Results for "mst"

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    More Details Emerge About the iPad’s Connectivity Issues

    According to Dow Jones, some colleges have banned the iPad from their networks. Princeton and Cornell, for example, are seeing major networking and connectivity issues that mirror the problems many users are seeing with their iPads at home. Princeton also decided to share details about the issues it is seeing...

  • Web
    How to Create a Killer Explainer Video for Your Startup

    One of my favorite blogs to peruse now and then for amazing advice on web design is Webdesigner Depot which produces excellent in depth guides for various design related issues. Monday they produced an excellent in depth post that provides a step-by-step breakdown of best practices for creating a screen-cast...

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    What Does Health Care Reform Mean for Startups and VCs?

    In the waning moments of Sunday evening (quite literally the eleventh hour), the U.S. House of Representatives passed was some are calling the most comprehensive changes to the American health care system in over 100 years. The bill passed by a narrow margin of just seven votes, and could be...

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    Cloud Religion: Do’s, Do Not’s, and a Glimpse of Nirvana

    As the cloud is getting more players and interfaces, best and worst practices are emerging. As the market grows and more companies try to plug in, the cloud may benefit from guiding principles. Similar to new technology movements in the past, a natural process is underway to define "what is...

  • Web
    Multi-factor Authentication and the Cloud

    High profile security breaches into cloud-based applications like GMail and Google Apps serve to remind us that when people and companies stores all their information "out there" then security measures are of critical importance.In most cases the security breaches are "front door" attacks where a hacker has exploited a weak...

  • Social
    Tweepi: Twitter Management for the Spreadsheet Afficianado

    If you fully realize the value of social media, then you're constantly trying to parse, scrub, clean and otherwise organize your Twitter account. It's a never-ending battle and often a steep, uphill one at that, but Tweepi can shift your effort into high gear - the geeky way.Tweepi lets you...

  • Web
    How the Real-Time Web Will Impact Social Change

    Earlier this month Amy Sample Ward interviewed ReadWriteWeb's Marshall Kirkpatrick about our report on the real-time Web and how real time impacts the world of nonprofit organizations. Sample Ward helps nonprofits, community groups and those in the social change sector use new technologies, and is the co-author of Social by...

  • Social
    PleaseRobMe and the Dangers of Location-Based Social Networks

    Location-based social networks like Foursquare, Gowalla, Brightkite and Google Buzz are currently among the fastest growing new mobile services. All of these apps have one thing in common: they encourage you to share your current location with the rest of the world. By doing this, though, you are also telling...

  • Mobile
    The Incredible Story of Scott Kveton: Linux, Firefox, Bacon & iPhones

    Geekdom may be a land of big personalities, but some peoples' stories are better known than others. One story you might not know yet is the tale of Scott Kveton's young, unusual, accelerated and admirable career. Not yet 40 years old, Scott Kveton built the organization that houses the Linux...

  • Social
    If Love is About Communication, Why is Facebook Holding Back?

    Facebook this weekend published a special Valentine's day study about romantic relationships and happiness. The company's Data Team sliced and diced the language used in millions of peoples' status messages, then looked at how they varied depending on the relationship status the people listed themselves with. Conclusions? Married people are...

  • Social
    How Google Failed Its Users and Gave Birth to an Internet Meme

    It's not every day you get to watch the birth of an Internet meme, but yesterday, I was there at the moment of conception. I didn't give birth to it but I certainly played a completely inadvertent and circumstantial part. Facebook and AOL had announced their partnership and I decided...

  • Social
    Facebook Wants to Be Your One True Login

    Facebook and AOL announced last night a partnership that will integrate a user's Facebook friends into their AOL Instant Messenger. The announcement came on a day when Google announced its new attempt at capturing your social attention with Google Buzz and Yahoo! reminded us from the outskirts that they've been...

  • Entertainment
    Open or Closed: What’s the Best Path for Mobile Augmented Reality?

    Here at ReadWriteWeb, we've discussed the use of third party APIs when building an integrated online product, highlighting the disadvantages such a decision could entail. One topic on the flip side of that is the question of whether providing an open public API versus a closed private one is in...

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    How Your Term Sheet Affects Your Reputation

    In many cases it's worse to have your investor back out on a term sheet then it is to never be offered one. Before popping the champagne bottles and celebrating what looks like an offer, it's best to remember that VC term sheets are not legally binding. While it's certainly...

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    Google News Adds Personalized Story Tracking

    Want to track a hot story being covered by multiple news outlets? Today Google News added the ability to pin hot stories to a special "starred" page where you can go back and find the latest updates at any time. It's a simple but elegant feature that makes the service...

  • Web
    Weekend Reading: The Dip by Seth Godin

    Quitting is one the easiest things there is to do. When we face a challenge that appears insurmountable, we would sooner give up and try something else rather than push through the pain of that challenge. But the truth is, trying something else is only going to lead towards another...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 23 January 2010

    This week we added six new events to the calendar, including one conference that has a cow in a space helmet for a logo. Seriously.How do you like your ReadWriteWeb events guide? As a world map? As a downloadable iCal (and Google importable) file? You can even import individual events...

  • Social
    The Facebook Privacy Debate: What You Need to Know

    Facebook changed the world by helping 350 million people publish their thoughts, feelings, comments, photos, videos and shared links much more easily than ever before. It's the King of social networking.The network grew with a big promise of privacy at the center of what it offered: your information was by...

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    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 16 January 2010

    January is half over but there's still plenty of events to catch. In the next two weeks, London, San Francisco and Amsterdam will be home to a variety of tech-related seminars and conferences. Keep up to date with ReadWriteWeb's weekly events guide by downloading the entire calendar in iCal format...

  • Web
    MoveIdiot: Use the Web to Manage Your Move, Track Your Stuff

    The Internet is becoming more and more a part of the world around us: our homes, our neighborhoods, our communities.Services such as BuildingBulletin and Neighborgoods allow us to be efficient and productive neighbors and homeowners. A new service we just found takes that one step further, allowing users to put...

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