Results for "mst"

We found 1160 results for your search.
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    Could Real Time Information Be An Unfair Advantage?

    The US Securities and Exchange Commission is considering a ban on a stock market practice known as "flash trading," where supercomputers get access to information milliseconds before other traders and can rapidly buy and sell in ways that are argued to influence the market unfairly - thus discouraging mere mortals...

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    How to Scale Without Losing Your Shirt

    This is one post/chapter in a serialized book called Startup 101. For the introduction and table of contents, please click here.There comes a time for every venture when the owners have to decide whether hockey-stick-like growth is feasible or not. In your initial plan, you indicated a sudden surge in...

  • Entertainment
    Pandora Partners With…Clear Channel?

    Updated at 1pm PST with quote from Pandora founder Tim Westergren below. Updated August 4th with comment from Clear Channel PR.Streaming music service Pandora has entered into an ad sales partnership with a subsidiary of media conglomerate Clear Channel, a move that should help ensure the service's long-term financial viability...

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    Newsgator Shuts Down Its Online Feed Reader

    NewsGator, the company behind the popular FeedDemon and NetNewsWire feed readers, just announced that it will shut down the NewsGator Online Reader on August 31, 2009. The company will provide users with instructions on how to migrate to Google Reader. NewsGator's desktop and mobile feed readers already support synchronization with...

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    Are Mobile Botnets in Our Future?

    Today at the cybersecurity conference known as Black Hack, researchers Charlie Miller and Collin Mulliner will present an SMS exploit that could take over your iPhone with just one text. Once the phone is compromised, the hacker would have access to all the functions on the phone allowing them to...

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    6 Resources for Tomorrow’s Happy Hour

    It's a common fact of life that many work-related conflicts can be solved over a drink. Thousands of secrets have been divulged under the tawdry yellow light of an Amstel Light promotional sign. Low-grade alcohol and smoke-stained pleather booths make for amazingly soothing corporate confessionals. In some dark and magical...

  • Social
    Facebook at 250 Million Users: Could it Be Too Big?

    Facebook announced today that it now has 250 million users, having added 50 million new users in just the past three months. If Facebook was a country it would now be the 4th most populous place on earth. If it maintains this kind of growth there will be more Facebookers...

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    Google’s Research Interests: From Web 3.0 to Low-Tech Camera Kits

    If Google's mission is to organize the whole world's information, it makes sense for the company to look a few steps ahead. Today the Google Research team highlighted seven academic researchers whose work has captured the company's imagination. Juan E. Vargas, who works at Google's University Relations department, says submissions...

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    How to Fire Non-Performers

    This is one post/chapter in a serialized book called Startup 101. For the introduction and table of contents, please click here.We added this chapter after reading a recent comment:"Can you/anyone help me to find the best reading on "Building an A-Team"? I have a friend who has a problem relating...

  • Social
    Facebook’s New Events Publisher Demonstrates How Wrong the Site’s New Privacy Strategy Is

    "Dear Grandma, would you like to come out to the bar with my friends and I for a drink tonight?"Your grandmother is on Facebook now and Facebook introduced today a new way to invite all your "friends" on the site to an event. The way the tool works is the...

  • Web
    Pandora Will Live On: Webcasters Finally Reach New Deal with Music Labels

    After years of wrangling and imminent doom constantly hanging over their heads, Pandora and other webcasters like AOL Radio have finally managed to work out a new deal with the music industry that should ensure the survival of their businesses for the next few years. Under this deal, large webcasters...

  • Social
    Facebook’s New Privacy Policies: Live Blogging the Press Call

    Facebook is holding a press webcast and phone call this morning regarding upcoming changes to its privacy policies and features. It's an ongoing story we've been following closely but as we wrote on Monday in our in-depth coverage of changes underway: Given the change underway and the company's move to...

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    Dear CNN, Please Check Twitter for News About Iran

    Note: This post was written at midnight PST last night, at which point was hours behind much of the rest of online media in prioritizing the big news in Iran. The site has since focused on Iran but we believe this post remains relevant in discussing concerns about what...

  • Web
    Hunch Launches Monday – But It Already Knows All About You

    Flickr co-founder, Caterina Fake, has co-founded another startup called Hunch, which helps people make decisions and learns from their responses to questions. When Hunch opens to the public on Monday, more than 40,000 people will have already answered 7 million questions over months of private testing. Hunch thinks it knows...

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    Weezer Endorses Indaba’s Web-Based Music Editor

    Web-based sequencers have never really caught on with professional audio engineers and musicians. Products like Avid Technology's ProTools, Ableton Live and Steinberg Cubase have maintained a stronghold on the audio editing space for decades. This is why it came as a surprise to see Weezer front man Rivers Cuomo endorse...

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    Google Releases Real-Time Gadget APIs

    The Google developer conference has been chock-full of announcements, but one that we are particularly excited about is a "20% time" project from software engineer, Moishe Lettvin. The gadgets.realtime is a Javascript library on top of a collection of APIs based on Google Talk. Right now implementation is limited to...

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    Web 3.0 Might Be Really Stupid

    What are you doing? How about now? Has anything changed since you started reading this blog post? Every story has a who, what, where, when, and why - but the event-driven nature of the social Web may be putting such a premium on broadcasting about what we're doing, that software...

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    Groups: Turn Information Overload Into an Asset

    This post originally ran under the title Groups: The Secret Weapon of the Social Web. Since it's a holiday in the US and things are slow today, we thought readers might appreciate seeing this post again. Today might be a good day for you to take some time to create...

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    Capital Factory: Austin-Based Incubator (RWS Interview)

    We spoke recently with Joshua Baer and Bryan Menell of Capital Factory, a technology incubator/accelerator based in Austin, Texas. Capital Factory puts on an intense 10-week summer program that gives participating startup companies up to $20,000 in cash, more than $20,000 in free services, and mentorship from a group of...

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    Google Offering Training Services for Hyperlocal News in Europe

    What can be done to help professional news organizations survive in this internet era? The New York Times made mention this weekend of a particularly interesting project in the Czech Republic. Google is providing local staff to train reporters in one hyperlocal news network in the use of services like...

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