Results for "mst"

We found 1160 results for your search.
  • Web
    Google Sites the Next Sharepoint? Maybe Not….Why Google Apps Could Lose the Enterprise Market

    Lately, we've been discussing the concept of tech populism and the how enterprises are moving towards a more people-centric focus when it comes to their IT infrastructure. Although we support this movement of bringing social tools into the workspace, one could argue that there's a right way and a wrong...

  • Web
    49% & 56%: Are These What Have Brin Worried?

    Like most people, when I saw the headline “Google founder spooked by Microsoft bid” (because Microhoo dominance would stifle innovation on the Internet) my thoughts ran to pots and kettles, PR battle for proxy votes, confuse the enemy with antitrust and so forth.Don’t the Google guys realise how big and...

  • Web
    Oovoo Records Cross Platform Video Conferences

    I just participated in a launch test for desktop video conferencing service Oovoo and if you're looking to have a private video session with up to six people then it's worth checking out. Mac and Windows users can have a high resolution session with IM, file transfer and video recording...

  • Web
    Yahoo! Launches Live Video Service and We Cover it…Live…Sort of

    The rumored launch of Yahoo!'s live video service became reality tonight at I'm covering it live, in video below. It looks pretty good though early tests are experiencing scaling issues already. Apparently, the company that gets more web traffic than anyone on earth is incapable so far of handling...

  • Web
    miVitals Takes Aim at Tough Online Health Market

    miVitals is a new Australian startup that has an ambitious goal: to enable individuals to manage their personal health data via a web application. miVitals describes itself as "a secure online storage system for health and lifestyle records". The company says that "most people have about 5 professionals involved in...

  • Mobile
    25 Nominees for MobileMonday Peer Award – Some Cool Startups Here

    Yesterday MobileMonday announced the 25 nominees for its Barcelona Peer Award. The selection of the winning mobile startup will take place during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain in ten days on February 11, 2008. The nominees for the award represent early stage and emerging start-up companies from 25...

  • Web
    AideRSS Raises Money To Attack Information Overload

    The Canadian company AideRSS produces one of my favorite tools on the market right now. Their RSS feed filtering service is very useful in all kinds of circumstances. You can enter any RSS feed and it will score each item in the feed by number of comments it received, number...

  • Web
    Sellaband Scores Big Distribution Deal

    Starting in January, Amazon will launch a dedicated music shop for selling albums by bands discovered via Amsterdam-based Sellaband. The albums will be sold for £8.99, reports The Times Online -- or about $18, which is rather hefty given that jewel case CDs are sold for just $10 on the...

  • Social
    The Working Group: A New Organization for Change Agents in Big Orgs

    Many of our readers here at ReadWriteWeb are brave explorers of what's new in technology - while working inside large, often slow-changing organizations. For those of you who fit that description, there's a new organization in the works called The Working Group. More than just another niche social network, this...

  • Web
    Report: Spam Accounts for 90-95% of All Email

    In 2001, spam accounted for an estimated 5% of our email. In 2007, it clogs our inboxes to the tune of 90-95% of all email sent, according to a new report released today by Barracuda Networks. Barracuda, a leading vendor of spam filtering technology, based their analysis on the over...

  • Web
    Blog Council Launches, Fumbles on Day One

    The so-called Blog Council, a group formed by AccuQuote, Cisco Systems, The Coca-Cola Company, Dell, Gemstar-TV Guide, General Motors, Kaiser Permanente, Microsoft, Nokia, SAP, and Wells Fargo in order to create and promote "best practices in corporate blogging," launched on Thursday and is already taking a ton of heat in...

  • Web
    R/WW Thanksgiving: Thank You Google for Open Social (Or, Why Open Social Really Matters)

    When Google and others ganged up on Facebook a few weeks ago, to many of us, Open Social looked like a marketing move. The news came suspiciously close to Facebook's ad platform announcement and after a close look, the API looked very raw. Most participants just announced their support without...

  • Web
    The RWW Guide to the World’s Most Popular Twitter Clients

    stumble itadd to When I first discovered Twitter, my reaction was much like many peoples'. I thought it sounded stupid. I, like hundreds of thousands of other people, have changed my mind. For all its downtime, UI awkwardness and challenges for the uninitiated, Twitter is a paradigm-changing communication platform...

  • Web
    FreeRice: Legit or Not, It’s Fun is a simple website that you'll enjoy spending a few minutes on. It's a word game, monetized by Cost Per Action affiliate ad links, with a social justice twist. Those are just the boring details, though, and it's probably a scam. The site asks you to define a series...

  • Entertainment
    NPR Music Launches Compelling New Site

    National Public Radio, the US radio network too long lagging in the technology department, relaunched NPR Music late last night. The new site is a real joy to use. While the old NPR website ran all media through RealPlayer or Windows Media, the new site employs a slick Flash pop-up...

  • Web
    Amazon Patents Search Strings in URLs

    One week after suffering a major blow to its infamous "1-Click" shopping patent, has been awarded what's sure to be seen as its latest bit of highly obnoxious IP. The company has been awarded a patent on the practice of "including a search string at the end of a...

  • Web
    British Police at it Again: Admin Arrested

    Fresh on the heels of yesterday's news about the raid and arrest of the founder of by British police, comes word that British and Dutch police raided the servers of invite-only public torrent tracker (formerly and arrested the site's 24-year-old server admin.According to the BBC, the International...

  • Web
    A Flood of Mashups Coming? OAuth 1.0 Released

    The distributed group of developers working on the Open Authentication spec OAuth have released what they hope will be the final draft of their 1.0 version. The OAuth spec will create a standardized way for applications to request permission for access to user info from other applications and for info-holding...

  • Web
    Struggling Musicians’ Tool Kit

    Despite grumbling from big-name artists and record labels around rampant P2P 'piracy', there's never been a better time to make money from creating music tracks of your own. There are dozens of useful websites - some completely free to use - that serve budding musicians and seasoned tourers alike. In...

  • Web
    Feel Good: Top 10 Mood Apps and Visualizers

    Emotions are everywhere you look on the Web. They're bursting from blogs, coursing through comments, and flooding forums the world over. An with the rise of microblogging apps like Twitter and Tumblr, more people are wearing their hearts on their homepages, so to speak, than ever before. But on the...

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