established player in on-demand video, today announced the launch of its new broadband video portal - I got a sneak peak of the new portal and spoke with Mark Pascarella (president of Gotuit Media) and David Laubner (Director of Product Marketing) about the launch. is a...

  • Web
    Search 2.0 vs Traditional Search

    Written by Ebrahim Ezzy and edited by Richard MacManus. Ebrahim is lead developer and co-founder of Qelix Technologies, the company behind a search 2.0 contender called Qube. This 2-part series of posts is adapted from Ebrahim's research material in developing Qube. [update Part 2 is here]Let's start be defining what...

  • Web
    Worldwide Internet Penetration is just 15%

    According to the Miniwatts Marketing Group's Internet Usage and World Population Statistics (last updated March 31, 2006), worldwide Internet penetration is only 15.7%! So much for the World Wide Web... this is indeed sobering stuff for those of us obsessed with 'web 2.0' technology. Here's the main table of stats:Source:...

  • Web
    The Larry King of Blog Interviews?

    Nothing like a Slashdotting to bring out the warm fuzzies. Marc and Lucas both have nice things to say about my interviewing style:Marc: "The process is fascinating - an interview where you get to decide what's talked about, an intelligent discourse happens at your pace and you even get to...

  • Web
    Content Renaissance On The Web

    Is it just me, or is CONTENT making a comeback on the Web? I've been reading a lot of the Web 2.0blogging and I sense, even from across the other side of the world, that the Web is entering another bubble of optimism. Frankly, I wish I was over in...

  • Web
    Stasis and Synchronicity

    Jeffrey Zeldman wrote today about Glassdog's transformation from an "experimental narrative powerhouse" to a mere blog. Under the provocative title The saddest music in the world, Zeldman's piece was a reflection on how The Web has not lived up to its original promise:"Oh, little child. Long ago, before you were...

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